Berrien Fire Chief’s Association
Meeting called to order by Chief Richcreek at 0837 hours.
ATTENDANCE: Lamb-NFD, Richcreek-WFD, LaBamBard-911, Agens-911, Secton-911-BTFD, Brovold-NTFD, Stiles-ECFD, Stover-BSOFD, Maynard-SJTFD#1, Corteville-BCEMD, SJTFD#2, Spiegal, NBFRD, Stover-Fire Act, Gowen-BFD, Jesswein-BTFD, Durham-BCTFD, Taylor-NBCFD, Burkett-LTFD, Knuth-BFD, Davidson-CTFD
TREASURER’S REPORT – The treasures report was approved with all in favor at $1082.17. Lamb will send out dues notices for 09 and 10 at the end of the year.
MINUTES – The minutes were approved as e-mailed.
PRESENTATION – A Moment of silence was held in honor of Firefighter Drew Hutchins a long time Watervliet Firefighter who recently passed from a medical issue. It was asked that the membership keep him and his family in their prayers.
911 – Dave reported that the Benton Twp Conversion as well as the New 800 Tower Project are progressing. Dave also discussed the “Initial Dispatch Protocol Matrix that our Dispatchers will soon start using. The Matrix should be reviewed by every department to make sure that everything relating to their agency is correct. The latest copy of the document will be included with this document. Please contact Dave or Roland with any discrepancy. Chief Lamb agreed to forward a copy to Chief Spiegal who is not yet on the mailing list.
DNR – None
Funeral Protocol –.Chief Stover reminded the group that the Funeral Bunting is located at Berrien Springs with the Bibles.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT –. Chris discussed the latest with the H1N1 vaccine.
LEPC – Chris reported on a reduction of 302 sites. With the economy as well as businesses opting for alternate chemical with less reporting requirements are driving this trend. The changes often take a year to show up in the reporting cycle.
BCFFA - None
BCYF –. Chief Stover extended his thanks to all departments that helped him with the Fair.
TRAINING –.Chris reported that there will be a CERT train the trainer coming up in the near future.
MABAS- Larry reported on a new Web Site that will update on MABAS items that was sent out.
Bertrand Twp. Fire and Lincoln Twp Fire have both officially signed on to MABAS and MEMAC. They become the 7th and 8th department in our Division, joining Niles Twp, Eau Claire, Buchanan, Bridgman, Niles, and Chikaming Twp. North Berrien will be voting in the next week and several other departments have expressed interest to join in the upcoming weeks.
Chris asked the Chief’s to touch base with their Public Works departments if applicable as they are adding these groups to the TIC Plan.
The proposed changes to the Chief’s Association Constitution and Bylaws were made and reissues via e-mail prior to the meeting. With no issues being raised a motion was made and seconded to adopt the new document. All voting in favor, motion carried.
NEW BUSINESS-. Chief Stover, Stiles, and Spiegal will look into the chance of a Fire Act Grant to fund a mobile breathing air compressor unit for the county. A foam trailer was also discussed.
Dale reported that Little Squirt is still without a director. We have yet to hear if our Simulcast grant will be successful. Still have 60-90 days for awards. Dale also reported that trucks and SCBA will both see a jump in costs in the next year due in part to governmental required upgrades.
Denny reported on a meeting he had with MDOT. A new wire guardrail system will be in our area soon. Training is available on do’s and don’ts with the system. Additional discussions related to the used of Fire Apparatus to block roads during cold weather emergencies. Chief Burkett added that he had several hundreds of dollars of repairs from last year’s deployments. Chief Davidson is trying to put together a traffic warning trailer for his area that should help to help with the problem. It is each individual department’s policy that govern whether there units are used for primary traffic control. If used discussions relating to incident command of these deployments and who specifically is in charge is also needed. Deputy Corteville will plan a meeting between Police Services, Fire and MDOT.
Chief Brovold reported on a new Cyanide Detector being offered my Argus. There has been a big concern nationally over the risks to firefighters from this deadly gas. It is a product of combustion in average fires and can remain well after extinguishment. This gas may possibly be a causation factor to the excessive amount of heart attacks in the fire service. These specific detectors are available for right around $300 and will help to determine when it is safe to go off air. Chief Lamb will draft a letter to Dr. Staffin and Medical Control will be drafted to alert them of this concern and make sure that they will be ready in the case of an occurrence.
Chief Maynard reported on a new 4 hour railroad engine familiarization program. Chief Gowen will look into hosting in Buchanan.
Chief Richcreek reported that Watervliet has recently taken delivery of a box van that will be used to carry equipment and personnel. The Chief called it a Rescue Transport.
Chief Gowen wanted to thank everyone for all their support as he battled cancer over the past year.
Chief Stiles reminded everyone to take their 800 radios to the 911 Committee meeting.
ELECTIONS – The meeting was turned over to Chief Knuth who served as the nomination committee. Four individuals were nominated for the position of President. It was determined by unanimous vote that the second place vote getter would serve as Vice President. Chief Davidson from Chikaming was the first vote getter and will serve as President of the association in 2010 and Chief Richcreek as the second vote getter will serve in the Vice President Spot. Chief Lamb was the only one nominated for the Secretary Treasurer position with a motion of a unanimous ballet being cast. Elections were closed.
Chief Davidson, President
Chief Richcreek, Vice-President
Chief Lamb, Sec-Tres
Meeting Adjourned 1009 hrs hrs.
Respectfully Submitted,
Larry Lamb