2014 Addendum to City of Delaware Standards
This Addendum shall be attached to and become a part of the 2013 City of Delaware, Ohio Infrastructure Design Guide for Land Development Activities
Wherever the Design Guide, Standard Drawings, or General Notes reference the “Department of Engineering Services” it shall now read as the “Department of Public Works, Division of Engineering Services.”
Chapter 7: Roadway Design
Table 7-1: General Design Parameters for Local StreetsLocal
Primary / Secondary / Cul de Sac / Alley
ADT / 500 – 1,500 / 0-500 / 0-250 / N/A
Street Width (Back/Curb to Back/Curb) / 36 / 32 / 32 / 16
Pavement Width / 32 / 28 / R=56.5
R = 54.5 / 16
Right of Way Width / 62 / 58 / R=67.5 / 32
Design Speed (MPH) / 30 / 30 / 30 / 15
Minimum CL Radius (FT) / 275 / 225 / 125 / 125
Minimum Turning Radius (FT) / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20
Min/Max Street Grade (%) ** / 0.5/4.0 / 0.5/6.0 / 0.5/6.0 / 0.5/6.0
Minimum “K” Crest Curve / 19 / 19 / 19
Minimum “K” Sag Curve / 37 / 37 / 37
Treelawn Width (FT) / 8 / 8 / 8 / N/A
Parking Requirements / Permitted / Permitted / Permitted / Not Permitted
Chapter 12: Street Light Standards
1.Residential Street Lighting
2.Location: All street lighting poles shall be installed 3 2.5 ft to center of foundation from back of curb and placed where noted on the approved lighting plan. In general the fixture shall not be installed above sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water mains or other utilities.
5.Fixture Post: The post shall be a “Martha Washington”“Vonville”, manufactured by HAPCO, model 70603-002B74514. The post is a twelve-foot high aluminum tube, tapered four-inches to three-inches and supplied with a two piece split base. The post shall be powder coated “Delaware Green” Y539A and match the Holophane fixture.
6.Post Support
a.The light pole must be anchored to a round 14-inch18-inch by 40-inch deep concrete footing, using the three galvanized anchor bolts provided with the post. The top of the concrete footing must be formed into a 14” x 14” 24” x 24” square base with edges chamfered to ¾ 1 inches.
2.Collector Street Lights
Collector street lighting shall include either a single luminaire or twin luminaire design, as directed by the City.
- Light Fixture
Granville Series Luminaries, Leaf style housing,
Model: GV150HP24FB5RSG P DTLPR12A GV1A73B, AOL 2003-Internal Up-light Shield Perforated
Model: GV100HP12FA3RSG P DTLPR12A GV1A73A (Y539A) AOL 2003-Internal Up-light Shield Perforated
- Post Support
- The light pole shall be anchored to a round 24-inchby 40-inch deep concrete footing, using the three galvanized anchor bolts provided with the post
- The foundation shall be reinforced with a rebar cage. Design to be approved by the Division of Engineering Services.
- The top of the concrete footing shall be formed into a 27-inch by27-inch square base with edges chamfered to ¾ inches.
Chapter 15 Storm Water Management
The following paragraphs to be added to the general requirements of the Preliminary Storm Water Management Plan Section:
3.Redevelopment projects General Requirements
Redevelopment projects < 1.0 Acre in property size require
Catch basin modification/replacement to include snout debris/oil control
20% WQv retention (or)
20% reduction in existing impervious area from pre-(re)developed condition
Impervious/pervious areas measured from property lines to edge of street(s) pavement
Redevelopments > 1.0 Acre
Catch basin modification/replacement to include snout debris/oil control
100% WQv retention (or)
Calculated storm water retention per ENG Design Manual as calculated from pre-developed RCN condition, whichever is greater.
Chapter 20: Sanitary Sewer (SAS) Design
The following correction shall be made to table 20-1:
Table 20-1: Sanitary Sewer Hydraulic Design Criteria
Pipe Diameter (Inches) / Minimum Grade (%)8 / 0.4
10 / 0.28
12 / 0.22
14 / 0.17
16 / 0.14
18 / 0.12
21 / 0.10
24 / 0.08
27 / 0.067
30 / 0.058
36 / 0.046
Population Density / 12 capita/acre*
Average Sanitary Flow / 120 gpd/capita OR
600 gpd/acre for select areas
Greenspace Factor / 10%
Peaking Factor
(P = population in thousands) / 18+ P^(1/2)
I/I Allowance / 969.5 gpd/acre
Minimum Velocity / 2.0 feet/second
Manning’s “n” value / 0.013 (all materials)
Peak Flow / (Peaking factor)x(Avg. Flow)
Design Flow / Peak flow + I/I Allowance
Design Capacity / Flowing Full %
8”-15” / 50
18”-27” / 75
30” and up / 92
* For areas of greater population density of 12 persons per acre, the design flow shall be determined on a basis of population instead of area.
Standard Drawings
- Standard drawings RDWD 34.1 through 34.4 have been revised. (02/04/2014 Revision Date)
- Standard drawing RDWD 34.5 has been eliminated.
- Standard drawing RDWD 25.0 has been revised (02/21/2014)