Members of the public and press are welcome to attend the following meeting (Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960 Section 1& LGC 1972 S.100) unless precluded by the Parish Council by resolution during the whole or part of the proceedings. (S.O 3d). They may address the parish council on any matter of council business during the time allotted at the beginning of the meeting for public participation.

Anyone wishing to speak must give prior notice with name and address to the Clerk before the meeting starts.

No member of the public or press shall speak for more than 5 minutes unless the Chairman so declares and the total time for public participation is 20 minutes. (S.O. 3f & g). There is no entitlement to speak at any other time during the meeting.

An issue raised shall not require a response at the meeting nor start a debate. The Chairman may direct that an oral or written response be given (S.O. 3h) or that a note be made for later action.

A record of public participation may be included in the Minutes and if any actions are required they will be reported on at the next meeting.

Tuesday 28th March 2017

You are invited to the MEETING of OLD MARSTON PARISH COUNCIL to be held at 7:30pm on Monday 3th April 2017 in the MORTIMER HALL, Oxford Road, Old Marston, Oxford OX3 0PH when the following business will be transacted.

Yours faithfully

Tim Cann.

Parish Clerk

Councillors are requested to declare any prejudicial interest they have in any of the items.

Requests from members of the public to speak: Please note you are required to complete a brief slip and return to the Clerk prior to speaking and no member of the public or press shall speak for more than 5 minutes unless the Chairman so declares and the total time for public participation is 20 minutes.


1.  Request if anyone is intending to record the proceeds of the meeting, if so has any member of the public any objections in being included.

2.  Apologies for absence and approval of Council

3.  Public, County & City Councillors & Thames Valley Police participation (if any requests received)

a.  Public

b.  County & City Councillors Report(s)

c.  Thames Valley Police Update:

4.  Approval of the Minutes of the meeting on the 6th March 2017

5.  Matters arising omitting those for which an agenda heading follows

6.  Planning

Applications to be decided:- 17/00679/FUL – Land to rear of 44 Mortimer Drive – Erection of a two storey building to create 1 x 1 bed flat (Use Class C3) 17/00720/FUL – 99 Oxford Road – Erection of a single storey side extension

Applications considered between meetings:- NONE


16/03108/RES – Jack Russell, 21 Salford Road – APPROVED

17/00080/FUL – 44 Mortimer Drive – REFUSED

16/03274/FUL – Colthorn Farm – APPROVED

17/00063/FUL – 1 Mortimer Drive – APPROVED

17/00095/FUL – 17 Raymund Road – APPROVED

17/00021/FUL – 38 Oxford Road – APPROVED

17/00125/FUL – 7 Elsfield Road – APPROVED

17/00165/FUL – 19 Arlington Drive - APPROVED

Awaiting Decisions:

16/03116/FUL – Victoria Arms, Mill Lane

17/00266/FUL – 10 Dents Close

17/00281/FUL – 21 Haynes Road

17/00352/FUL – 16 Fairfax Avenue

17/00282/FUL – 7 Raymund Road

17/00355/FUL – 4 Cavendish Drive

17/00234/FUL – 55 Rippington Drive

17/00393/FUL – Marston Vicarage, Elsfield Road

17/00489/FUL – 4 Rimmer Close

HMO (use class C4) (retrospective)HMO (use class C4) (retrospective)

7.  Recreation Grounds & Cemetery

a.  Confirmation that the weekly Safety checks on play equipment have been carried out and any faults reported.


8.  Boults Lane Development :

a.  Work has started; a large delivery of concrete rings for the foundation, holes dug and the rings installed. Today, 27th March, the concrete will arrive to fill the rings for the pillars to stand on. There is an additional fee for Building Control which has now been paid and the Building Regulator has visited the site and is happy with everything so far.

b.  Confirmation from Council for the March storage charge.

c.  Boults Lane Security when the new building returns the Council are responsible for its security. We have therefore obtained two quotes

a)  Quote 1: Approximate costs for two lamp posts on diagonal corners of new pavilion area with four LED PIR indicator lights, four dome CCTV camera, anti-climb bars & one speaker to warn potential intruders. CCTV to be monitored 24hrs, 7 days a week £7890.00 + VAT

b)  Quote 2: Two lamp posts & lighting, lighting up the area on a dusk to dawn, supplied & installed £3,995.00 + VAT

c)  Quote Three: 100watt LED flood light fitting, to be mounted on metal unistrut at a approximate height of 3.50m, metal lockable weatherproof mini cabinet c/w timer unit to control the LED flood light, SWA (Steel Wired Armoured) cable from the cabinet to the LED light fitting. Supply, install and certificate the above work £560.00 +VAT

9.  Finance

a.  Bank balance as at 27/03/2017 –

Current Account £22,840.02 (including £6,057.73 CIL money) Business Reserve Account £3,745.51 Petty Cash £103.50

Newbury Building Society Account £206,961.14

The following accounts to be paid: £

Incl. VAT

Clerks Pay Including Expenses, Pension, Tax & NI, etc. – March 2017

OALC (2017/18 membership) 617.59

Oxford City Council (Building Control) 709.00

ExpressRelocation (March storage of building) 1560.00

Oxford City Council (Rates for Cemetery) 75.16

CommunityFirst Oxfordshire (2017 Membership) 70.00

Caste Water (Cemetery Water Gharge) 8.40

Computer Assistance (Repair to Clerk’s Laptop) 78.00

Oxford Greenbelt Network (2017 Membership) 15.00

Getonline Ltd (Renewal of Clerk’s email domain) 31.20

TOTAL £4,453.52

Petty Cash Expenditure:-

John Batey (Chairman paper & folder) 11.49

Keypit (Spare Key cut to filling cabinet) 4.00

TOTAL £15.49


TOTAL £0.00

10. Swan School Update

11. Unitary Council

12. Underpass

13. Business Contingency Plan

14. Web Site, Facebook and other social media

15. Information sharing (including correspondence)

Rural Services Network Digest etc,

Email from Oxford City Council regarding Unitary Council,

Oxford City Council informing the green waste sags have increased to £84 per roll of 50,

There is a public meeting regarding Marston medical Centre at the United Reform Church, Marston Road, 5pm on Thursday 30th March,

OALC notification re Rural Oxfordshire Network launch event 5th April,

Email from Oxford City Council regarding bollard along Marston Ferry Road,

Email from Paul Solman Chief Executive Oxford City Council re him leaving,

16. Plus anything of an urgent nature which has comes to the Clerk’s attention since the agenda was set.

17. Confidential Matters (Public & the Media will be asked to leave)

a)  Minutes from the Staffing & Standards Committee meeting held on the 27th March 2017.

18. Date of next meeting : -

Annual Parish Meeting Monday 8th May 2017 in Mortimer Hall at 7:00pm followed by the Annual Parish Council meeting starting at 7:30pm.