Summary of The Citadel Board of Visitors’ meeting
20 November 2004
Following is an unofficial summary of The Citadel Board of Visitors meeting prepared because of the Board’s interest in providing more timely information about Board actions to The Citadel family. The minutes will continue to be the official record of The Citadel Board of Visitors meetings. Minutes of the 20 November meeting will be released after they have been approved by the board at its next meeting on 5 February 2005.
Corps Attendance at Home Football Games
The Board of Visitors passed a resolution that The Corps be present and in uniform at all Citadel home football games in the future. The resolution passed unanimously.
Law Barracks Update
The Board of Visitors approved the awarding of a contract for the construction of Law Barracks to low bidder Ellis Don Construction at a cost of $18,478,000. According to Vice President for Facilities and Engineering Col. Don Tomasik, the price includes demolition but does not include asbestos abatement. If the state grants necessary approvals in December, work should begin in January on asbestos abatement.
Col. Tomasik predicted that demolition would take place in late spring and construction would begin next summer. According to the current schedule, the new Law Barracks should be ready to house cadets by January of 2007.
Energy Performance Contract
The Board of Visitors approved a selection committee to evaluate the award of an energy performance contract as a way of paying for critical maintenance and repair requirements through energy cost savings. Members of the committee include Col. Harvey Dick from The Citadel Board of Visitors; Col. Don Tomasik, VP for Facilities & Engineering; Col. Curt Holland, VP for Finance & Business Affairs; Jim Fitzgerald, Director of The Citadel Physical Plant; Walter Hardin, Associate VP for Facilities Management from Winthrop College; John Gardner, The Citadel Resident Architect; and LTC Ralph Earhart, The Citadel Director of Financial Services. Nick Amati, The Citadel Resident Engineer, will serve as a non-voting member and recorder. A representative from the Office of the State Engineer will serve as the non-voting chair.
Self Study Issues
Board Chairman Col. Billy Jenkinson appointed a committee composed of Col. Glen Addison, Col. Jack Douglas and chaired by Col. Allison D. Love to develop specific recommendations to help board members complete a self-evaluation of their performance. The self-evaluation is part of an ongoing self-study process the board began when Col. Jenkinson became chairman.
The board also discussed setting up a website to post information which could serve as a reference point for board members.
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