IBRAF 2017
23 February 2017, Bandung, Jawa Barat, INDONESIA
The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Broadcasting Regulatory Authorities Forum was held in Bandung, Indonesia on 21-23 February 2017.
The representatives of the Broadcasting Regulatory Authorities of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) participated to the Meeting.
The OIC participants were welcomed by Dr Yuliandre DARWIS, the President of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI). He emphasized in his opening speech the importance of cooperation to achieve harmony in the media field in Islamic Countries and wished the participants a fruitful work. Dr DARWISstated that they organized the event to share the experience of the country with other participants from OIC Members.
Assoc. Prof Hamit ERSOY, Member of the Radio and Television Supreme Council of the Republic of Turkey and Secretary General of IBRAF, welcomed all participants and thanked KPI for the excellent organization of the event and to OIC General Secretariat for their generosity to host the Fourth Annual meeting of the IBRAF. He addressed the participants and presented brief information on the activities of the IBRAF in order to ensure cooperation at regional and international levels. He underlined the importance of the broadcasting area and the adoption of common standards in order to facilitate cooperation and cordial relations between societies of Muslim world.
The Meeting was chaired by Dr. DARWIS and Dr. ERSOY.
The draft agenda of the Meeting was discussed and adopted. The agenda, as adopted, is attached as Annex I.
The representatives of the Member States made their presentations, provided information and exchanged views with regard to the progress and objectives achieved in broadcasting sector in their countries covering information on national media landscape, position of broadcasting regulator or governmental body with similar functions, broadcasting legislation and digitalization process etc.
The Union of the Comoros and Somalia voiced their intention to the IBRAF Permanent Secretariat to become member of the IBRAF and their membership was duly voted and accepted by all participating members unanimously.
Dr Amina Lemrini ELOUAHABI, Chair of HACA Morocco, made a keynote speech about media literacy. The detailed consideration was given to the national regulations and applications on media literacy in Member States. The presentations on media literacy will be submitted to the IBRAF PS to be placed on its website for benefit of all members.
Based on the decisions taken by the recent OIC Islamic Conference of Information Ministers (ICIM) in Jeddah on 19-22 December 2016, IBRAF has been authorized to function as OIC Audio-visual Media Observatory to generate a database for televisions and radios operating in all OIC member states and observers, which will become available on the official website of IBRAF ( Therefore, a list of televisions and radios from all OIC member states and observers will be compiled in order to prepare grounds and infrastructure for and facilitate cooperation among broadcasters in the field of audio-visual media services. The table of national televisions and radios indicating their medium of broadcast such as terrestrial, satellite and cable-IPTV, theme of broadcast whether they are general or thematic (news, religion, children, sports, music, cinema-serials and teleshopping) and their status whether they are public broadcaster or private/commercial one. All members, except who have already shared, are invited once again to prepare and communicate the said lists with the IBRAF PS.
At the same meeting of ICIM, as IBRAF was also invited by Resolution No 12/11 INF on the Role of Information in Combatting Terrorism to prepare “a code of conduct including legislations and legal procedures for the media to encounter terrorism”, the “Bandung Declaration on the Role of Media in Promoting Tolerance and Combatting Terrorism and Islamophobia” will be assumed adopted if objections have not been received by 1 May 2017.
The presentations and the relevant data will be available at the website Dr. ERSOY announced that all countries can provide their presentations in their national languages to be presented on the IBRAF website if needed.
Dr. Hamit ERSOY recalled the IBRAF Charter’s related article on the Chairmanship that the Chairmanship shall rotate bi-annually. He confirmed the importance of communication through IBRAF website and of common standards in IBRAF.
The delegations expressed their sincere gratitude to the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) for the hospitality extended and the excellent arrangements of the Meeting.
The presidency of Dr. DARWIS was extended for one more year as the president of IBRAF by unanimity.
The participants of the Meeting adopted the present Report.
Bandung on 23 February 2017