12th Grade EnglishF119
Mrs. Kim B. CarrollPlanning Period – 5thBlock
MattieT. Blount High
Fall Semester 2012
Welcome to your Senior English Class. This is a vital year for you in your high school education. There will be much to do and little time in which to do it. As a class, as well as individuals, all must remain focused and determined to complete all assignments and to stay on task as you prepare for these important tests in your academic career.
COURSE DESCRIPTION (according to the MobileCountyPubicSchool System’s website)
This course builds on previously acquired English language skills through instruction in reading, vocabulary, listening, speaking and British literature. Composition includes writing essays, poetry analysis and a research paper.
See attached list of CRT objectives
Elements of Literature: Sixth Course
Classroom dictionaries and Thesauruses are available for students’ use.
Supplemental Book List
It is advised, but not necessary that you obtain a copy of No Fear Shakespeare, MacBeth. You make want to obtain copies of Spark Notes or Cliff Notes for The Canterbury Tales. Other books may be recommended at a later date.
A – 100 – 90 C – 79 – 70 E – below 60
B – 89 – 80 D – 69 – 60
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Test/Exams – 60%
Homework – 10%
Class Participation 10%
Quizzes/Reading/Vocabulary/Writing Projects – 20%
Good attendance is vital for successful completion of this course. The rules of the Mobile County Public School System will be enforced. This means that you are allowed 4 parent notes per semester. If you are absent for 3 days and bring one parent note, you are counted as having 3 parent notes. After the first 4 parent note excused absences, each absence will be unexcused (unless there is a doctor’s note, court note suspension, etc.). upon reaching a 5th unexcused absence, you will lose credit for the semester, regardless of your average.
You should make every effort to be on time for class. Four tardies equal one unexcused absences. Therefore, even if you have perfect attendance, you may still lose credit if you have excessive tardies.
Make-up work – if a student misses an announced quiz or exam, for any reason –excused or unexcused- the student has 5 class days to make-up that work. A grade of zero (0) will be entered into STI until the grade is made-up and the grade will remain if the test is not made up within the allotted time. Do not ask for a progress report to keep up with your grades. You will know the date for the announced exam and you can count 5 class days after that date. Do not ask to take the test after the make-up time has passed.
You are responsible for checking the board or inquiring about any missed assignments or handouts. This rule does not apply if a student does not have an I.D. badge on exam day. See class rules below.
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Homework will be given daily. It will be posted on the board. Homework is due the day after it is assigned Any homework that is late will receive a deduction in points for every day that it is late. Homework must be done to make sure that you are capable of performing the objectives we are studying in class without help.
12th grade students will write a research paper. The paper topic will involve British Literature. You will be given a handout containing all necessary guides, rules and requirements for the paper.
MLA FORMAT: When submitting major essays or written assignments, you must use standard Modern Language Association (MLA) format. This requires the use of 12 point, Times New Roman font. Each paper must have a proper title page. Absolutely NO COLOR INK OR DECORATIVE PAGE BORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Turning in an essay with any improper material will result in a Zero. NO EXCEPTIONS. All major assignments will be turned into Mrs. Carroll in a folder. All prewriting, rough drafts, sources will be required to be placed into your folder.
Parents are always welcome to meet with me during my planning time to discuss any matters of concern. Please schedule a meeting with me in advance so that I can be sure to be in the classroom when your parent arrives. If my planning period is inconvenient, I can meet after school. To
make an appointment, please have your parent send me a note or call the school office (221-3070).
You will be given a daily journal entry or bell ringer activity. Your folders should be placed in the appropriate box in front of the classroom. Your
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folder should never leave the classroom. I will check your folder weekly to make sure you have completed your assignments.
I will give you writing assignments. You will write essays in class on different reading assignments.
My classroom rules follow the rules set forth by the administration of MattieT.BlountHigh School. You are seniors and are at the end of your high school career. I expect much from you. My rules are simple.
- If you are asked to be quiet. Please do not talk
- Please read when you are asked to read.
- I do not want to see any electronic devices in my classroom. I will ask you for the object and if you refuse, I will simply write a discipline referral. When I take your toy, you will get it back at the end of the day. (the first time) When an administrator handles the situation, the terms are more serious and parents become involved.
- Bring your books and supplies to class everyday.
- Do not interrupt my lecture to ask to go to the restroom. This will be done before class starts and on occasion after I am finished lecturing. If it is an emergency, please be discreet.
- I have given you the rules about make-up work. It is your responsibility to keep up with what you miss if you are out. I will put a grade of zero in my grade book until work is made up and change the grade at that time. Remember, you have a deadline and it is your responsibility to make-up your work.
- Please be in uniform. This means you should not enter my class with shirt tails out and sagging pants. Ladies, we do not do hair and make-up in my class. Jacket with hoods are not allowed in my classroom. Per Mr. Woods, I.D. badges are mandatory. You must have your I.D. in a visible location every day. You will not be allowed to take an exam without your I.D. You will lose 10 points off of the exam score because of this neglect and you must make up the test the next day. NO EXCEPTIONS!
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- Please be on time for class. I will mark you tardy if you are late. I always call roll during the first 10 minutes of class.
- There will be no eating or drinking in my classroom.
- Do not bring food or drink into my classroom.
First Offense – student conference
Second Offense – parent contact
Third Offense – referral to administration
NOTE: The consequence for having an electronic device in class is different. Please see above Rule #3.
You will need the following:
100 index cards6 folders with pockets1 pack copy paper
notebook papermedium post it notesblue/black pens
#2 pencilswhite outNo Fear “Macbeth” flash or jump drive (4th Qtr)
Fall 2012
This is to be placed in your daily folder. It will count as a homework assignment.
This is due back to me by August 31, 2012.
I have read the syllabus and understand it. I understand that it may be altered in the future, with notice, as deemed necessary by the teacher. I understand that it is the student’s responsibility to follow the rules and procedures as outlined in the syllabus and what the consequences are for not following the rules.
Name of student:______
Signature of student:______
Name of parent/guardian______