Homework Year 5 Term 3
Week 2 (09.01.17)
Task 1- Some verbs are used to give information about the main verb in a sentence. Modal verbs show how certain or possible something is. For example; We might play golf. We will play golf. We must play golf. We should play golf.
Write 10 sentences of your own that contain a modal verb.
Task 2- Go onto Spellodrome for 10 minutes.
Task 3- Find the first 5 cubed numbers.
Week 3 (16.01.17)
Task 1- Adverbs are words that describe verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. For example; I quickly ate my lunch. Louise cheerfully waved to us.
Add the correct adverb from the box to the sentences below.
Tamina …………………………………..broke her mum’s favourite vase.
Olivia said she didn’t feel …………………….well.
The ballerinas danced…………………………………………across the stage.
The schoolboy……………………………………………answered the teacher’s question.
That house is…………………………………damaged.
Write three sentences of your own that contain an adverb.
Task 2- Go onto Mathletics for 10 minutes
Task 3- Research one South American expedition. Find out who went, where they went, and for what purpose.
Present your findings in a poster or power point presentation.
Week 4 (23.01.17)
Task 1- Relative Pronouns are words like “who” and “which.” They are used to join parts of sentences together. For example; I saw the girl who took Tom’s drink. Darrel only eats cakes which are sugar-free.
Add a relative pronoun from the box to the sentences below.
We have a new neighbour ………..works at the bank.
This is the shop…………………..sells diving equipment.
That’s the man…………………..son is a famous footballer.
Geraldine owns a house……………………has four bedrooms and a big garden.
Write three sentences of your own that contain a relative pronoun.
Task 2- Guided reading with a parent/carer. Record in Guided Reading Record
Task 3- There are 148 children in a school and the headteacher wants to split them into house teams. Children will be able to earn praise points for their team, and points at sport days. The headteacher wants the same number of children in each team so that it is fair. Could the children be split into 3 teams? How can we find out?
Week 5 (30.01.17)
Task 1- Determiners do in front of nouns. They tell you whether the noun is a general thing or a particular thing. For example; He wants an enormous burger or He wants this burger. Write the sentences below and underline the determiners.
The teacher told us a funny story about an elephant in the jungle.
We saw a picture of that house by the river where your boat is.
Ben and Billy finally changed those light bulbs in their bathroom.
A police officer chased some thieves out of the bank and into an alleyway.
Write your three sentences, highlighting the determiners you have used.
Task 2- Go onto Spellodrome for 10 minutes.
Task 3- Design your own shelter for the Amazon rainforest. Think about the materials and exterior features it will need to enable you to survive, from not only the climate but all the dangerous predators too! Produce an annotated diagram of your shelter.
Week 6 (06.02.17)
Task 1- Co-ordinating conjunctions are words that join two main clauses together. You can remember them using FANBOYS: For And Nor But Or Yet So. For example; We bought some flour and we bought some cheese.
Add the co-ordinating conjunction form the box to the sentences below.
I’d like to go to Australia, …………….it’s too expensive.
In the cellar it was dark, …………..there were lots of strange noises.
Please give this letter to a parent, ……………………………….give it to a guardian.
Playing near busy roads is dangerous,……………………………..you shouldn’t do it.
Mabel felt completely relaxed, ……………………………..she was on holiday.
Write your own three sentences that contain one of the co-ordinating conjunctions listed above.
Task 2- Go onto Mathletics for 10 minutes.
Task 3- Build a model of the shelter you designed in Week 5. This will need to come into school in the last week of term ready to present to the class.