SRWG Meeting Minutes March 16-17, 20151
John Gross, SRWG Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. on March 16, 2015.A quorum was present for the conducting of business. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A.Jon Jensen (WECC staff) reviewed the WECC Antitrust Policy.
In-person and WebEx attendees introduced themselves.
2.Approve Agenda
Mr. Gross introduced the proposed meeting agenda.
Additions to the agenda included adding time to discuss selection of a new SRWG Secretary and to review the Phase 2 Wind and Solar model implementation schedule requested by Eric Bakie (Idaho Power). Mr. Gross requested adding time to discuss the Base Case Coordination System (BCCS), System Slack bus selection, the SRWG member list, and topics for the SRWG workshop.
The subgroup working sessions included in the original proposed agenda were cancelled due to lack of member participation in the Study Program Subgroup.
On a motion by John Gross, the SRWG approved the agenda.
3.Review December 10-12, 2014 Minutes
Mr. Bakie introduced the minutes from the December 10-12, 2014 meeting.
On a motion by Eric Bakie, the SRWG approved the December 10-12, 2014minutes.
4.Review January 15, 2015 WebEx Minutes
Mr. Bakie introduced the minutes from the January 15, 2015 WebEx meeting.
On a motion by Eric Bakie, the SRWG approved the January 15, 2015 minutes.
5.Review of Previous Action Items
Andrew Christensen, SRWG ViceChair, reviewed action items carried over from the December 10-12, 2014meeting of the SRWG. Action items that are not closed and will be carried forward are:
Task ID / Action Items / Person Responsible / Due DateSRWG-DEC-14-1 / Work to invigorate the GE User’s Group / Chair / Next Meeting
SRWG-DEC-14-3 / Track new dynamic models being used in the REPLOG / Compliance Subgroup / Jan. 2015
SRWG-DEC-14-4 / Subgroup for developing data collection requirements for GIC Data / TBD / TBD
SRWG-DEC-14-5 / Populate turbine type field / SRWG Members / Ongoing
SRWG-DEC-14-6 / Phase 2 Wind/Solar Model Implementation / SRWG Members / 06/05/2015
SRWG-DEC-14-9 / Review interchange data as compared to case specifications sheet / Study Program Subgroup / Next Meeting
Action items that were closed and will not be carried forward are:
Task ID / Action Items / Person Responsible / Due DateSRWG-DEC-14-2 / Create an additional check log for advising data submitters of potential errors / Compliance Subgroup / Closed
Mar. 2015 Meeting
SRWG-DEC-14-7 / Compliance Subgroup review regional criterion and see if replacement for MOD-032 needs developed. Host Jan. 2015 Webinar / Compliance Subgroup / Closed
Mar. 2015 Meeting
SRWG-DEC-14-8 / Gary K. to lead subgroup discussion regarding WECC base case report cards / Gary Keenan (NWPP) / Canceled
Mar. 2015 Meeting
The action items are posted to the WECC Website.
6.SRWG Chair Report
Mr. Gross provided an update from items discusses at the last Technical Studies Subcommittee (TSS) meeting.
The TSS approved:
- Revision 4 and Revision BCCS-4 of the Data Preparation Manual (DPM), which included usingfour-digit zone numbers.
- SRWG’s MOD-032-1 implementation and associated DPM (Rev BCCS-5), Mr. Grossindicated that focus with begin shifting from Area Coordinators to Planning Coordinators.
- Revisions to 2015Base Case Compilation Schedule.
- Replacing the TEPPC case with a 10-year light load case as requested by WestConnect, NTTG, ColumbiaGrid, and California ISO. Mr. Gross mentioned that the BCCS was discussed at the TSS meeting and that the patch provided by Siemens in December did not resolve all critical issues.
- New Cross-Current Compensation Model (CCOMP) model.
TSS is requesting that SRWG members no longer represent renewable generation as off in WECC base cases. TSS commented that it is not realistic for all renewable generation to be off, the renewable generation needs to represent a realistic non-zero dispatch for the scenario. TSS and the Modeling and Validation Work Group (MVWG) both support including Balancing Authority (BA) representation in WECC base cases. Mr. Gross gave a short demo of how to use BA representation using PowerWorld. WECC staff runs contingency analysis on operating base cases and Mr. Gross indicated that SRWG will support data collection efforts as needed. Mr. Gross indicated that TSS has directed SRWG to work with MVWG to develop a MOD-033-1 Implementation Plan. Last announcements were made for the April 2 Webinar and May 27-29 workshop with topics of Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) and contingency modeling.
Mr. Gross also provided a high-level summary of SRWG’s purpose in providing data to support study requirements and changes on the horizon that impact SRWG such as node-breaker representation, RAS and contingency modeling, and protective relay emulation. Mr. Gross stressed that SRWG should focus on developing staged-implementation plans to meet these new challenges and work to get ahead of the changes coming rather than behind them.
Nathan Powell, WECC staff, discussed the contingency results from screening made on the 20HS2 case. Mr. Powell indicated that WECC staff would contact the appropriate area representative to gather additional information and data for elements withproblematic results.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
7.Ratings in Base Cases
Mr. Gross led a discussion regarding equipment ratings in WECC base cases and the need to improve how ratings are populated in base cases for Power System Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E) users. Mr. Gross proposed that PSS/E ratings need to be moved to the correct position in the Positive Sequence Load Flow (PSLF) case.Missing element ratings are now included in the case check routine. Mr. Christensen reviewed the DPM language that stated a normal and emergency rating is required for the seasonal scenario. The DPM stated that WECC staff would move the normal and emergency ratings for the correct seasonal position in the PSLF case. Mr. Gross took an action item to discuss selection of case ratings with the Joint User’s Group (JUG).
8.Document Tracking
Mr. Christensen provided a summary of efforts made to better track and maintain SRWG documents. Mr. Jensen provided SRWG members a link to the new SRWG team site.
9.Load Minimum & Maximum Fields
Jameson Thornton, PG&E, provided a presentation regarding adding maximum and minimum values to the load record table, similar to Pmax/Pmin fields for a generator record. Mr. Thornton described the benefits for max/min load field for representing distributed generation and energy storage resources. Mr. Thornton’s proposal was not intended to establish new data reporting requirements, but rather to kick-off a discussion for the group to consider adding these new useful data fields.Group discussion included representing Distributed Generation (DG) resources and energy storage resources using Renewable Energy Modeling Task Force (REMTF) guidelines and dynamic models developed by MVWG. It was discussed that PVD1 is an approved dynamic model for representing DG resources and that DG resources were also planned to be included in the composite load model.
Mr. Bakie commented that MVWG was developing dynamic models for energy storage. Following SRWG Member input, the group decided not to move forward with vendor implementation of load maximum and minimum data fields at this time. Mr. Bakie commented that if this topic comes up in the future, to consider eight data fields (Pmax/Pmin for each season) to provide additional flexibility.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
10. WECC Staff Report
Late Data Log
Mr. Jenson provided an update of the 2015 Ten-Year Data Bank Late Data Log. Western Area Administration, Upper-Great Plains West (WAUW was late with Initial Data Submittal by two weeks for 2015 LS1-OP and one week for 2025 HS1 cases.WAUWwas also three weeks late with Submittal of Comments for 2015 LS1-OP.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
Status of Data Bank
Mr. Jenson provided an updated of the status of the Data Bank.Cases approved since late meeting include 2024 HS TEPPC (pre-run submittal only).WECC staff is running late on the 2015 LS1-OP case and is working to get the cases back on schedule. Mr. Jensen indicated that PSS/E Version 33.5.0 is currently in use for PTI powerflow data conversions and WECC staff is currently using PSLF Version 18.1_02.
Current case and next case information, and a list of PTI dynamic data conversionsis available on the WECC Website.
11. Study Program Subgroup
Eleanor Ewry, SRWG Study Program Subgroup Chair, presented the 2016 annual study program survey requests, a draft version of changes to the 2015 Base Case Compilation Schedule, a draft version of the 2016 schedule without BCCS, a draft version of the 2016 schedule with BCCS, and a revised draft of the SRWG Annual Study Program Scope of Work document.Ms. EWRY also led a discussion regarding the purpose of the WECC base cases white paper to collect feedback from SRWG members.
2016 Annual Survey
Ms. Ewry discussed that she received three responses for scenario cases for the 2016 annual survey. The current rotation is to provide preference for scenario cases in the Southern Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico regions. The three responses included requests for a 2016 light spring case in the Desert Southwest Region, 2018-19 heavy summer case, and a 2020 heavy summer case in AZ. Kathy Estrada, Transmission Expansion Planning(TEP), clarified for the 2016 light spring case request that the case could be a 2017 or 2018 case since the 2016 spring case would be completed in the fall of 2016. Mark Mallard, NorthWestern Energy, requested that Path 8 be stressed in the Desert Southwest scenario case. After member discussion, the scenario case to be added is a 2017 light load case in the Desert Southwest with Path 8 stressed.
Annual Study Program Scope of Work – Draft
Ms. Ewry presented draft changes to the SRWG Annual Study Program Scope of Work (SOW) document. The main changes were to move WR5, WR6 and WR11 from MOD-11 and 13-WECC-CRT-1 into the SOW document in preparation for retirement of the regional criteria due to the new NERC MOD-032 Standard. Other changes included replacement of ERO/RA language with WECC terminology and modifying the list of NERC Standards referenced to match the standards listed in the WECC Data Preparation Manual.
On a motion by Eleanor Ewry, the SRWG approved the Annual Study Program Scope of Work Document as edited.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
2015 Base Case Compilation Schedule - Draft (Revision 4)
Ms. Ewry presented the draft revisions to the 2015 base case compilation schedule; a request was made from the four planning regions; WestConnect, NTTG, ColumbiaGrid, and California ISO WestConnect to replace the TEPPC case with a 10 year light load regional case to be implemented immediately. Members discussed if the position on the schedule for the TEPPC case or the regional case would alternate; it is unknown at this time whether that position will be reserved for a regional case or a TEPPC case.Ms. Ewry commented that both TEPPC and the four planning regions are not following the case request submittal process and that SRWG should push back on these types of requests to help ensure people are following the established processes. Additional discussion included review of the proposed interchange value submitted by BPA for the 2015 schedule. An Action Item was taken for Ms. Ewry to follow-up with Gary Keenan regarding the interchange numbers.
On a motion by Eleanor Ewry, the SRWG approved the 2015 Base Case Compilation Schedule as edited.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
2016 Base Case Compilation Schedule (without BCCS) - Draft
Ms. Ewry presented the draft 2016 base case compilation schedule assuming BCCS would not be available. A place for either a TEPPC case or Regional case was reserved, it is unknown which case will be built at this time. Member discussions included moving the 2017 light spring operations cases above the 2017 summer cases. Ms. Ewry needed to update the 2016 schedule dates so the spring/summer case request dates were coordinated. Action Items were taken for Ms. Ewryto host a WebEx to review the changes made to 2016 schedule, so a clean copy can is available for review and approval.
On a motion by Eleanor Ewry, the SRWG tabled approval of the 2016 Base Case Compilation Schedule until the May WebEx.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
2016 Base Case Compilation Schedule (with BCCS) - Draft
Ms. Ewry presented the draft 2016 base case compilation schedule assuming BCCS would be available. The draft schedule for BCCS proposed building 24 cases with a data submittal due every two weeks. Enoch Davies, WECC staff, clarified that once BCCS is in place a parallel process will be followed for base case development to build confidence using the BCCS tool. The 2016 schedule for BCCS is posted for member review.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
Purpose of WECC Base Case White Paper
Ms. Ewry led a discussion regarding the Purpose of WECC Base Cases white paper currently being drafted. The purpose of this white paper is to identify the purpose of the WECC base case and provide a description of how a base case should be used. Ms. Ewry was seeking feedback and participation from the SRWG for inclusion of member input in the white paper.Ms. Ewry mentioned that she received a request for clarification of what year summer loading should be based off of; (1) forecasted loading for the next year, or (2) scaled load from the previous year. Gary Keenan commented that FERC 714 reporting is hourly data for the prior year, Gary commented to use prior year actual than apply forecast data for the next year. Gary also mentioned that the NWPP has observed a 1,000-2,000 MW difference in load levels for coincident vs. non-coincident hours with up to 4,000 MW for the summer season. Patricia Huczel commented that SRP uses 65percent of summer peak for the winter season with values coordinated with other members. Ms. Huczel also commented that the Desert Southwest group would like to have a document to reference so all members are using the same methodology and assumptions. An Action Item was taken to schedule a WebEx for April 2015 for further discussion.
12. Compliance Subgroup
Jonathan Young, SRWG Compliance Subgroup Chair, led a discussion to develop a small group for defining Geomagnetic Disturbance/Geomagnetic Induced Current (GMD/GIC) modeling requirements and an implementation plan for collecting GMD/GIC modeling data. Mr. Young also presented the REPLOG for the 2015 LS1-OP case and the case check spreadsheets (dynamics and powerflow data) for the 2015 LS1-OP case. Last Mr. Young presented a Data Preparation Manual (DPM) implementation plan to help reduce confusion of which DPM members need to comply with.
GMD/GIC Modeling Data
Mr. Young presented a spreadsheet template for collecting GIC data that is available on the PowerWorld webpage as a starting point for defining data requirements and collecting GIC data within WECC. An Action Item was taken to develop a team for working on the data collection spreadsheet. Jameson Thornton and Eric Bakie volunteered to participate. A WebEx will be scheduled in April including request for software vendor participation.
REPLOG and CASECHECK Spreadsheets
Mr. Young presented the 15ls1 REPLOG, new data fields added included missing turbine type field and generation units connected to BES buses. Mr. Bakie asked if missing Generator Long Load ID could be added to the REPLOG, Mr. Young clarified that items on the REPLOG are DPM data requirements and checking for Generator Long Load ID would be more of a case check spreadsheet item. One member commented that the VWSCC model is actually approved and that Mr. Young needs to update the REPLOG filter to get a more accurate count of use of unapproved models. Mr. Young commented that SRWG needs to think about how they can target one REPLOG field in order to make the data log counts decrease, it was also commented that the SRWG seems to keep adding new data check fields which not reducing existing REPLOG counts. Mr. Young presented a proposed addition to the REPLOG of checking for use of unapproved dynamic models for all records, the routine currently only checks unapproved or missing machine models. Members asked if the REPLOG routine, past REPLOGS, exemption list, and older RELPOG routines could be posted to the SRWG Team Site. Last Mr. Young presented the 15ls1 CASECHECK spreadsheet.
The REPLOG presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
The CASECHECK presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
Data Preparation Manual Implementation Plan
Mr. Young presented a proposal for adopting a DPM implementation plan with the goal of reducing the number of DPM revisions to maintain and to reduce confusion of which DPM version members need to comply with. Mr. Young’s proposal was to tie an approved DPM revision to an annual study plan with a fixed schedule for approving DPM changes. The DPM approval schedule was to review the DPM at the spring meeting for the next years study plan. At the summer meeting, include TSS/PCC comments if the DPM was not approved and reapprove. At the winter meeting confirm the DPM version to use for the upcoming study plan and review proposed DPM changes for discussion at the next spring meeting. Mr. Young led a discussion of when to start the proposed DPM approval schedule, the SRWG decided to wait until next spring to begin. Member’s asked which version of the DPM is the active version; once approved by PCC next week, the MOD-032 Version without BCCS will be the active version for the 2015 Study Year. Mr. Young commented depending on the availability of the BCCS, the DPM MOD-032 BCCS Version will be the active version for the 2016 Study Year.