Fall 2002
CIS 4808, CICS Programming
Youngstown State University
Computer Information Systems
Fall 2002
CIS 4808, CICS Programming
CC 0644, Tues. & Thurs. – 2:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m., Meshel Hall, room 222
Instructor: Mr. Bodnovich
Office: 318 Meshel Hall
Office Hours: /Monday -
/ 1:20 p.m. to 3:50 p.m.Tuesday -
/ 3:20 p.m. to 3:50 p.m. and 7:55 p.m. to 8:40 p.m.Thursday -
/ 3:20 p.m. to 3:50 p.m. and 7:55 p.m. to 8:40 p.m.Phone: 330-941-1769 (office) or 330-941-3134 (CSIS Main Office)
Objective: This course provides a detailed study of the CICS (Customer Information Control System) teleprocessing environment. It will cover the commands, file definitions, screen defections, and programming required for developing CICS applications.
Prerequisite: / CIS 2640 and 3 s.h. of upper division departmental courses, orCIS 3741
Text: / Murach’s CICS for the COBOL Programmer, by Menendez and Lowe
Tentative Schedule
Tues., / 8/27 / Preliminaries, What is CICS? (ch. 1)
CICS tables and modules
Thur., / 8/29 / CICS command syntax (ch. 2, pp. 34-37)
Developing a program/translating/compiling (ch. 2, pp. 66-69)
CEMT (ch. 6, pp. 206-207)
Tues., / 9/03 / CMS and CICS accounts, Passport
Additional service transactions: CESN, CSSF (ch. 6, pp. 204-205)
Practice service transactions in lab
Thur., / 9/05 / Simple transaction: unformatted I/O, RECEIVE and SEND TEXT
(ch. 8, pp. 252-253)
Executive interface block (EIB) (ch. 8, pp. 258-260)
ASKTIME and FORMATTIME (ch. 8, pp. 262-268)
Lab assignment 1: Unformatted I/O
Tues., / 9/10 / Basic mapping support (BMS) (ch., 2 pp. 38-47; ch. 4)
Thur., / 9/12 / … continuation of basic mapping support (ch. 4)
Map assembly
CECI for viewing physical maps
Lab assignment 2: BMS Maps
Tues., / 9/17 / SEND MAP and RECEIVE MAP commands (ch. 5, pp. 148-151)
Work on lab 2 assignment
Thur., / 9/19 / Symbolic maps (ch. 2, pp. 44-47) **
Tues., / 9/24 / Pseudo-conversational programming (ch. 2, pp. 26-33)
Thur., / 9/26 / Exam 1
Tues., / 10/1 / Menus
DFHAID (ch. 2, pp. 50-54)
Lab assignment 3: Simple menu program
Thur., / 10/03 / Work on lab 3 assignment
Tues., / 10/08 / CECI, CECS, CEDF service transactions (ch. 6, pp. 208-215; ch. 9)
Thur., / 10/10 / LINK, XCTL, CALL commands (ch. 5, pp. 136-145)
ABEND command (ch. 5, pp. 146-147)
Lab assignment 4: Menus using multiple programs
Tues., / 10/15 / VSAM file structure
IDCAMS: Allocating VSAM files
Lab assignment 5: VSAM files
Thur., / 10/17 / VSAM file I/O (ch. 5, pp. 152-167)
Tues., / 10/22 / Exam 2
Thur., / 10/24 / Discus final project
last day to withdraw from a course with a "W" is Saturday, October 26.
Tues., / 10/29 / Browsing and pick-lists (ch. 14, pp. 392-405)
Redefining symbolic maps (ch. 13, pp. 366-369)
Thur., / 10/31 / Cursor positioning, attributes, optimizing data transmission
(ch. 8, pp. 234-241)
Editing input data (ch. 8, pp. 242-251)
Tues., / 11/05 / Temporary storage (ch. 7, pp. 220-232)
CEBR: browsing temporary storage
Thur., / 11/07 / Transient data
Tues., / 11/12 / Interval control, task control (ch. 18, pp. 502-517)
Thur., / 11/14 / Error processing: journaling, abend processing, recovery processing
(ch. 18, pp. 518-523)
Tues., / 11/19 / Exam 3
Thur., / 11/21 / Other topics
Tues., / 11/26 / Project assistance, review and discussion of problems
Thur., / 11/28 / Holiday: Thanksgiving
Tues., / 12/03 / Project assistance, review and discussion of problems
Thur., / 12/05 / Project assistance, review and discussion of problems
Thur., / 12/12 / Final exam time (1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.). There will be a project instead of a final exam. The project must be submitted prior to or at the beginning of the final exam time.
Techniques for developing and testing CICS applications will be explored during most classes. Hands-on exercises may be used for reinforcement.
The lab assignments and project will provide the student with an opportunity to apply many of the concepts which are covered in the lectures. Most lab assignments will become part of the final project. Therefore, the project will be 40 to 65% finished after the final lab assignment has been completed. You may work in groups of 1 to 3 three students subject to approval by the instructor.
Student Programming Responsibilities:
Everyone is going to make programming errors while learning a new software environment. Unfortunately, in the CICS environment, your programming errors can adversely affect the operation of all other students' CICS programs. Your errors can also disrupt classroom demonstrations of CICS. Therefore the following rules will be observed to reduce the impact of errors:
1. / No looping in any application.2. / Program design must precede coding. Your program design must include a structure chart and pseudo code.
3. / All code must be desk checked for logic errors before testing under CICS.
4. / After we have covered CEDF, all code must be tested using CEDF.
5. / To minimize disruptions to this course, CICS may not be used on Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Violation of the prior rules may result in the loss of your CICS account number.
Labs (about 5):Project:
Total: / 20%
100% / 90 - 100% - A
80 - 89% - B
70 - 79% - C
60 - 69% - D
below 60% - F
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