CEESA/ECIS Literacy Coach Cohort -- Year 2, 4th Meeting
Reconnecting and Extending Ourselves
Date: Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012 Location: Prague, Republic of Czech
Coaches and teacher leaders will:
- Reconnect and share professional successes
- Reflect on recent successes with a collaborative conversation using a protocol
- Collaboratively plan a session of professional learning for the Spring CEESA conference
- Engage in an inquiry study about standards based report cards
Time / What do I want participants to know and be able to do? / Process: How will I get them there? / Resources/Notes
8:30- 8:40 / Know: Schedule and Outcomes for the Day / Welcome Back and Welcome To ISP – Prague
Preview agenda and goals / Cindy Vega or other ISP personnel
Sharing Professional Successes
8:40 – 9:10 / Do: Listen to and reflect on others’ updates on successes / Whip around – Share one thing briefly that is a highlight of your classroom work and/or professional learning work
Reminder of our group norms / Carrie chart responses to use to form groups for success protocol
Group norms placed on each table
9:10 – 10:10 / Know: Sharing and reflecting on our own successes as well
as those of others will guide us in our future
professional work
Do: Share and reflect on our own successes as well as our
peers’ / In triads share professional work through the Success Protocol / Success Protocol
10:10 – 10:15 / Do: Reflect on personal learning / Begin the day’s written reflection sheet / Reflection sheet
10:15 –
10:30 / Break
Collaborative Planning of Professional Work
10:30 –
12:30 / Know: Collaborative planning strengthens our thinking and
understanding for this experience as well as the future
Do: Choose a professional learning experience to develop
with peers and use backwards design to plan / Explain how some may present at the CEESA and some may
to part of our group and/or some other interested professionals
Display the proposed topics and allow participants to choose into
one of them either as a presenter and/or coach
Model the process for planning professional work
Engage in collaborative planning / Planning guidelines
Participants bring own supplies for professional planning
12:30 – 1:15 Lunch
1:15 –
2:15 / Continue collaborative planning
2:15 – 2:25 / Know: Professional reflection is an important ongoing
professional process
Do: Reflect on the collaborative professional planning process / Large group debrief – what worked and what was a struggle
Individual written reflection / Reflection sheet
2:25 – 2:40 / Break
Inquiry Study –Standards Based Report Cards
2:40 – 3:10 / Immersion
Know: Reporting literacy proficiency progress accurately
to parents is important and involves evaluation of
formative and summative assessment.
Inquiry study allows all participants to engage as
curious learners, to build background knowledge in
the topic/issue, and to collaboratively build under-
standing to move forward to develop their own
Do: Read and immerse self in professional literature / Quick write – What do I know about standards based report
What questions do I have about standards based
report cards?
(Warning: report cards are only as valuable as the assessment behind them)
Read (jigsaw distributed) professional articles and book excerpts / Carrie will provide copies of professional articles and book excerpts
3:10 – 3:30 / Close Study – “What do we notice and understand?”
Do: Collaboratively discuss professional reading / Jigsaw the professional reading
3:30 –
3:50 / Close Study – “What do we notice and understand?”
Do: Study and analyze report card samples / Table groups study and analyze report card samples and chart
“What do we notice?” “What do we still wonder?” / Chart paper and markers
Report card samples – Carrie and participants
3:50 –
4:15 / Articulating Our Learning
Do: Collaboratively give specific language to our learning / Large group discussion – “What do we now know and understand
about standards based report cards?” / Chart paper and markers
4:15 –
4:25 / Creating Under the Influence
Do: Begin to create a process to work on report cards in your school and/or a sample to share with your school
based on you school’s standards / Individually begin to map out a process for working on report cards in your school and/or a sample to share with your school / Participants’ individual school standards for one literacy area
© Carrie Ekey, 2012CEESA ECIS Literacy Coach Cohort, Prague Meeting November 14, Page 1