MPL Training CentrePty Ltd
Training Consultants in Urban Pest and Weed Control
PO Box 6121 Kincumber NSW 2251
Phone: 02 4322 0331 Mobile: 0401 231 251
Email: Web:
ABN 82 110 439 551 ACN 110 439 551
Training and Assessment Enrolment Form
Correspondence and Distance Learning
Certificate III in Urban Pest Management
This training course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills to be an entry level pest control operator. The course covers both training and assessment.
To complete this course you need to complete four tasks
- Complete Units 5,6 & 18
- Complete Units 8 & 10.
- Complete the assessments for your core and elective units
- Participate in an on-site practical experience and assessment*
* On-site assessments are usually undertaken at our head office in East Gosford NSW. This usually takes about 1-2 hours. Alternatively, we may be able to meet you closer to your home providing that we are already conducting training or assessments near to your local area. Please contact us for further details.
What you will receive
Upon completion of your training and assessment, you will receive a Certificate III in Urban Pest Management and Statement of Attainment (Transcript) showing all competencies achieved. This can submitted to your government licensing offices and other agencies for licensing and timber pest accreditation.
To achieveCertificate III in Urban Pest Management
You must demonstrate competency in
9 core units
4 elective units
(Total of 13 units)
Core units of competencyUnit code / Unit title
CPPCMN3004 (Unit 4) / Respond to enquiries and complaints
CPPPMT3002 (Unit 2) / Assess, advise on options and develop pest management plans for complex or high risk operations
CPPPMT3005 (Unit 5) / Manage pests without applying pesticides
CPPPMT3006 (Unit 6) / Manage pests by applying pesticides
CPPPMT3007 (Unit 7) / Implement pest management plans for complex or high risk operations
CPPPMT3017 (Unit 17) / Maintain, service and repair pest management equipment
CPPPMT3018 (Unit 18) / Maintain equipment and pesticide storage area in pest management vehicles
CPPPMT3026 (Unit 26) / Select pest management vehicle and equipment
CPPPMT3043 (Unit 43) / Prepare and present pest management proposals for complex or high risk operations
Elective units of competency.
The following are the Units usually taken up by the industry. You can also choose alternatives if you wish. Please see alternatives below
CPPPMT3008 (Unit 8) / Inspect for and report on timber pests
CPPPMT3010 (Unit 10) / Control timber pests
CPPPMT3019 (Unit 19) /
Organise and Monitor Pest Management Operations
CPPPMT3029 (Unit 29) / Plan and schedule pest management operationsAlternatives
AHCVPT306A / Apply animal trapping techniquesCPPCMN3001 / Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Student Booking Form
Name to be shown on Tax Invoice: / Date:Company Contact (if applicable): / Phone:
Company Email:
Student Name:
Home Address:
Postal Address:
(If different from above)
Telephone: () / Mobile:
Email: / Date of Birth: //
USI (Unique Student Identifier): / City of Birth:
Identification (must supply a copy of one of the below forms of ID if no USI number provided ): / Country of Birth:
Drivers Licence Passport Medicare Card / ID Number:
General Pest Licensing (Units 5,6&18)$995.00
Timber Pest Management (Units 8&10)$1395.00
Remaining Units of Certificate III
(Units 5,6,18,8&10 already completed)$795.00
Full Certificate III in Urban Pest Management$2500.00
Payment Advice OptionsPlease make your selection below
Paying by Cheque Enclosed is my cheque for $
Paying by Credit Card – Please mark either Mastercard or Visa / Mastercard /
Card No: / Expiry Date (mm/yy):Name on Credit Card:
Direct Deposit - * Please include your surname and first name on direct deposit information
National Australia Bank.
Account Name: MPL Training Centre Pty Ltd BSB: 082-528 Account number: 57-190-6375
MPL Training Centre Pty Ltd 23-Aug-04 AssessEnrolment FormVersion 2