Literacy Planning
Esperanza Risingby Pam Munoz Ryan–6 Weeks
Concept Question: Can people truly change? How?
Week 1 – 2/13 – 2/17
Genre: Historical Fiction
Vocabulary strategy: Context Clues
Comprehension Strategies: Characters’ Perspectives, Making Inferences, Cause and Effect, Drawing Conclusions, Using Evidence, Making Predictions.
2/13 –YWBAT listen for and identify the relevant evidence in the arguments of your peers.
- Library 8-8:45
- Warm up: What are the parts of a letter? An envelope? Write a letter or postcard to someone in this school (student or staff). Make sure you have all of the parts!
- Preview, Esperanza Rising
- Front cover, summary, concept question
- Why do you think Esperanza and Mama will have to leave Mexico?
- Look at the chapter names. What do you notice about them?
- Frontload vocabulary
2/14 - YWBAT draw inferences and support thoughts by analyzing photographs and their captions.
YWBAT articulate your analysis in a clear and concise manner.
YWBAT identify and explain the components of the genre: historical fiction.
YWBAT develop an idea of the novel’s theme(s) by building your background knowledge of the 1930’s.
- Warm up: write a letter to your reading buddy and to a person of your choice.
- Gallery Walk
- Reflection/discussion
- Historical Fiction reading and questions
- Historical Context: When where the 1930’s?
- Author Biography
- Comprehension questions
2/15 – YWBAT use appropriate inflection and context when speaking in Spanish.
YWBAT build a deeper understanding of vocabulary words by participating in Vocabulary Dice.
YWBAT provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgements.
- Warm up: look over the Spanish words list, practice saying them out loud with a partner
- Write a letter to your Spanish teacher, use as much Spanish as possible. Then, write a letter to a different teacher or TA.
- Read: Prologue
- Vocabulary chart
- Note taking and summarizing chart example
- Read, “Las Uvas” as a class
- Vocabulary chart
- Fill out chapter outline (p. 34)
- Fill out summary chart
2/16– YWBAT demonstrate your understanding of figurative language by identifying the use of personification in the
YWBAT provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgements.
- Warm up: Write two letters to two different people that may not receive many letters. They cannot be in this class.
- Complete the Personification page
- Discuss
- Read, “Las Papayas” as a class
- Fill out personification chart in pairs
- Fill out summary chart as a class
- Reading buddies
10/23 – YWBAT Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly.
- Warm up: write a thank-you letter or postcard to our custodian, Obed. Use as much Spanish as possible!
- “Las Papayas” comprehension questions 1, 3, 7-8
- Discuss
- Comprehension Quiz 1
- Spelling/vocab test
- Book club
Week 1 spelling and vocabulary list: we will study the words throughout the week and have a test on Friday.
For use from 2/13 to 2/17
Word: / Page / Definition:prejudice / n/a / n. preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience
antagonist / n/a / n. a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something
arbors / 1 / n. a shelter of vines or branches; similar to lattice
scythe / 4 / n. a tool used for mowing; a long curving blade fastened at an angle to a long handle
congregate / 9 / v. to assemble or gather
capricious / 13 / adj. impulsive, unpredictable
propriety / 13 / n. state of being proper
anguish / 23 / n. anxiety or sorrow
condolences / 26 / n. expressions of sympathy
cordial / 26 / adj. warm and friendly
encroaching / 29 / v. gradually advancing beyond proper limits
reputation / 31 / n. quality or character as seen or judged by people in general
vultures / 32 / n. predatory persons
pretentious / 33 / adj. showing exaggerated importance or worth