What’s new for DRVS 7.0 (previously referred to as DRVS 6.4)

Important Note:

DRVS 7.0 is designed for PY06 reporting and validation. DRVS 7.0 is NOT for use in completing PY05 data element validation and should NOT be installed on computers housing PY05 DEV results. An upgrade script for completing PY05 data element validation will be forthcoming.

States are advised to use separate computers for PY05 data element validation and PY06 reporting. To prevent states from losing PY05 databases created in DRVS versions 6.2 or 6.3, the installation default for DRVS 7.0 is set to “I DO NOT want to create a DRVS database.” When installing DRVS 7.0 on a new computer, states should create a new database by selecting “I want to create a DRVS database” (see page 19 of the User Handbook). Failure to follow these steps could cause states to lose their PY05 sample and validation results created in version 6.2 or 6.3.

New in WIA 7.0

  • Implements functionality for calculating the PY06 ETA 9091 Annual Report (including Table O results), for performing PY06 Report Validation, and for submitting results to ETA
  • Implements functionality for performing PY06 Data Element Validation and submitting results to ETA
  • Corrects previously reported Literacy-Numeracy calculation issues related to same date post-tests or missing pre-test dates
  • Provides the ability to export the DEV worksheet summary for each funding stream to a .txt file (described on pages 85-86 of the User Handbook). To display in comma-delimited format, open these files through the excel application and select “delimited,” click next, and then select “comma.”
  • Adds lines separating data elements on the printed validation worksheets

Outstanding WIA Issues

  • Reported counts data entry is not available for Youth (14-21) measures. Table H.1 reported counts for Placement, Attainment, and Literacy-Numeracy and Table M reported counts for Total Youth (14-21), Out-of School Youth, and In-School Youth participants and exiters must be imported through the Reported Counts import functionality (see pages 68-69 of the User Handbook).
  • Measures for which a state’s results are 0/0 will trigger EBSS upload errors indicating that “the denominator cannot be equal to zero.” Zero denominator values must be changed to “1” in the upload files or must be data-entered as “1” on the EBSS site.
  • The older youth earnings measure displayed in Table H.2 is incorrectly labeled as “Average Earnings.” This is a labeling error only ─ the values displayed in Table H.2 correctly correspond to the “Six Months Earnings Increase” measure.
  • The “Print All” functionalities for DEV worksheets, RV summaries, and Summary/Analytical Reports are not working properly. Printouts must be generated separately for each funding stream.
  • The “Difference” column on the RV summaries displays as a truncated whole number, but the software correctly calculates the error rates based on the actual decimal value.
  • When the “Export Numerators, Denominators, and Counts” functionality is employed, some of the export files are duplicated. The duplicate sets are identical; either set may be used for analysis of the records included in a particular measure.

For questions regarding WIA, please contact .

New in Wagner-Peyser 7.0

  • Restores functionalities for Report Validation and Data Element Validation
  • For the VETS 200A-C reports, the Employment Retention Rate and Average Earnings calculations have been corrected to include records where the Staff Assisted Service DVOP or LVER is null, but other services DVOP or LVER have dates.
  • For the VETS 200A-C reports, Row 7 (Total Exiters) calculations have been corrected to also include records where all the services DVOP or LVER precede the Exiter cohort.
  • For the 9002E, users can now filter on WIB, Office, Case Manager, User1, and User2 fields. However, the filter calculates only on the RV Summary and not the facsimile.
  • As described above, the DRVS 7.0 installation script has been changed to default to not overwriting current databases (I DO NOT want to create a DRVS database). Most Wagner-Peyser Users will need to select the option of “I want to create a DRVS database,” which was the prior default selection. Users will need to create new databases to ensure all updates in 7.0 are utilized.

Outstanding Wagner-Peyser issues

  • Users cannot use the ampersand (&) character in comments for a DEV sample record. Use of the ampersand in the comments box causes a critical error upon saving the record.

For questions regarding Wagner-Peyser, please contact .