Truth and Justice Center
1304 C.R. 1890
Bivins, Texas 75555
Attn: Agent Christopher West
& NYPD Detective Raymond Naffey
FBI/NYPD Joint Terrorism Task Force
26 Federal Plaza
New York, New York 10278
CM RRR #7002 3150 0000 2778 1045 February 28, A.D.2011
Dear Agent Christopher West
& NYPD Detective Raymond Naffey,
Would it be fair to say that we have a mutual interest in justice and the correct execution of the law?? This is Due Process Notice and Opportunity for you to provide the entire so-called F.B.I. file on me in order that I may correct the record with accurate facts in order to avoid any future misunderstandings. The same goes for any NYPD file on me.
I have enclosed a copy of my letter to Adam Bosch regarding his January 28 & 30, 2011, articles as published in the Times Herald-Record.
Do you consider yourselves to be “LAW ENFORCEMENT”?? Would you say “IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO EXCUSE”?? When, where, and how did you acquire the authority to overrule the United States Supreme Court regarding Sovereignty?? The attack on Sovereignty, in the nature of treason, and contrary to the Law of the Land established by the United States Supreme Court, is showing up in various States across this nation, so would you be willing to testify before the Grand Jury as to how you came to be involved in the nefarious scheme by which it is obvious that I am being set up in the nature of attempted murder?? Specifically, who put you up to targeting me for more abuse, and jeopardizing my very life?? Based upon the information you provided for the articles, any law enforcement agent considering arresting me would not even know that I have a 61 year lifetime record of no violence, and that I have spent over half my life in Texas where I have no record of ever evading or resisting arrest, or even failing to appear in court; indeed anyone who had read the articles and was considering arresting me, would do so with substantial fear of violence, and if he was like the mindless twits and cowards who attack in packs like wolves as I have frequently encountered in the past, and considering these new articles regarding even more notoriety being heaped upon me, the officer would be inclined to shoot first and ask questions later, which of course is how STATISTICALLY THOUSANDS DIE AT ARREST, ESSENTIALLY MURDERED BY “LAW ENFORCEMENT” that all too often is UTTERLY CLUELESS REGARDING LAW, BUT VERY WELL TRAINED IN THE USE OF THE TRUNCHEON, THE TASER, AND GUNS, ISN’T THAT SO?? As an example, in 1990 the City of Richardson so-called Police, notorious for idiotic and outrageous abuse, seized me by force of arms and beat me bloody on the jailhouse floor BEFORE they realized that they had nothing to charge me with, OOOPS, so they turned to other clueless “LAW ENFORCEMENT” and I was seized by force of arms by FEDERAL AUTHORITIES, so the U.S. Marshals hung me upside down by my ankles and worked me over utilizing pressure points for maximum pain, and yanking on my hair while declaring I would be a bald man, and so began the 238 days of TORTURE in U.S. v. Fox, 766 F. Supp. 569, a case in which the published opinion plainly declares that the charge was “inconceivable”!!!!
The current defamation of character issue, which I firmly believe is in the nature of attempted murder, is a part of an ongoing breach of contract as evidenced by my acceptance of the United States offer of Amnesty, followed by more than twenty years of relentless Religious and Political PERSECUTION, as evidenced by some 32 SEIZURES BY FORCE OF ARMS, WITH 681 DAYS INCARCERATION AND PLENTY OF BRUTALITY, WHILE LACKING RES JUDICATA CONVICTION IN TEXAS. How does the United States Amnesty Contract look considering U.S. v. Fox, 766 F. Supp. 569 with 238 days of wrongful incarceration, Jacksonville Texas losing EIGHT CASES IN A ROW BUT STILL USING FORCE OF ARMS TO PREVENT OUR CHURCH GROUP FROM ACCESSING THE CHURCH BUILDING I RAISED FUNDS FOR, the City of Garland seizing me SIX TIMES AND NEVER EVER BRINGING ME TO TRIAL, even Rockwall County wherein District Attorney Ray Sumrow was sentenced to FIFTEEN YEARS AS HE HAD BEEN TAMPERING WITH EVIDENCE, COERCING HIS EMPLOYEES TO PERJURE THEMSELVES, AND FRAMING INNOCENT MEN, whereby Ray Sumrow was able to personally prosecute me into 162 days of bogus incarceration, wherein the circumstances forced me to fast for 44 days??
“An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” Thomas Paine
A thought just occurred to me; since you probably know that the gangsters running the City of Jacksonville and Cherokee County have committed so many outrageous crimes that they do not have enough years left in their lives to do the prison time they have so diligently earned, why is it that none of you, acting as “LAW ENFORCEMENT” even lifted a finger to stop the TERRORISM being imposed by force of arms upon myself and the church group??
I hereby claim whistleblower status, plus give notice that further abuses in the nature of RETALIATION are inappropriate, and will not be tolerated. Prior to taking the matter of TORTURE and other abuses to Congress, I would like to correct your records first, and then have your testimony, as per your personal knowledge, at the appropriate proceedings in Washington D.C., would that be fair enough?? On the other hand, do you prefer to continue utilizing FALSIFIED RECORDS, and then come before Congress to explain that, as in the Limone Case, it is better to use FALSIFIED RECORDS when the objective is actually to frame innocent men??
Someone said “LAW ENFORCEMENT” would be more effective if they used more guns, although that is merely an opinion which would probably not be shared by Jon Burge, who apparently believes that bigger and better TORTURE is the answer!! Someone said names have original meanings, as in “Smith” being the community blacksmith, so does the name “West” have something to do with the wild west, as in Christopher “West” attacking with a gun in each hand against a defenseless Parenteau?? And would Christopher “Wild West” have attacked using eight guns if only he had eight hands?? After all, in 1990 it took FIFTEEN agents with guns just to overcome and secure my defenseless 105 pound wife at the Embassy in Dallas while I was jailed on bogus nonsense that was used as an excuse for their Armed Robbery!! Someone said that only chicken-shit cowards need so much fire power, as in even with 200 agents surrounding Bob Matthews, and even with the SWAT team right in the house, one Bob Matthews single handedly drove the heavily armed “Special Weapons And Tactics” team right back out of the house!! Someone said that after that debacle it was necessary for the cowards in “LAW ENFORCEMENT” to regain some degree of confidence, hence the murdering of defenseless children at Waco Texas for the greater glory of “LAW ENFORCEMENT”!! The Texas Rangers used to have a motto, “One riot, one Ranger”, as in one Ranger was all it took to quell a riot regardless of how many were involved in the riot.
There was a time that folks trusted their “Peace Officers” acting to Protect and Serve, however now that they are “LAW ENFORCEMENT” and utterly clueless as to the law, who is going to put their trust in a bunch of Inland Pirates with Seizure Fever?? Would it be fair to say that “LAW ENFORCEMENT” is the designation for those who are under mind control, like Jason Bourne in the Bourne Identity Trilogy?? Someone said that the training or indoctrination results in a degree of cognitive dissonance that is serious enough to render the victim quite divorced from reality. As you know I was born and raised in Canada. I will always remember an event wherein similar to your Congressional Hearings with Oliver North, in Canada it was a Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officer who testified before Parliament that, yes the RCMP burned the building and killed the men, since it was their job to do so, while the members of Parliament were aghast that Canadian citizens had been murdered by the RCMP simply because these particular Canadian citizens had a different political viewpoint, and to everyone’s astonishment the RCMP actually believed that it was their job to MURDER Canadian citizens!! Was Waco Texas really any different?? The American Free Press raised a question in a recent article regarding the high rate of police being killed. Do you suppose police being killed would have anything to do with police conduct whereby thousands of citizens die right on the spot at arrest, OR such as NYPD framing an innocent woman, as in the article provided herewith, OR NYPD using a broom handle to sodomize an innocent man, OR the horrendous abuse and robbery of Nancy Genovese by police, OR the Jon Burge ‘public relations branch’ using TORTURE to coerce confessions from 100 men, OR the FBI framing innocent men as in the Limone case??
Do you think that by continuing to abuse me, I will develop a better attitude?? Realistically, what people tell you is not necessarily what their attitude actually is, one has to observe what they do. One day I saw a clip on the TV news that let me witness a shift in attitude. In California an officer had been shot during a traffic stop, and he even though he was still standing, using his car for support, he was bleeding profusely, as he was desperately waving for help!! Nevertheless, with multiple lanes and plenty of cars, he was receiving no assistance as everyone was simply ignoring him, even though it was apparent that he was in desperate need of help and might not even make it to the hospital if he had to wait for an ambulance. Given the way the officer’s plight was ignored, do you believe that the people passing by had an attitude of gratitude and were anxious to help, OR were they satisfied that in the course of abusing and bullying people the officer had finally met up with someone who was not going to take any more abuse?? Have you even considered how the public could ever acquire such an attitude?? Perhaps the officer stopped someone who had first been wrongfully framed for a DWI and lost his job, then wrongfully framed for a second DWI and lost his wife and home in divorce, and after being shredded in family court, plus considering the three strikes rule, in desperation realized he had to use a 9mm instead of an utterly useless shyster to handle the issue of being wrongfully framed for 25 to life by means of a falsified record.
Someone said that the people can be a Peace Officer’s greatest ally, and on the other hand, if “LAW ENFORCEMENT” abuses the people for the purpose of revenue enhancement, or any other reason, officers may find themselves unable to carry sufficient ammunition to make it safely through the day. I read an account of a police officer, a big and strong ex-marine, who was overwhelmed by teenagers without guns, and mere children tore him to pieces. Even elephants have enough sense to run from army ants!! Witnesses to the event probably could have interceded and saved the officer’s life, however that did not happen!! I have friends who are police officers, or former officers, so I get concerned for their safety!! Again, I claim whistleblower status and await your response.