Building a Spatial Database
Use your textbook: GIS Tutorial Advanced Workbook and do the following:
1. Tutorial 1-1: Design the Parcels part of the geodatabase schema
· In this part you will design a spatial database to store and manage data related to parcels (which are polygons). The DB will deal with the properties of these objects in the city of Oleander. You will learn to design the feature classes and their associated tables, domains, and subtypes, and take care of data and referential integrity.
· You first need to design the database using the design worksheets, and later develop it with ArcCatalog
o You can find the worksheets in the DVD of the textbook
o Insert the GIS Tutorial 3 Student Resources DVD in the DVD drive of your computer:
> set up // accept defaults and download to: C:\ESRIPress
o Navigate to: C:\ESRIPress\GIST3\Data\GDB Design Forms
o Open the Excel version of the design forms: GDB Design Forms
o Save (and/or print) them in a directory of your choice.
o You are going to fill them in for each part of this exercise!
o Name the worksheet: GDB Design Forms_tutorial_1_1
o Note: There are 6 pages on the file:
§ GDB feature classes, tables, domains, domains2, subtypes, relationships
o Follow through the chapter and fill in the form
§ See my Powerpoint slides on Parcel Polygons
2. Tutorial 1-2: Design the line and point feature classes to store data for a sewer system.
· You need a clean copy of the GDB Design Forms for this part
· Save the worksheet as: GDB Design Forms_tutorial_1_2
· Follow through the chapter and fill in the form.
o See my Powerpoint slides on Sewer Lines and points
3. Use ArcCatalog to create the geodatabase
· Start ArcCatalog
· Navigate to your data download: C:\ESRIPress\GIST3\Data
· Right click, > New and create a New folder called MyAnswers
· Right click MyAnswer and then > New > File geodatabase
· Call the new file: LandRecords.gdb
- Follow the textbook to make the geodatabase
· See my Powerpoint slides on Build DB with ArcCatalog
After the geodatabase is completed, email it to me with the subject of the email to read:
Exercise_E4_lastname_firstname // Please do not forget to add your name to the file name!