BodyEvolver Mentorship for Personal Trainers:
Training referrals is the best way to build your training business.
We will train you how to get maximal results from your clients resulting in more referrals for you.
Training trainers how to train for health and body transformation. This is for the personal trainer who wants to build a career around personal training, who is interested in helping change lives, have tremendous impact on their clients while making a very comfortable living.
Learn tips and tricks.
This service is in conjunction with using BodyEvolver as a tools to drive the results you get.
This training focuses on the actual training process and how to train the client for maximal result. How to exercise program, motivate, inspire and change lives forever. You will become BodyEvolver certified and know how to build your business, organize itand sell training.
Give back to other fitness minded passionate professionals want to get to next level is business and life. Mastermind Institute. Teleseminars. Surround yourself around great people. Bigger the dream, the bigger the team. Grow that team, otherwise you are on an Island. Business and personal development
BodyEvolver allows you to WORK ON YOUR BUSINESS and I will teach you exactly how to do that when you are a member of this exclusive service built specifically for trainers who are serious about having positive impact on others.
We will have monthly calls to dial in and home what it is you are doing with your clients.
Take action with your business.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. We must step out of our comfort zone in order to grow.
BodyEvolver/Mike D’Angelo Training rates:Transformational training rates for individuals and private training 1 on 1: Interview and approval needed.
Serious inquires only:
Initial consultation2 hours $300
Single training sessions bought individually $200
10 pack of training sessions $1,500
3 month make-over 2 times a week for 12 weeks. 24 sessions $3,000
This service comes with all the e-mailing and texting support you need, in fact it is required.
Training Club Pricing for trainers and clients: Monthly automatic billing:
Client focused – Result Driven: Just what you were looking for the keep you on the straight and narrow!!
Training, advice, guidance, structure, action and accountability MONTHLY!
Improve your health and wellness with a dependable source.
This is a unique service that offers the ultimate in short and long term accountability for your health and wellbeing. Joining as a member for $125 per month and enjoy the many benefits membership offers:
- A one hour training session every month
- Unlimited additional sessions for only $125 each
- Gift certificates for guests at the membership price of $125
- Give a friend or family member the right to use your training session on any given month
- Unused sessions on any given month will carry over to the next month
- No limit to the number of sessions that can be carried over
- Refer a friend that signs up for membership and receive a one month membership for free
If you join for a year up front, receive the first two months complimentary. Join today and start benefiting from this truly unique service.
Simple Policy:
My policy is and always has been to “Work myself out of a job.”
Meaning: Provide you with everything you need including a better understand of things so that you no longer need my services
This Training Model works best for both of US!
- You make profound change quickly, easily and efficiently and get amazing results. And then you are done with me. Unless of course you want to continue, but my goal is to get you there ASAP.
- It leads to referral based business for me. Let’s face it, if you get amazing results you become a walking billboard for what we did together and it could very well lead to referral based training for me. Which allows me to have impact on more people and build my Personal training practice.
Add PRESS to site: Add in Published Articles: Club Industry, Club Solutions, blah blah
Videos of Sarah and any others, Radio interview that posted on YouTube
A lot of it is on the current BodyEvolver site under press.