artefact gGmbH
Centre for sustainable development
programme – 3rd draft not confirmed yet in all details
Small and medium size wind turbines –
a contribution to sustainable development ?
Sunday, 6th of June: Arrival via Hamburg and Flensburg
Arrival ca.16.00 Uhr
Welcome at the Flensburg railway station and transfer to artefact
distribution of rooms
18.00 Uhrdinner
18.30 Uhrpresentation and discussion of programme, organisational hints
Werner Kiwitt, M.Sc.artes, artefact
Monday, 7th
08.00 Uhr breakfast
09.00 UhrPresentation of participants: background, experiences, plans, expectations
First collection of questions, projects et al
11.30 UhrWind energy – an introduction
historical and modern applications
technical background for wind use
wind speed and wind measurement
W.Petersen, Dipl.Ing.
12.30 Uhrlunch
13.30 Uhr Technical options and examples :
wind turbines with and without gearings
constant and variable rotational speed
experiences and perspectives of technical developments
Hermann van Radecke, Kompetenzzentrum Windenergie Schleswig Holstein,
FH Flensburg
16.00 UhrGuided tour in the energy infotainment park with special focus
on decentralized technology options
Werner Kiwitt, M.Sc.artes, artefact
18.30 Uhrdinner
Tuesday, 8th
08.00 Uhrbreakfast
09.00 Uhrbrief overview: decentralized options of wind energy
mechanical and thermal use of wind energy
electrical applications in stand alone /off grid appplications
grid parallel and small grid options
wind-solar hybrid applications
availability and need of data
Volkmar Holz, AchternDiek Elektronik or Werner Petersen, Dipl. Ing.
10.00 UhrWindforce 12- sustainable energy for the world:
a scenario from Greenpeace and EWEA
Dr. Klaus Rave, President of the European Wind Energy Association
11.00 Uhrresearch in working groups
requirements and competing technics
other technical and political conditions
12.30 Uhrlunch
13.30 Uhridentification of energy potential and demand
for mechanical and direct applications
Volkmar Holz, AchternDiek Elektronik, Werner Petersen, Dipl.Ing.
Working groups: project ideas, needs and priorities
eveningpresentation of projects and ideas
Wednesday, 9th
08.00 Uhrbreakfast
09.00 Uhrcase study: electrical mini-grid applications and hybrid systems
10.00 Uhrthe 5 kW aerosmart 5 generator
concept and first experiences of a prototype
Sönke Siegfriedsen, aerodyn Rendsburg
11.30 Uhrmarket overview: small plants
12.30 Uhrlunch
13.30 UhrPresentation of studies:
1. Economical and technical feasibility of wind generator reuse.
- 30 kW wind-diesel system with SMA SunnyIsland
mini-grid battery inverters for rural use.
Holger Peters, Peters/Peterschmidt/Schmidt-Reindahl WindConsult (GbR), Clausthal-Zellerfeld
15.30 Uhrproject presentation: hybrid systems with wind and solar
generators for Afghanistan
Klaus-Peter Lehmann, Zukunft Afghanistan e.V. /elexyr Hamburg
16.30 Uhrrepowering project experience in Russia, Brazil (or alternatively
in a subsaharan country)
The FC concept of a robust self-service windgenerator
17.30 UhrExperiences and perspectives of the international wind energy network
Preben Maegaard, Folkecenter Danmark and president of the World Wind Energy Association
Thursday, 10th
08.00 Uhrbreakfast
09.00 UhrTechnical requirements and standards for second hand use
guarantee problems and „killer assumptions“
recommended plant types
Evaluation of the 30 KW Kano (site visit)
Manfred Lührs, 8.2wingineering Consultants
11.00 UhrExcursion to small wind mill installations and manufacturers
W.Kiwitt, M.Sc.
12.30 Uhr lunch in Husum
14.00 Uhr Simonsberg near Husum: Visit of old and new repowering projects
Discussion with Hermann Albers, Bundesverband Windenergie
Market analysis, experiences and demand for capacity building for installation, service and repair
Experiences of the German BZEE training site
16.00 Uhrvisit of windfarms with different generations of wind mills
visit of GEO in Enge –Sande
Discussion with N. Wippich, Wind technik Nord :
Small wind pumps and larger project experiences with repowering
Possibilities for cooperations, public private partnership etc.
17.00 Uhrvisit of EWS, Handewitt
small wind generators and solar-wind hybrid systems
18.30 Uhrdinner in Flensburg
Friday 11th of june, 2004
08.00 Uhrbreakfast
09.00 Uhrevaluation of the excursion and practical examples:
technical limitations and identification of framework conditions
Volkmar Holz, Dipl.Ing., Bahrenfleth
10.30 Uhrfinancial constraints and concepts:
pilot projects, Public private partnership
emission trade, joint ventures
H.J. Klar, ttz Schleswig-Holstein, Jan Christensen NMZ
12.30 Uhr lunch
13.30 UhrPresentation of project concepts in the plenary
continued exchange with experts
15.00 UhrHow to continue?
concrete planning with the 5 Ws: Why, Who, What ,Where, When ?
Installation of a follow up network
criteria for pilot projects and consultancy options
15.30 UhrSeminar evaluation and last coffee
16.00 UhrFarewell