Standards-Based Curriculum Unit

Lisa Stevens

EDU 651 TQI Workshop in Education: Technology Applications for Education


June, 2010

Synopsis...... 1
Unit Organizer...... 2

Standards Addressed (Science)...... 3

Supporting Standards (Science, Math, Language Arts, Technology)...... 4-5

Kentucky Occupational Skills Standards and Assessments...... 6

Knowledge and Skills Demonstrators: Unit Goals and Learning Objectives...... 7

What students will know/be able to do?

Essential Questions...... 7
Science Process Skills...... 7
Integration...... 8
Summative/End of Unit Assessment...... 8
Scoring Criteria

Newscast or Radio Commentary...... 9

Analyzing Information: Walking Directions or Data Displays/Landmarks...... 10

Interacting Forces...... 11

Safety Restraints: Persuasive Essay or Advertisement...... 12

Building A Structure: Centripetal Force, Air Resistance, or Rollercoaster...... 13

Science Experiment: Laws of Motion...... 14

Class Debate: Race Car Design or Baseball Bat...... 15

Public Awareness Campaign: Safety Restraints in Racecars...... 16

Assessments (Entry-Level, Formative, Summative)...... 17

Learning Experiences...... 18

Unit Vocabulary...... 18

Agree/Disagree Statements...... 19

Curry/Samara Unit Matrix (G/T)...... 20-21

Unit Sequencing...... 22-23
Resources/Tools...... 24
Technology...... 25-27



Mastery of appropriate content is the goal of all instructional planning that must take into account the diverse academic abilities that commonly exist in the classroom. From the struggling, lower-performing students to the higher ability, gifted students with a natural curiosity of learning at more complex levels, it is imperative that the needs of all students are considered.

This unit has evolved from a primary focus on the general population of students to an attemptof addressing the academic and affective needs of gifted students in a fourth grade science unit on Forces and Motion. The needs of gifted students are considered through an existentialism philosophy that will give them freedom, choice, and control as they develop their understandings through individualized instruction at more complex levels (Johnsen & Kendrick, 2005) using the Curry/Samara Model. The curriculum is differentiated for gifted students through objectives and instructional strategies that allow gifted students to develop and demonstrate their higher-order thinking skills as well as the opportunity to actively reflect on their learning throughout the process.

It is the intent that this unit will continue to advance with additional differentiation options as students needs are addressed from year to year. The philosophy is that learning will be more meaningful, relevant, and engaging for all learners.

NOTE: GP represents “general population” students; G/T represents “gifted/talented” identified students

Supporting Standards (cont.):
Program of Studies
Students wil:
• understand that technology is used in collaborative and interactive projects to enhance learning.
• understand that technology assists in gathering, organizing and evaluating information from a variety of sources toanswer essential questions.
• understand that technology supports critical thinking skills used in inquiry/problem solving to make informeddecisions.
• understand that technology is used to produce an innovative product or system.
• gather and use accurate information from a variety of electronic sources (e.g. teacher-selected
web sites, CDROM, encyclopedias and automated card catalog, online virtual library; word
processing, database, spreadsheet) in all content areas
• use technology to communicate in a variety of modes (e.g., audio, speech to text, print, media)
• use a variety of tools and formats (oral presentations, journals and multimedia presentations) to
summarize and communicate the results of observations and investigations
• develop, publish and present information in print and digital formats

Kentucky Occupational Skills Standards and assessments (KOSSA)

AA / 002 / Measure with English and Metric devices
AB / 001 / Read and process information and follow instructions
AB / 002 / Use correct grammar
AB / 003 / Use correct spelling
AB / 005 / Organize and deliver a persuasive oral presentation
AB / 006 / Demonstrate effective interpersonal communications
AB / 007 / Write the steps of a work process using sentences as appropriate
AC / 004 / Identify the effects of continuous quality improvement
AD / 001 / Demonstrate the characteristics of a team player
AD / 003 / Identify and demonstrate basic leadership skills
AD / 004 / Demonstrate knowledge of conflict resolution techniques
EA / 001 / Practice time management
EB / 014 / Follow directions and procedures
EB / 016 / Demonstrate problem-solving techniques
EB / 017 / Identify opportunities for applying problem-solving techniques
EC / 002 / Demonstrate a willingness to learn
EC / 004 / Display initiative
EC / 006 / Exhibit pride in work
ED / 006 / Demonstrate the ability to complete tasks on time and accurately
ED / 007 / Accept constructive criticism with a positive attitude
ED / 010 / Plan and organize work
ED / 011 / Work with minimal supervision
OA / 001 / Demonstrate safe, careful use, treatments and maintenance of tools, equipment, and machines
OA / 003 / Demonstrate an understanding of the accountability of company materials and equipment
OB / 007 / Assume responsibility for the personal safety of self and others
OB / 008 / Comply with established safety practices
OB / 010 / Maintain a clean and safe work facility
OB / 011 / Report unsafe practices to appropriate personnel
OC / 001 / Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic Input/Output devices such as keyboards, video monitors, scanners, printers and peripherals
OC / 003 / Demonstrate the use of industry-accepted software applications (word processing, database, spreadsheet, presentation)
OC / 004 / Demonstrate the use of the internet as an electronic research tool
Students will know:
  • how forces affect an object’s motion;
  • the different types of forces;
  • how data displays can be used to represent and explain an object’s motion over time.
  • how the laws of motion are applied in the real-world;
  • how systems are designed to respond to forces that effect motion.
/ Students will be able to:
  • describe motion based on different reference points;
  • demonstrate the effects of gravity and mass on the speed of an object;
  • explain how friction effects the motion of an object;
  • describe situations when friction is helpful and when it is harmful.
  • explain the relationship between speed, acceleration, and velocity through demonstrations and analysis of data displays;
  • model the laws of motion and types of forces through demonstrations;
  • explain how safety restraints and protective gear work in relationship to forces and motion and justify their importance in the real world.

Essential/Guiding Questions:
  • How can we use our understanding of forces and motion to predict the effects of changes in a system?
  • How can we measure and record changes in forces and motion of an object?
  • How do our understandings of the different types of forces and the measuring of forces and motions apply in real-world situations?
  • How can we use our understandings of the different concepts and relationships between forces and motion to design a system in the real world?

Science Process Skills:

  • Space and time relationships
  • Predictions
  • Inferences
  • Classification


  • Mathematics – measuring distances, using numbers, angles, measuring time, creating charts and/or graphs
  • Language Arts – reading directions, writing to learn, verbal communication, demonstrations, Reading for Meaning prediction activity
  • Technology – interactive websites, individual research, and presentation software to support instruction and assessment of learning

Summative/End of Unit Assessment:
Science Fair/Day of Sharing (GP & G/T):
Students will share their learning, understanding, and discoveries using technology applications. Activities include, but are not limited to, presenting information from investigations, Prezi presentations, PhotoStory presentation, and other forms of media with teacher approval.
GP: Students will complete an 8:1 Assessment (Multiple Choice: Open Response Question Ratio). Multiple choice portion to be created through an on-line test such as via MyStudio, Google,TestMoz, or Quizlet.
G/T: Student(s) will select one of the Abstract Thinking Activities from the Curry/Samara Unit Matrix and present to class. Options include:
Analysis activities:
  • newscast comparing running on ice versus concrete(4)
  • explanation of matching graphs to demonstrate acceleration, speed, velocity (10)
  • timeline comparing sizes of two forces interacting with each other(16)
  • persuasive essay comparing results of impact collisions and safety restraints (22)
  • create a model comparing impact of air resistance on two different roller coaster rides(28)
Creative Thinking:
  • create a model of centripetal force (5)
  • radio commentary of ice hockey game and motion applications (11)
  • how-to paper for create experiment modeling one of the laws of motion (17)
  • classified advertisement of newly created safety restraint or protective gear (23)
  • design of new rollercoaster ride (29)
Critical Thinking:
  • debate concerning aerodynamics of race car (6)
  • explanation of best data representation and landmarks from marble roll experiment (12)
  • television commercial applying laws of motion to elevator (18)
  • campaign speech justifying safety restraints used by NASCAR drivers (24)
  • debate concerning approved bats for Major League Baseball players (30)

Scoring Criteria for G/T: see following pages for Rubistar created rubrics
NOTE: These rurbrics can be adapted for GP students’ presentions.
Forces and Motion Newscast or Television/Radio Commentary
Teacher Name: Mrs. Stevens
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Research / Researched the subject and integrated 3 or more "tidbits" from their research into their newscast. / Researched the subject and integrated 2 "tidbits" from their research into their newscast. / Researched the subject and integrated 1 "tidbit" from their research into their newscast. / Either no research was done or it was not clear that it in the newscast.
Accuracy of Facts / All supportive facts are reported accurately (3 of 3). / Almost all facts are reported accurately (2 of 3). / One fact is reported accurately. / No facts are reported accurately OR no facts were reported.
Point of View - Purpose / Newscast establishes a purpose at the beginning and maintains that focus throughout! Cohesive newscast. / Establishes a purpose at the beginning, but occasionally wanders from that focus. / The purpose is somewhat clear but many aspects of the newscast seem only slightly related. / It was difficult to figure out the purpose of the newscast.
Graphics / Graphics include some original material and are clearly related to the material being presented. / Graphics are clearly related to the material being presented, but none are original. / Graphics include some original material but are only somewhat related to the material being presented. / Graphics are not related to the material being presented.
Speaks clearly / Speaks clearly and distinctly all of the time and mispronounces no words. Demonstrates distinguished mastery of content. / Speaks clearly and distinctly all of the time but mispronounces 1 or more words. Demonstrates proficient mastery of content (minor errors or lacking minor details). / Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time and mispronounces no words. Details are lacking or information of content has 3 to 5 errors that confuse understanding. / Does NOT speak clearly and distinctly most of the time AND/OR mispronounces more than 1 word. Content details are unclear with 6 or more errors that distract from mastery of content.

Date Created: Apr 26, 2010 09:38 pm (UTC)

Analyzing Information:
Walking Directions or Data Landmarks
Teacher Name: Mrs. Stevens
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Identifies important information / Explains all the main points of the activity. / Explains all but one of the main points of the activity. / Explains most of the main points without highlighting any unimportant points. / Cannot explain information with accuracy.
Identifies details / Recalls several details for each main point without referring to notes. / Recalls several details for each main point, but needs to refer to notes occasionally. / Able to locate most of the details when looking at notes. / Cannot locate details with accuracy.
Identifies facts / Accurately explains at least 5 facts from the activity and gives a clear explanation of why these are important concepts related to the unit. / Accurately locates 4 facts from the activity and gives a reasonable explanation of why they are important concepts related to the unit. / Accurately explains 4 facts from the article but explanation is weak (lacking content from unit). / Cannot accurately explain facts.
Relates Graphics to Text / Student accurately explains how each graphic/diagram is related to his/her conclusion of the activity, and accurately determines whether each graphic/diagram agrees with the information in the unit. / Accurately explains how each graphic/diagram is related to his/her conclusion with some minor errors or missing minor details from content of unit. / Accurately explains how some of the diagrams are related to his/her conclusion. / Difficulty relating graphics and diagrams to the concepts of the unit.
Summarization / Student uses only 1-3 sentences to describe clearly his/her conclusion(s). / Student uses several sentences to accurately describe his/her conclusion(s). / Summarizes most of his/her conclusions accurately, but has some slight misunderstanding. / Has great difficulty summarizing the conclusions.

Date Created: Apr 26, 2010 09:59 pm (UTC)

Timeline : Interacting Forces
Teacher Name: Mrs. Stevens
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Content/Facts / Facts were accurate for all events reported on the timeline. / Facts were accurate for almost all events reported on the timeline. / Facts were accurate for most (~75%) of the events reported on the timeline. / Facts were often inaccurate for events reported on the timeline.
Graphics / All graphics are effective and balanced with text use. / All graphics are effective, but there appear to be too few or too many. / Some graphics are effective and their use is balanced with text use. / Several graphics are not effective.
Readability / The overall appearance of the timeline is pleasing and easy to read. / The overall appearance of the timeline is somewhat pleasing and easy to read. / The timeline is relatively readable. / The timeline is difficult to read.
Learning of Content / The student can accurately describe 75% (or more) of the events on the timeline without referring to it and can quickly determine which of two events occurred first. / The student can accurately describe 50% of the events on the timeline without referring to it and can quickly determine which of two events occurred first. / The student can describe any event on the timeline if allowed to refer to it and can determine which of two events occurred first. / The student cannot use the timeline effectively to describe events nor to compare events.
Preparation / The student had notes about all the events and dates s/he wished to include on the timeline before beginning to design the timeline. / The student had notes about almost all the events and dates s/he wished to include on the timeline before beginning to design the timeline. / The student had notes about most (~75%) of the events and dates s/he wished to include on the timeline before beginning to design the timeline. / The student had not prepared adequate notes before beginning to design the timeline.

Date Created: Apr 26, 2010 10:02 pm (UTC)

Persuasive Essay : Impact Collisions or
Advertisement: Safety Restraints
Teacher Name: Mrs. Stevens
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 4-AboveStandards / 3-MeetsStandards / 2-ApproachingStandards / 1-BelowStandards
Position Statement / The position statement provides a clear, strong statement of the author's position on the topic. / The position statement provides a clear statement of the author's position on the topic. / A position statement is present, but does not make the author's position clear. / There is no position statement.
Support for Position / Includes 3 or more pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences) that support the position statement. The writer anticipates the reader's concerns, biases or arguments and has provided at least 1 counter-argument. / Includes 3 or more pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences) that support the position statement. / Includes 2 pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences) that support the position statement. / Includes 1 or fewer pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences).
Evidence and Examples / All of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author's position. / Most of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author's position. / At least one of the pieces of evidence and examples is relevant and has an explanation that shows how that piece of evidence supports the author's position. / Evidence and examples are NOT relevant AND/OR are not explained.
Accuracy / All supportive facts and statistics are reported accurately. / Almost all supportive facts and statistics are reported accurately. / Most supportive facts and statistics are reported accurately. / Most supportive facts and statistics were inaccurately reported.
Capitalization & Punctuation / Author makes no errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization or punctuation, so the essay is exceptionally easy to read. / Author makes 1-2 errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization or punctuation, but the essay is still easy to read. / Author makes a few errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization and/or punctuation that catch the reader's attention and interrupt the flow. / Author makes several errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization and/or punctuation that catch the reader's attention and interrupt the flow.

Date Created: Apr 26, 2010 10:10 pm (UTC)

Building A Structure : Centripetal Force, Air Resistance, or Rollercoaster
Teacher Name: Mrs. Stevens
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Scientific Knowledge / Explanations by all group members indicate a clear and accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications. / Explanations by all group members indicate a relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications. / Explanations by most group members indicate relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications. / Explanations by several members of the group do not illustrate much understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
Plan / Plan is neat with clear measurements and labeling for all components. / Plan is neat with clear measurements and labeling for most components. / Plan provides clear measurements and labeling for most components. / Plan does not show measurements clearly or is otherwise inadequately labeled.
Information Gathering / Accurate information taken from several sources in a systematic manner. / Accurate information taken from a couple of sources in a systematic manner. / Accurate information taken from a couple of sources but not systematically. / Information taken from only one source and/or information not accurate.
Journal/Log - Content / Journal provides a complete record of planning, construction, testing, modifications, reasons for modifications, and some reflection about the strategies used and the results. / Journal provides a complete record of planning, construction, testing, modifications, and reasons for modifications. / Journal provides quite a bit of detail about planning, construction, testing, modifications, and reasons for modifications. / Journal provides very little detail about several aspects of the planning, construction, and testing process.
Journal/Log - Appearance / Several entries made and all are dated and neatly. / Several entries are made and most of the entries are dated and neatly entered. / Several entries are made and most of the entries are dated and legible. / Few entries are made AND/OR many entries are not dated or very difficult to read.

Date Created: Apr 26, 2010 10:18 pm (UTC)