Directions: If you would like to apply for preschool benefits from Head Start and GSRP (Great Start Readiness Program) in our Calhoun County, MI, area, please complete the form below. Your child is worthit!

After completing this form, please mail itto:

Calhoun Area CareerCenter

Attention: GSRP - ChristieCipcic

475 East Roosevelt Ave. Battle Creek, MI49017

Phone:(269) 660-1606 ext.6141



Legal Name (First and Lastname):

DateofBirth://Place of Birth (City,State):

Race/Ethnicity (Check allthatapply):BlackWhiteAsianNativeAmericanPacificIslanderHispanic Other:

FosterChild?YesNoFoster Child for less than6months?YesNo

HomeAddress: City: State ZIP: County: School District youresidein: Are you able toprovidetransportation? Yes No Is your currentaddresstemporary? Yes No

If temporary, where is the childcurrentlyliving?InamotelIna shelterMoving from placetoplaceIn a place not designed for ordinary sleeping accommodations such as a car, park orcampsite

More than one family living in a houseorapartmentOther(explain): Phonenumber:( ) Thisnumberis: HomeNumber CellNumber WorkNumberPhonenumber:( ) Thisnumberis: HomeNumber CellNumber WorkNumberPhonenumber:( ) Thisnumberis: HomeNumber CellNumber WorkNumberE-mailaddress: Alternative contact person (adult) -- This person will be contacted in the event that the parent(s) areunreachable:



Do you requireaninterpreter?YesNo

Parent / GuardianInformation:

Name(s)DateofbirthRelationship toapplicant(Child)Living with thechild?





List all other adults or children in thefamily:

Name(s)DateofbirthRelationship to applicant(Child)




//Does the child you are applying for receive SpecialEducationservices? Yes No Release of Information &Consent:

This is the Community Action Education and Children’s Services Release of Informationregarding

(Child’sname): I, , as parent/guardian, hereby give mypermissionfor Community Action ECS to contact the Calhoun lSD for information regarding my child. I consent to have the Calhoun County ISD share my child’s preschool application with Community Action, Child Care Resources, Great Start Collaborative, local school district and other lSD Birth to 5programs.

Signature of Parent/Guardian:Date://

Income Information: (Please attach proof of income such as)

Does anyone in the family receive Supplemental SecurityIncome(SSI)?YesNo Do you receive DHS Cash Assistance, FIP, DHS Dollars orTANF Money? Yes No

What is the total gross income for your family peryear:$(Put “0” if no income received in past12months.) Number of people in your family who are supported by the parent(s)/ guardians of thechild:


I understand that the completion of this application does not guarantee that my child is qualified or enrolled in any program. I certify that all the information submitted is true and accurate. I understand that if any part this application is false, it may hinder the application process. I also understand that the information submitted will be heldinconfidenceand used to determine eligibility for preschoolonly.

Signature of Parent/Guardian:Date://

Where did you hear about our programs? (Check all thatapply)

NewspaperLocalfreepaperSignatcenterPrevious involvementwithprogramOther agencyorschoolFlyer Doorhanger left atyourhome Poster Website E-mail Word ofMouth Facebook orSocialMediaRadio Television InternetSearch Friend or relative involvedinprogram From Intermediate SchoolDistrict

Other source of information about ourprograms:

Need Help? Call our Help Line at (269) 660-1606 ext. 6141 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday - Friday.


Please answer each question in the right hand column with a yes orno.

Parentsdonotfill outsectionsunder "FOROFFICEUSEONLY11


Childisdiagnosedwith a disability or

has an identified developmental delay

Severe or challenging behavior

Primary home languageotherthanEnglish

Parent/s withlow educational attainment

Abuse/neglect of child orparent


Child is eligible for special education services or child's developmental progress is less then that expected for his/her age or has chronic health issues causing development or learningproblems.

Child has beenexpelled from a preschool or child carecenter

English isnot spokenin child'shome;

English is not the child's firstlanguage.

Parent has not graduated from high schoolorisstruggling withilliteracy.

Domestic,sexual,or physicalabuseofchild orparent;childneglectissues.


DYesDNo-ChildhasactiveIEPandisreceivingspecial educationservices


DYesDNo-Childhashealthissuesthatcouldresultina developmentaldelayorlearningdifficulty.


DYesDNo-Childhasreceivedalowscoreonadevelopmental screening

DYesDNo-Child'sbehaviorhasrepeatedlypreventedhim/her from participating in a group setting (forexample:


DYesDNo-Amentalhealthprofessionalhasreferredchildfor services.

DYesDNo-Yourchildisenteringschoolnotabletospeak Englishandmustlearnthelanguage.


DYesDNo-Oneorbothparentsdidnotgraduatefromhigh school



DYes DNo - Child has been abused or neglected or there has beendomesticorspousalabuseofparentorsibling.

DYesDNo-Therehasbeenabuseofalcohol,prescriptionor non-prescriptiondrugsbyfamilymembersorin



death, divorce, incarceration,militaryservice,orabsence.






DYes DNo -Grandparent raising grandchild



Continuedonnext page I.. 1 ;\ "" 'twt]>

Directions: After completing this form, please mail itto:

Calhoun Area CareerCenter

Attention: GSRP - ChristieCipcic

475 East Roosevelt Ave. Battle Creek, MI49017
