Graduate Followup Survey

(Side One-for all graduates)

Thank you for taking time to complete this survey. Survey results are used to make necessary changes in curriculum and services to students. Your input is vital to us! All answers are confidential.

Part I. Personal Information

Student ID NumberLast NameFirstMiddleMaiden/Other

Quarter of Completion- Circle One:

Your Major/Program of Study Date of BirthSummer Fall Winter Spring

Mailing Address (Include P.O. Box or Apt. Number)

( ) ( )

CityStateZipHome Telephone Business Telephone

Part II. Employment Information

Did you receive employment and/or a promotion as a result of your graduation from Augusta Tech?
 Yes  No

Current Employer Address City/State/Zip

Your Current Job TitleHours Worked per Week Approximate Yearly Salary

( )

Immediate Supervisor Telephone

Part III. Please check all that apply to your employment situation and/or future educationalplans.

I am working in the field of my program of study.

I am working in a field related to my program of study.

I am working in a field not related to my program of study.

I am unemployed and seeking employment.

I am unemployed and currently not seeking employment.

I am continuing my education at .

I am enlisted in the military.

Use the scantron to complete survey on Side Two if you are working in your field or in a related field.


Part IV. For graduates who are working in their field or in a related field only.

On the right side of the scantron, please:

Name: Leave Blank

Subject: Write your Program of Study (example: Accounting, Networking, etc.)



12 34 5

UnsatisfactoryBelow AverageAverageAbove AverageExcellent

Please use a pencil to answer the following questions on the scantron.

For items 1-9, please rate your work ethics preparation with regard to:

  1. Job Interviewing Skills
  2. Dependability
  3. Attendance
  4. Punctuality
  5. Initiative
  6. Time Management
  7. Attitude
  8. Team Work/Ability to Work With Your Supervisor
  9. Appearance

For items 10 – 13, please rate your technical skills preparation with regard to:

  1. Ability to Demonstrate Technical Skills
  2. Ability to Operate Equipment
  3. Ability to Perform Quality Work
  4. Ability to Use Up-to-Date Equipment

For items 14 - 18, please rate your academic preparation with regard to:

  1. Computational Skills
  2. Oral Communication
  3. Written Communication
  4. Ability to Learn New Tasks
  5. Ability to Solve Routine Problems
  1. What is your sex? A = Female B =Male
  2. What is your race?

A =American Indian B = Black/Non-Hispanic C = Hispanic D = White/Non-Hispanic E = Other

On the back of the scantron, please express:

  • Overall Rating: What is your evaluation of the education/preparation you received at AugustaTechnicalCollege?
  • Suggestions for improving your program of study.
  • Suggestions for improving the services offered by AugustaTechnicalCollege.
  • Additional comments

If you received this survey by mail, use the enclosed envelope to return survey and scantron.