3rd quarter 2010-2011 Updated 1/10/11
2010-2011 / Phonics and phonemic Awareness / Word Study 5.01 / Reading DEAR 1.05, 2.05 / Writing1/24-1/28 / LS 14(c g th z) WS 14 (double consonants, adding ed) SP9 / ( Word Family: -eek, eem Cheek peek seek seem deem week Challenge: sleek weekend creek reed esteem redeem
HF www: around bring don’t far
/ 2.02 Read for information
4.04 orally identify, organize and analyze information
Venn Diagram KWL chart
EQ: how do we learn information from our reading? / 4.06 narrative
Prompt- what did you do over your long weekend?
Peer Edit
report cards 2/3 / Continue above lessons / 2.02 Read for information
4.04 orally identify, organize and analyze information
Venn Diagram KWL chart
EQ: How does text structure help us comprehend informational text? / 5.04 modifiers
5.01 spelling in writing: analysis of sounds/patterns
EQ: How do adjectives enhance our writing?
2/10 VIP
2/11 Valentine’s Day/ cards due to Walker / FP SP9
Phonics FP LS 15 (c g th z) WS 15 (adding er, doubling consonants) / Word Family: -eep
–eer sweep deep keep sheep cheer deer steer jeer
Challenge: asleep oversleep sweeper seep veer career reindeer sneer HF www: goes help high jump / 2.02 Use text for a variety of functions:
Read for fun
3.01, 3.03, 3.04 Schematell in own words
Listening, vocabulary etc.
EQ: What is reading for fun? / 4.06Friendly letter
EQ: What do you need to include in your plan to write a friendly letter?
Write a letter to a loved one. Peer edit looking for modifiers
2/14- 2/ 18
2/17 picture day / FP Sp9 Phonics FP SP 12 (ight) WSA 10 (using word parts) / Word Family: -eel -eet
Feel wheel eel steel feet sheet meet Challenge: peel kneel cartwheel street parakeet sleet fleet
HF www: kind leave must near / 2.02 Use text for a variety of functions:
Read for “how to”
Recipe each class write a recipe (P&B, pizza)EQ: How do we read a how to text? / 4.06Main idea and supporting details
EQ: how do details support main idea?
2/24 VIP /
WSA 11(solving words) WM 4 (simple homophones)
/ Word Family: -ood, -ook Wood stood hood good brook shook cookChallenge: childhood neighborhood understood checkbook unhook mistook handbook HF www: never own pretty round / 2.01 Fact and opinion
EQ: what is the difference between a fact and opinion? / 4.08 informative narrative
EQ: What graphic organizer can you use to write to inform?
3/2 DR. SUESS /
WSA 12(letter clusters)WS17 (add ed)
4.02 contractions FP WS 10, 11, 12
/ FP SP10 Word Family:-oom, -oolRoom broom groom doom school stool fool Challenge: classroom mushroom homeroom heirloom toadstool preschool
HF www: steep small stand tall / 2.07 similarities and differences: characters
EQ: How can we find similarities and differences when we read? / 4.07 Revising and Clarifying
EQ: What revising strategies can you use?
3/7-3/11 /
WS 19 (end in y plural)
WM5 (simple homophones)
/ Word Family: -oon, -old spoon moon noon old scold mold gold told Ch: balloon cartoon afternoon unfold untold billfold older ww: such think until walk way / 2.07 similarities and differences: conceptsEQ: How can we find similarities and differences when we read? / 4.06 creative stories (planning what to include)WFB 186, 187
EQ: what do you plan when writing a creative story?
3/14- 3/18
3/17 VIP
ST. Patrick’s Day
3/16-18Math Madness /
WS 19 ( ai ay oa ee ea ow)WM5 (phonograms) / Word Family: -end, -ard Blend spend lend trend hard yard card Challenge: barnyard regard backyard junkyard postcard defend attend pretend WW: games / 2.07 similarities and differences: eventsEQ: How can we find similarities and differences when we read? / 2.01 similes
(Quick as a Cricket)
Prompt: pick a friend and write about them using similes
EQ: how do similes make writing more interesting?
3/21- 3/25
3/24-we set up AR
-Pastries with parents
3/25 AR bazaar
EOQ / LS 17( ai ay oa ee ea ow) WM6 (syllables) / Word Family:-amp –ung champ ramp clamp hung stung flung sung CH: cramp stamp scamp hunger clung sprung swung unsung / 4.05 Discourse
EQ: What are the rule for a successful discussion?
Padaua/ lit. circles / 2.01 idioms (Amelia Bedelia)
Make class book using common idioms (brake a leg, tying the knot)
EQ: how do idioms make writing enjoyable? Books: Sixteen hand horse, A chocolate moose for dinner, The king who rained, Pigeon-toed, Amelia Bedelia
3/30-4/1 NO school. / LS 19( mp nd nk nt) WM23 (plurals for words ending in f) / / Assessments / Assessments
3rd quarter 2010-2011
2010-2011 / Math / Science / Social Studies1/24-1/28
Fact family 6/7
Topic 12 / 1.02 Fractions
whole part fraction
EQ:What are fractions and how do they work?
ASS: Half of six parts, 2 of a set of six is what fraction, two different ways to show equal parts, combining left over parts of a cake, dividing a set of 18 into 3 equal parts / February:
3.05 historical figures and events
3.06 Diverse cultures and contributions to society
4.03 page 77 people make a difference
4.01 page 91-94 compare past and present
Black History Month
Ruby Bridges, Rosa Parks, MLK Jr., George Washington Carver, Harriett Tubman, Garrett Morgan, Jackie Robinson5.06 (When GWC planted peanuts to enrich soil that had been depleted by cotton so south had money crop)
EQ: How has historical figures and cultural dfferents changed our country?
Fact family 8/9
Topic 12 / 1.02 Fractions
half fourth thirds
Topic 15 and 5 / 2.02, time 1.01, 1.03 money
Great money website:
hour minute second penny nickel dime quarter
EQ: How do I use skip counting to tell time and count money?
ASS: comparing / matching different coins of equal value, draw hands on clock and tell time to 5min.
2/14- 2/ 18
Topic 6, 8, 9, 18 / 1.03 addition and subtraction with regrouping
EQ: How do I use what I know about # to + and – 3 digit #?
ASS: word problems w/ regroup item 7,16 on test + and -, puzzle
tens ones trade regroup
Topic 10 / 1.01, 1.04, 1.05 problem solving modeling
EQ: How do I use models to solve problems?
ASS: How many tens in 436, stamp book 9 pages how many stamps, 16marbles gave away 4 put in groups of two. How many groups of 2?,
Topic 10 and 18-2 and 18-6 / 1.04, 1.05 problem solving estimate
EQ: How do I use models to solve problems?
ASS: estimate space
estimate /
4.01-4.04- Describe how sounds are made
- Changing frequency and vibration rate
- How a human ear detects sound
- Demonstrate how sound is produced
- Musical instruments and sound differences
Sound, Pitch, Volume
Vibration, Vocal cords, Outer ear, Ear canal ,Ear drum, Anvil, Stirrup
Hammer, Inner ear, Auditory nerve
EQ: What is sound and how can it be altered (frequency and Pitch)? / March:5.04 Identify the absolute and relative location of communities
EQ: Where in the world are you?
5.06 people, vegetation, and animal life in certain regions (Horizons Book pgs. 120-121)
EQ: What makes up our environment?
5.01 Define landforms, waterHorizons book pgs. 114-115 mountain valley
5.05 How to interpret maps
EQ: How do we use maps?
EQ: What are the importances of different landforms?SS Book
p.119-124 our land and water
p.125-133 regions of NC
paper bag activity with landforms
3/7- 3/11 / 4.01 Venn diagram: attributes
attribute only both
3/14- 3/18
Topic 16-2 make copies
Topic 17-5 Number patterns / 4.01 pictographs
5.01 patterns
EQ: how do you use a 3 circle Venn diagram to compare and contrast data?
ASS:3 circle Venn diagram, repeating shapes pattern, skip count by 4, symbol=10, show half symbol
Review and EOQ assessment
ASS: number flags with regrouping, # words # after the word, Broken 100’s board
Great money website:
3/21- 3/25 / ASSESSMENTS !!!
Spring Break 3/28- 4/1
3/28 and 3/29 Workdays
Imagine It
2010-11 / Reading / Phonics / Writing / Story1/24-1/28 / Review skills and Strategies
EQ: What strategies do good readers use? / 1.01 Phonics Fluency
Long i / 4.07 writing process
4.06 planning
Timed writing / Unit 3 Lesson 1 Red Light, Green Light, Mama and Me
report cards 2/3 / 3.02Connections
2.01Asking questions
4.07 Clarifying
EQ: How does asking questions help you interpret text? / 1.01 Phonics
Long o / 4.07 writing process
4.06 planning
Timed writing / Unit 3 Lesson 2
In the Money
2/10 VIP
2/11 Valentine’s Day/ cards due to Walker / 3.02Connections
2.01Asking questions
4.07 Clarifying
EQ: How does asking questions help you interpret text? / 1.01 Phonics Fluency
Review Long i, and o / 4.07 writing process
4.06 planning
Explain a process
Ex. Recipe / Unit 3 Lesson 3
Jalapeno Bagels
2/14- 2/ 18
2/17 picture day / 2.05Summarizing
2.01 Asking questions
2.05Adjusting reading speed
EQ: How does summarizing help you interpret text? / 1.01 Phonics Fluency
Long U / 4.07 writing process
4.06 planning
Summarizing / Unit 3 Lesson 4
Out and About at City Hall
2/24 VIP / 2.04 Predictions
3.02 Connections
2.05 Adjusting Reading speed.
EQ: How does predicting help you interpret text? / 1.01 Phonics Fluency
Open and Closed Syllables
Long U / 4.07 writing process
4.06 planning
Persuasive Writing / Unit 3 lesson 5
Grandpa’s Corner Store
3/2 DR. SUESS / 2.04 Predictions
3.02 Connections
2.05 Adjusting Reading speed.
EQ: How does predicting help you interpret text?
Benchmark 4 p.45-59 / 1.01 Phonics Fluency
Open and Closed Syllables
Long U / 4.07 writing process
4.06 planning
Persuasive Writing
Day 8 (writing ass.)
Lesson Assessment
p. 125-126 / Unit 3 lesson 5 (continued)
How I get to School, Supermarket, Library
3/7-3/11 / 2.01 Asking questions/Answering questions
3.02 Connections
EQ: How does Asking questions help you interpret the text? / 1.02 Phonics Fluency
Review oo, / 4.07 writing process
4.06 planning
Explain a process / Unit 4 Lesson 1
Animals in Camouflage
3/14- 3/18
3/17 VIP
ST. Patrick’s Day
3/16-18Math Madness / 2.01 Asking questions/Answering questions
2.05 Adjusting Reading speed
2.04Predicting/ Confirming predictions
EQ: How can making predicting help you interpret the text? / 1.01 Phonics Fluency
Review oo / 4.07 writing process
4.06 planning
Persuasive Writing / Unit 4 lesson 2
Hungry Little Hare
3/21- 3/25
3/24-we set up AR
-Pastries with parents
3/25 AR bazaar
EOQ / 4.07Clarifying
3.02 Connections
EQ: How can summarizing help us interpret text? / 1.01 Phonics Fluency
Review oo / 4.07 writing process
4.06 planning
Fiction Book Report / Unit 4 lesson 3
How to hide an Octopus and other Sea Creatures