Lapeer Chapter – Flint River Watershed Coalition

The monthly meeting of the Lapeer Chapter of the Flint River Watershed Coalition took place on June 17. 2009 in the meeting room of the Historic Courthouse in Lapeer. Lapeer Chapter Chairperson, Diane Peplinski, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

Attendance: Diane Peplinski, Ester Fuchs, Sue Lossing, FRWC Chair Jack Minore , Ken Elwert, Carl Haas, Brad Hill, Maureen Shoemaker.

Minutes: No May minutes.


1)Executive Director’s Report:Written report was read individually and points were discussed.

  1. FRWC Flint office moved into new offices. Staff deserved a lot of credit with move. A bit of hardship but all settled in now. Sue Lossing would like photos for walls. If you have some, send to her or put on Flickr website.
  2. Ken Elwert wanted to know if the Lapeer Chapter will be able to post notes on the website. Need canoe information on website. Send notes and events to Sue Lossing for posting.
  3. New website will be discussed at the FRWC meeting in Flint on Friday, June 20th. Website will be designed by UM student who will do it cheaply. The home page will have Lapeer Committee link.
  4. Flint Canoe Paddlers have their own site, and will also have a link.

2)River Cleanup: Peter not at meeting.

  1. John Stahl, State Rep, at Cleanup, was surprisedhow much stuff was taken out.

3)Monitoring: Diane –

  1. Training for monitors – people attend training, but there is no mechanism in place to capture their information to follow up with them to get them to monitor. Needs to be on Website.
  2. Sue Lossing will bring information next time on Green Project, several schools interested, funding is needed.

4)River Obstruction/Habitat: Joe not in attendance

  1. Dave Wolfenden sent email describing his canoe trip on 6/11/08. Diane read aloud.

5)Outreach/Education: Diane, Sue

  1. Sue – Creekfest in Ortonville interesting. Different than what Lapeer would do. Ducks were made and auctioned off. FRWC duck was not the highest bid, but kids loved it.
  2. Board Policy handbook being developed.
  3. MICorp Training.
  4. Diane: LCMCA May meeting went will. The BurlingtonTownship meeting, not so well. Diane asked for suggestions on how to better approach reluctant people. How best to make connection between health and quality of the water. Sue said she will share her notes. Jack said need connection between run-offs (fields or developments) and how it all ends up in the Great Lakes.

6)Holloway Reservoir:

  1. Jack attended meeting. Believes that they have accepted the plan presented. Decent action plan. Jack reasonably pleased – it is as good as it will get.

Other Business:

1)CoffeeTreeCaféBuilding Project on Farmer’s Creek M-24

  1. No further information.

2)Road/Stream Crossing Signs:

  1. Ken hope they will be up by end of summer.

2)Michigan Outdoor Writers Association Award:

  1. Diane – Article in LA View (not quite accurate) but Diane still happy with it, and Flint Journal. She said it was a beautiful trip and honored to accept the award for the Lapeer Chapter.

New Business:


  1. Diane wants business cards and wants Dave Wolfenden to print the card. Support our local businesses.

2)Sue had found a coffee cup someone had left on FRWC table at Wild Lapeer Days. If it is yours, you can claim it from her.

3)RainGardenPresentation – Ester said it was well done and informative. Hosted by Mary Brown.

4)Jack said there are some grants available for “greening” parking lots to stop run-offs.

5)Diane will be chairing the FRWC meeting in Flint on June 20th.

Next Meeting: No July meeting

Adjourn at 8:35pm