December 9, 2009
3:00 p.m.
President’s Conference Room
- Gary welcomed Brad Brazil, Kathy McLain, Lisa Marchand, Dave Hodapp, Linn Violett, and Ray Mapeso to the meeting.
- Gary reported that a few new folks have expressed interest and are working on course SLO development, including Frank Condon. He is also helping several adjuncts who have been tasked with SLO Development by their department chairs. He reminded the committee that on average we need to put 200 courses with SLOs through the curriculum committee each semester in order to meet the WASC timelines.
- Finalize January Convocation documents: The team edited the material packet cover letter and made minor edits to the other documents, then approved them for dissemination. Kathy indicated that she would edit and adapt the current convocation forms and materials to non-instruction programs. The draft for student services/student support programs will be sent to Juan and Ray for feedback.
- January Convocation Support: The packet of materials approved above will be distributed via both email and hard copy to department chairs prior to the end of the semester. These materials will also be disseminated to the Area deans and administrative assistants with hints on how they can support the assessment dialogues. There will be a flex presentation targeted at the chairs and/or the persons who will be facilitating the dialogues. Kathy will also be disseminating the participants’ agenda and SLO related items from PrOF to the chairs the week prior to convocation.
- January Flex Day Workshop / Discussion Leader Training – Gary shared the workshop description with the committee. Gary will urge all committee members to attend the training so they can feel comfortable assisting folks in their divisions as needed during the dialogues. Kathy will also work with the deans on this.
- Proposed Spring Training Schedule – Gary described the types of events he has scheduled for FLEX and the spring semester. We will have four hands-on course SLO writing workshops and one workshop about how to turn grading into program level assessment. He will also have 6 drop in sessions to advise folks and help them with SLO development and assessment. Most of his scheduled work is during the first half of the semester. He will be doing one on one consulting and follow up with folks during the second half of the semester.
- Future Discussion Items
- Curriculum Role
- LODs / SLO Coordinator Role 2011/-12
- SLO component of PrOF
- course level SLO promotion
- Other – the committee had a general discussion about the fact that we need to keep emphasizing the relevance of SLO development and assessment to teaching and learning and service excellence. We also need to strengthen our linkage with curriculum processes to ensure they are adequately supporting SLO assessment. We also need ensure a strong linkage between SLO assessment and PrOF. Finally, we need to expand the expertise in SLO assessment and provide enhanced training and tools to people to ensure that our assessments are meaningful and helpful.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3 p.m. President Conference Room