Introduction to Entrepreneurship

2016 - 2017

Course Syllabus


Mr. Mike Gregory


Mailing AddresssOwosso High School

765 E. North Street

Owosso, MI 48867

Telephone NumberMr. Mike Gregory989.729.5559

Webpage (Owosso Public Schools)


Students will be given challenging, real-world projects and assignments typical of the business field. High quality work is expected from students, and their work must meet the standards specified in the curriculum. Classroom activities will include reading, writing, researching, problem-solving, presenting, and completing projects.


International Baccalaureate (IB) offers high quality programs of international education to a worldwide community of schools. There are more than 700,000 IB students in more than 130 countries throughout the world. In essence, IB is a different way of approaching education. It is employed to organize cross-curricular units to give students a broader perspective of course content. Its main goal is to increase student awareness of global issues and better prepare them for the challenges of the 21st century. This course will still follow the Michigan Merit Curriculum based on the State of MI High School Content Expectations, but will be organized into IB units.

The aim of all IB programs is to develop students who strive to be inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective. The traits of IB Learner Profile are embedded into every learning opportunity so students will develop their awareness of, and sensitivity to, the experiences of others beyond the local or national community.


The Office of Career and Technical Education (OCTE) has adopted NOCTI assessments for all secondary CTE completers or concentrators upon leaving or completing the following programs:Finance and Financial Management Services NOCTI Accounting – Advanced Assessment Business, Management and Administration NOCTI General Management Assessment.

Each student will take the NOCTI Finance test OR the NOCTI Business, Management & Administration test based on their completer status. The test will be included in the final grade calculation.


Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Prerequisite(s): Introduction to Business

Grade Level: 9th – 12th

Credit(s): 0.5

This course will introduce students to the concepts of owning and operating a business. Students will be introduced to entrepreneurial skills and concepts including product/service planning, pricing, advertising, marketing, financing, and other business management skills. This course is project based and students will complete a business plan as well as plan a grand opening for their business. Students will use a variety of technology resources and work in an online education environment to complete assignments and projects.

Meets Online Experience Requirement

Meets Visual, Performing and Applied Arts Requirement

College Credit Available



Week 1Should You Become an Entrepreneur?

Weeks 2-3Entrepreneurs in a Market Economy

Weeks 4-6Developing a Business Plan

Weeks 7-9Identifying and Meeting a Market Need

Weeks 10-11Marketing Your Business

Week 12 Importance and Usage of Social Media in Marketing

Weeks 13-14Distribution, Promotion and Selling

Weeks 15-17Creating the Marketing Mix

Weeks 18-19Selecting a Type of Ownership

Weeks 20-21Location and Set-Up of Your Business

Week 22Plan and Track Your Finances

Weeks 23-25Pro Forma Financial Statements

Weeks 26-28Operations Management

Weeks 29-30Human Resource Management

Weeks 31-32Risk Management

Weeks 33-34Ethical and Social Issues


Owosso High School students have the opportunity to participate in the Business Professionals of America (BPA) organization offered through Owosso High School.

The mission of BPA isto contribute to the preparation of a world-class workforce through the advancement of leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills. To find out more information about BPA, access these web sites

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Students are expected to bring the necessary materials/supplies to class each day that are needed to complete course work.

  1. Manila folders which will be kept in the classroom and used to organize and prioritize your materials (provided)
  2. Pens (black and blue only)
  3. Pencil
  4. Lined paper or computer paper for note taking (provided)
  5. Student Planner (provided by OHS)
  6. Other materials needed for specific projects

Flash Drives

Students may be provided use of a flash drive while in the classroom and for classroom purposes only. Students may NOT remove the flash drive from the classroom, share files on the flash drive, or use another student’s flash drive. Loss of the flash drive will result in disciplinary action plus the student will be responsible for the cost of replacing the device.


Introduction to Entrepreneurship students are expected to abide by class policies and procedures.


  • Students are expected to understand and adhere to school policies and procedures as outlined in the student planner.
  • Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner.
  • Tardy students will not be admitted to class (without appropriate documentation) and will be instructed to report to ISS (In-School Suspension). Tardy students will be expected to complete and submit assignments/projects by the scheduled deadline(s).
  • Immediately following the sounding of the bell, students are expected to be in their assigned seats and working on the bell assignment.
  • Students are expected to complete projects and assignments by the scheduled due dates. Failure to do so will result in a loss of points.
  • If a student is absent, he/she is expected to make up any missed projects/assignments. He/she will be given 1 day for each day of absence plus 1 day to submit the missing items.
  • All assignments are to be keyed—no handwritten materials will be accepted.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the instructor and/or attend After-School Tutoring (AST) if needed to complete projects/assignments by scheduled deadlines. Students will be required to complete some projects outside of the normal classroom time.
  • Students will be expected to check his/her email account daily--Email will be used as the main communication method for this course.
  • Students will have the opportunity and will be expected to access all course materials/assignments via the Moodle online learning system.
  • Each student is expected to have his/her planner every day. Students will not be allowed to exit the classroom without his/her planner.
  • Students may not have any electronic devices such as cell phone, i-Pod, headphones, etc. in class.
  • Students may not have backpacks or purses in the classroom.
  • Students may not have food or drink of any kind in the classroom.
  • Students will be expected to speak quietly while in class, not use offensive language, not disturb others or make fun of others.
  • Daily procedures (in priority order)
  • Log in on your computer
  • Read E-Mail
  • Begin journal entry or other bell activity
  • Students are expected to be at theirassigned workstation and working on their scheduled projects immediately after the bell rings. Students are not allowed to roam, move to other workstations to visit with a friend.
  • For personal safety, students must be careful with cords and electrical outlets at their workstation.
  • Students may not roll around and/or move with use of student chairs. “Use your feet; not your seat.”
  • While working, students are to keep their materials organized and neatly arranged at their workstation. Each student will have a file in the classroom file cabinet in which to put materials he/she wishes to leave in the classroom.
  • Students are expected to sit quietly and listen to morning announcements.
  • Bell Schedules—are available in the Resource folder and posted in the classroom and should be accessed when an alternate schedule is being used by the school.
  • As students complete theirprojects, it is important to concentrate and read directions carefully.
  • Students will be spending a great deal of their time working on projects. Keeping accurate records of where you left off on a project is very important.
  • Any time a student needs to leave class, he/she must check with the teacher—the teacher must know where every student is at all times. Failure to do so will result in lack of privileges and/or consequences.Students wishing to leave the classroom must have his/her planner or obtain the class pass.
  • Professional dress is expected of students doing presentations. Dress code expectations will be discussed prior to presentation projects.
  • Students wishing to access the Internet may only do so with permission from the Teacher.
  • During class informational sessions, each student is expected to listen to the person speaking, conduct himself/herself in a professional manner including using an appropriate speaking volume, take notes, and be prepared to participate in a question/answer opportunity.
  • We will have periodic fire and tornado drills. Students are expected to treat these situations seriously and follow drill instructions. When asked to exit, please do so in an orderly manner and go directly to your designated area.
  • Unethical behavior will not be tolerated by any student. Examples of unethical behavior are:
  • cheating or stealing
  • disrespectful behavior towards instructor, paraprofessional, or other students
  • inappropriate language
  • sexual harassment
  • misuse of technology, violation of Owosso Public Schools Computer-Use Policies
  • misuse of classroom/computer resources
  • playing computer games
  • personal email, chat rooms
  • inappropriate use of the Internet
  • wasting time (not being productive)

Any breach of ethical behavior will result in the following consequences.

1st OffenseParent and administration contact, loss of assignment/project points for involved students, and 4-hour Saturday detention assignment.

2nd OffenseParent and administration contact, loss of course credit, 2-day suspension from school, and loss of computer privileges for remainder of school year.


All students are expected to follow the computer policies outlined in the Owosso Student Handbook. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.


Students will be graded on the following: projects, assignments, activities, tests, examinations, class participation, group activities, and other designated items. Each of these items may involve completion of project/assignmentwork outside of class. Students will be expected to come to class prepared and failure to complete homework may result in them falling behind in activities/projects. Each item to be graded will be given a point value. A grading system using total points will be used where a student’s grade percentage will be calculated using the number of points a student earns divided by the total number of points possible. This percentage will determine the student’s letter grade using the PowerSchool grading scale listed below.

A93% - 100%

A-90% - 92%

B+87% - 89%

B83% - 86%

B-80% - 82%

C+77% - 79%

C73% - 76%

C-70% - 72%

D+67% - 69%

D63% - 66%

D-60% - 62%


Students are expected to complete each activity (assignment, module, project, etc.) by the assigned deadline. When submitted, assignments will be date stamped to verify date of submission. If assignments are submitted late, the following policy will be practiced:

Submitted 1 day lateReduced by 1 full letter grade

Submitted 2 days lateReduced by 2 full letter grades

Submitted 3 days lateReduced by 3 full letter grades

NOTE: Projects that are more than 3 days late will not be accepted unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor.


The outline of the course is based on content found in Entrepreneurship: Ideas in Action, 5th Edition by Cynthia L. Greene, South-Western CENGAGE Learning.


During the 2015-16 school calendar, Introduction to Entrepreneurship will be offered during fourth, fifth and seventh periods.

Fourth Period11:10 – 12:00

Fifth Period12:05 – 12:55

Seventh Period1:55 – 2:45

Introduction to EntrepreneurshipSyllabus


Directions: Please read the attached syllabus, complete the information below, and return this page to your instructor by Friday, September 11, 2015.

Failure to return the form will result in denial of computer access.


Student SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

Introduction to Entrepreneurship Syllabus 2015-2016

September 2015