Mrs. Baziuk
7thGrade Math
FMS 588-6044
Welcome to 7th Grade Math! This course will focus on our new Common Core State Standards. We will cover the following unit topics: Rational Numbers, Decimals and Percents, Expressions and Equations, Proportions, Geometry, Random Samples & Inferences, and Probability.
- Student Agenda/Planner
- Spiral bound notebook paper
- 2 or more pencils w/ erasers
- White board marker
Assignments & Grading:
- Homework is assigned daily. Students record each week’s assignments in their student agendas. Assignments will also be posted on our school website weekly. Our webpage setup is new this year, so my class webpage will be up soon! I will keep you updated.
- WORK MUST BE SHOWN FOR CREDIT.Complete homework turned in on time will receive full credit. Late homework that is complete will receive half credit. Late homework will not be accepted for credit after the unit test is taken. An open-notes homework quiz will be given on a couple random homework questions to check for homework completion and accuracy.
- ClassNotes (kept in spiral notebooks) must be complete for full credit. Notes are given in class. If absent, students are required to make up notes. They may be copied from another student in class or self-created from reviewing the topic links from the class website.
- Quizzes will consist of questions modeled from class notes, examples, and homework.
- Students who do not meet proficiency on the homework quiz will be given a review assignment to be eligible to earn points back on the quiz.
- Performance Tasksare completed in class. There are 3-4 tasks per unit.
- Unit Tests are comprehensive and check for proficiency. Each unit test will have a Selected Response, Short Constructed Response, and Extended Response section.
- Students are encouraged to study their class notes and unit homework in preparation for tests.
Missing Assignments:
- If a student misses an assignment/quiz/test, credit will not be given until the assignment is turned in or made up. Please use the online assignment postings, refer to the student agenda, or phone a classmate to stay up with class. Quizzes and tests may be taken during the teacher’s available lunch time.
Textbooks: Each student will receive a Course 2 (C2) hardback textbook, a Core Math (CM) consumable, and a Common Core Standards Plus (S+) consumable.
Letter grades will be earned as follows:Grades will be based on the following:
A – 90% or higher Tests40%
B – 80% to 89%Performance Tasks20%
C – 70 % to 79 %Quizzes20%
D – 60% to 69%Classwork/Homework/Participation 20%
F – 59% or lower
Please keep the top half, and sign and return the bottom half to Mrs. Baziuk no later than Friday, August 22nd.
I have read and understand the requirements and expectations for this class Block ______
Print Student Name: ______Student Signature: ______
PrintParent Name: ______Parent Signature: ______
E-mail address that I may reach you at: ______
Best phone number that I may contact you at: ______home/work/cell