Moderator Rev John Collard constituted the meeting with reflection and a prayer. The following elders attended.
Lewis Adamson Helen Brown Angela Brynes Ronnie Craig
Liz Ferguson Tom Gardner David Gilchrist David Grant
Diane Gray Derek Henderson Alex Mackie Pat McEwan
Joan Murfitt Ian Murfitt John Quipp Robbie Robertson
David Smith Jeff Wight
Apologies were received from John Danskin,Jenny Dyer, Agnes Mackie, Lynn McEwenand Ian Wilson.
The minutes of meeting on 1st October were approved, moved by Alex Mackie seconded by Derek Henderson.
(a) The matter of Ransom Strip at side of property has been dropped as Planning Approval will not be given by the Council.
(b)Manse Provision. The property at 48, Gleneagles Court, Whitburn has been bought for the sum of £260,000 with entry date of 14/12/2012, as the new manse, subject to Missives being signed. It has been agreed that the Trustees at 121 George Street will have 80% Equity in property and that the Session agreed to buy into this equity as it has the money.
The sum of £800 was raised for the Foodbank in Whitburn.
Ian Murfitt reported that we are just meeting our target budget figures with little money to spare. We still have 2 Payments to Ministries and Mission to make which amounts to £9964 and this month £2780 has been added to the Manse and Sanctuary Fund. John Quipp has raised £1200 from his sponsored walk and was thanked for his great effort.
Pastoral Care
Helen Brown reported that the Pastoral Care Team are having a Lunch on 8th November at 12pm.and that things were progressing as normal.
The Moderator reported on the Enquirers Group that has been meeting regularly and the possibility that there will be some people joining on 2nd December during Communion Service. The names of the people are:
Thomas McFadyen, 57 Norwood Ave, Whitburn, EH47 8HG
Lesley and Philip Mellor, 77 Badger Park, Broxburn, EH52 5GY
Robert Paterson, 39 Dean St, Whitburn, EH47 0EA
Elizabeth Bell, 16 Wood Drive, Whitburn, EH47 0ND
Sheryl Heggie, 16 Loch Maree Way, Whitburn, EH47 0RW
Morag Hearty, 22 Bog Road, Whitburn, EH47 0EF
Nancy McLean and Jack McLeish who have been part of the group and are already church members will be standing with the group to reaffirm their vows.
Hall Lets
Slimming World will be taking up Let from 28th November from 4-15pm until 9pm.This will be every week which will bring a significant sum over the year. The guides will be having Coffee Morning on 1st December and Brownies will be having Panto in Church on 10th December.
The Moderator gave a short report on the Buildings Progress. We have been informed that VAT on professional Fees, is no longer eligible for recovery under the Listed Places of Worship scheme. This means that £13,133 we had hoped would come from this source will need to found elsewhere – either by raising our Fundraising Target or approaching other Trusts and Funds for more help. So far 80 different trusts have been approached for help; 52 have not replied, 16 have declined, 11 are considering our application (in most cases awaiting the outcome of the HS/HLF application) and 2 have made awards worth a total of £1200.
Sale of the site of the former Manse is progressing. A design statement has been drawn up by Derek Blair and Derek Henderson and sent to the Planning Department at the Council. The Law Department at 121 will handle the Marketing of the sale of the land and will take a commission of 1% of the sale price for carrying out the work involved.
The Christmas Bulletin is in preparation stage and it will be going out to whole of Parish. It was agreed to purchase a Banner to put up on wall outside Church to promote Christmas Eve Candlelit Service which will be at 8pm. After discussion it was also agreed that there would not be a Christmas Day service this year.
Discussion took place about Carol Singing at the cross on the weekend before Christmas. There was little active support for the idea and it was decided not to pursue it.
There will be A Silent Auction on 10th November during the Fairtrade Coffee Morning in our Church Halls. The last Soup Sensation will be this month and restart again in February along with other Fundraising projects. The Committee was thrilled and delighted with £602 raised at the Showcase Performance in School. Christmas Carol Service at Cross was discussed and it was decided not to progress this matter.
Presbytery No report.
Organisation Visits
Cosy Cafe .The numbers has been increasing slowly and at present there are nearly 200 children coming through doors every week for the free hot chocolate. The group runs on donations which are generously given from church members. We give children a safe environment and though this may be their only experience of church they enjoy talking to our volunteers. With Christmas coming up we will hand out 200 bags of sweets with a bible message inside. The café will finish on 12th December and restart on 9th January.
Brucefield Rainbows. The Rainbows are run by Cathie Farren and Alison Watson and they have 16 girls who attend every Monday. On 24th February there will be a Thinking Day Service which will be during morning worship. The Rainbows will be attending the Youth Organisations Service which will take place on 19th May next year.
Brucefield Guides. The Guides are run by Susan Waugh and are having a fundraising Coffee morning on 1st December to raise funds for their weekend trip to Fordell Firs in February. On 24th November the Guides will be assisting Soroptomists to plant 420 saplings in Blaeberry Hill Park as part of Woodland Trust Initiative.
Toddlers Group. The group meets every Tuesday morning and there are 40 members on the books and have 10 on waiting list. The age group is 2 and under. The Christmas Lunch will be on 11th December in Church Halls and Santa will be in Attendance.
Alcohols Anonymous. At present there are between 20-30 people who attend this meeting on a weekly basis. It has been 35 years since the first meeting of this group in our church halls which is something of a record.
1. A Certificate of Transfer for Mr Joe Stewart, Whitdale House, has been received from South Church, Whitburn andaccepted by this Session.
2. A letter was received from Stichill Parish Church regarding Margaret and Jim Cochrane who wish to join their church, no recent record could be found so Session Clerk to write Stichill Church with this information.
3. A letter was received from Whitburn Covenanters District 60 requesting use of Brucefield Church on 12th May 2013 for their Annual Church Service. This was agreed by Kirk Session. Session Clerk to write and confirm details.
4 Monthly Newsletter from Safeguarding team was circulated for session members to read.
1.Projector Screen –The minister asked if projector screen from top hall could be used in place of sheet in the church for presentations during service. This was agreed. 2. The Session Clerk gave notice of a conference he would be attending over the weekend of 25th-27th January 2013. The cost of which is £120. It was agreed that this could be paid for from the Bequest fund. 3. The Minister asked about Session Meeting in January and it was agreed to hold this as normal on 7th January. 4. Helen Brown gave a short talk on meeting by Trussell Trust who are organising the Foodbank based in Whitburn. There is already 200 tons of food stored for distribution to the West Lothian area. People must be referred by Healthcare Professionals to obtain vouchers for this distribution of food. The Church cannot issue vouchers but can pass names of correct people to contact. As usual volunteers to assist with this project are required.
3rd December 2012.
The meeting ended with the Benediction.