Richmond County JCPC Meeting
Monday, August 17, 2015
12:00p.m.-NC Cooperative Ext. Office
Monday, August 17, 2015
Call to Order/InvocationVice-Chair: Kathy Bethea called the meeting to order due to the Chair is out. The Vice Chair will be conducting the meetingand requested Rev. Tommy Legrand for Invocation.
Introductions/Attendance Vice-Chair
Public Comment (3 minutes max.): No public comments.
Approval of Meeting 6-15-15 Minutes (board action)Vice-Chair no quore present.
JCPC Administrative Financial ReportVice-Chair
Committee ReportsVice-Chair
- Monitoring Committee Report(board action)Lavonda Jones, Committee Chair
Email sent 8-11-15, Regarding the JCPC programs and themonitoring reports, there were no major’s issues. Overall the programs are doing well. Project FOCUS’ Restitution/community service work program has hired a new person into the part time position, per Mr. Crump and Mrs. Pratt on yesterday.Regarding the 4H Adventures After School Program, their 4H Agent’s last day will be August 31, 2015. Ms. Susan Kelly, County Extension Director has advised us that they will be advertising that position to be filled and until it is filled she will be overseeing 4H Adventures’ After School Program. Have a great day. Lavonda Jones
Monthly JCPC Program Reports
Project FOCUS: Mr. Crump: Beginning count 25 with 3 admissions; YTD 16. The students engaged in a summer program. The student had an end of summer talent show that went very well. The program had 3 successful discharges and ready to receive more referrals.
Restitution/Community Service Programs: Ms. Pratt: Beginning count 5; YTD 5. The students are working at Leak Street. The student also worked on resisting peer pressure and taking responsibility for one’s actions. The part-time position has been filled.
4H Adventures Program: Ms. Nichols/Ms. Grier: There was no report because the program doesn’t accept referrals over the summer break.
Teen Court Program: Ms. Bower/Ms. Reyes: The program is not receiving referrals at this time. They will start accepting referral 9/1/15. Ms. Reyes is currently going throughout the county and meeting with the schools seeking out volunteers. Ms. Reyes is in the process of educating the community on Restorative Justice. The program is currently working on the documents to reflect Richmond County Teen Court to include the logo. There are still concerns around Due Process of the participants, but Jim Barbee will address those concerns with the judges, ADA, and Bar association.
Old BusinessVice-Chair/Planning Committee
- 2015 JCPC Symposium Conference Update
New Business Vice-Chair
- Resignation from Ladwana Covington
- Sub-Committee Appointments for FY 15-16
JCPC Member Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statements: The board members that were present completed conflict of Interest form.
Chief Court Counselor’s Report: Calvin Vaughan no report at this time. / Position / 7/15 / 8/17/15 / 9/15 / 10/
15 / 11/
15 / 12/
15 / 1/
16 / 2/
16 / 3/
16 / 4/
16 / 5/
16 / 6/
1-Dr.Theresa Gardner / School Superintendent or designee / A
2-Lee Bailey / Chief of Police / A
3-James Clemmons, Jr./Tahid Rucker / Sheriff or Designee / AA
4-Dawn Layton / District Attorney or designee / A
5-Calvin Vaughan /Jon-Michael Haymond / Chief Court Counselor or Designee / A
6-Flossie Simmons / Director, AMH/DD/SA or designee / AE
7-Robby Hall/Bunny Critcher / Director of DSS or Designee / P
8-VACANT / County Manager or Designee
9-Brenda David/Emily Nicolson / Substance Abuse Professional / P
10-Rev. Tommy Legrand / Member of Faith Community / P
11-Ben Moss / County Commissioner / A
12-VACANT / Youth under age 18
13-VACANT / Juvenile Defense Attorney
14-Cindy Dycus/Bonnie Pence / Chief District Court Judge or Designee / AE
15-VACANT / Member of the Business Community
16-Nancy Porter / Health Director or designee / AE
17-Delores Foreman / United Way or other nonprofit organization
18-Maurice McLaurin / Representative of Parks and Recreation Department / A
19-Evonne Moore / (1) Commissioner Appointee / A
20-Ladwanna Covington / (2) Commissioner Appointee / A
21-Lavonda Jones / (3) Commissioner Appointee / P
22-Robert David / (4) Commissioner Appointee / P
23-Kathy Bethea / (5) Commissioner Appointee / P
24-Curtis Ingram / (6) Commissioner Appointee / AE
25-Danita McNeill / (7) Commissioner Appointee / A
JCPC Program Providers / Program / 7/
15 / 8/
15 / 9/
15 / 10/
15 / 11/
15 / 12/
15 / 1/
16 / 2/
16 / 3/
16 / 4/
16 / 5/
16 / 6/
Darrell Crump / Project FOCUS-Interpersonal Skill Building / P
Annie Pratt / Project FOCUS-Restitution / P
Susan Kelly/Valarie Nicholson/Laura Grier / 4H Adventures Tutorial Afterschool Program / P
Jim Barbee / Teen Court / P
Scott Stoker / Area Consultant / P
Area Consultant’s Report (Community Programs Section)Scott Stoker, no comments
Other Community AnnouncementsVice-Chair, no comments
Closing Comments Vice-Chair, Rev. Tommy Legrand for closing Invocation.
Next JCPC Monthly Meeting: Monday, September 21, 2015 @ 12:00pm