Copies of all pay stubs from all jobs in the last 6 months up to current date. If you are married we need this for your spouse, too, even if the spouse is not filing bankruptcy. KEEP SAVING PAY STUBS UP TO DATE WE FILE CASE.
Copiesof all statements from EACH checking, savings or CD account you have received in the last 6 months—even if the account is now closed.
Bring a copy of all loan papers showing what stands as collateral for this loan &
Copies of TAX RETURNS, State and Federal, for 2008 and 2009 including W2’s and 1099’s
If you are self-employed or own your own business, please bring gross income and expense information for the last 6 months PLUS the previous 2 years.
Copies of records on all income other than from a job (social security, disability, food stamps, child support, KTAP, unemployment, scholarships or grants etc.) this year so far and the previous 2 years
Copies of all TITLES to vehicles, boats, mobile homes, and anything you have that has a title
Copies of all your bills whether you want to keep them or not. DO NOT include monthly utility bills unless you want to wipe out that debt.
Copies of any lawsuits and garnishments where you got sued or where you sued someone else
Copies of Divorce Decree or Property Settlement Agreement if any debts assigned in it have not yet been paid.
Previous addresses for last 3 years/36 months (list including the dates you lived at each address)
Current tax bill for everything you get taxed on, SHOWING ASSESSED value– land, cars, boats, etc.
Copies of the RECORDED Deed and RECORDED Mortgage to all real estate. You may get this at your local County Clerk’s office.
Amount you have in any retirement account, stocks, IRA’s, etc.
Copies of all life insurance policies and current cash value of each.
Amount of child support or alimony you are to pay per month plus arrearage amount and the name and address to whom it is owed
If you support any charities or pay tithes, please list the name, address, and amount you paid each month to each one for the last 12 months.
Have you transferred any property (real estate, vehicles, furniture, buildings, etc.) in the last 2 years? If so, give details – what, how much, date, who purchased, etc.