Herget PTA Minutes

January 10, 2017

President Melissa Bedwell called the meeting to order at 6:52p.m.

Number in attendance: 7

Membership: 125

Membership cards are being worked on.

Secretary’s report-(Kim Carson)

The December 6, 2016 minutes were reviewed and accepted.

Treasurer’s report (Sarah Bastin)

Current balance: $14,832.27.

A motion was made and seconded to accept the treasurer’s report.

Committee Reports –

Principal’s report (Cindy Larry)

The kids are already back into routine and in the groove. Mr. Thornton talked to kids about performance series testing and told them about incentives. The kids can earn an electronic lunch. There will also be a movie and popcorn day. Another incentive is a skating day at Funway. Results will be reviewedwith the kids.

State of the district address will be tomorrow night.

No school on Monday – kids are being encouraged to do some kind of service that day.

January 26th, 6:00 to 8:30 pm is high school registration for the 8th graders.

6th and 7th graders will be getting course request forms on1/17.

PTA board should try to attend Parent night for the incoming 5th graders.

Hill school does a math and science night and want to pair with Hergetfor this night. Ms. Larry will be discussing this further.

Staff Appreciation – (Karen Sporny, Janine Stuck)

Thanks to Janine and Karen for all of the hard work for the holiday staff appreciation breakfast and treats.

They will also be working on a coffee bar for the teachers at the start of PARCC testing (March 13th). We will need volunteers to donate sugar packets, creamer, cups, and stirrers.

Dinning Out (Connie Wicks – Chair) and PBIS

We have been contacted by McDonalds to see if we wanted to do a Teacher Night (McCare Night). We would need at least 16 teachers to participate. This could be March 15th from 5 to 8 pm. This will be discussed with staff at the next staff meeting.

Connie is working on the Chili’s dinning out night. Possibly May 1st through the 31st (the entire month).

Connie will check on Portillo’s for a dinning out night in April.


On January 19ththere will be a dinning out fundraiser at Chipotle for PBIS.

A check for $300.00 was given to the school for dog pound items.

A Dodge Ball Day is scheduled for February 10th from 3:45 to 5:45. Student council will probably be selling tickets. The PTA will sell concessions. We will need a few volunteers. We are looking at the possibility of buying a karaoke machine to use at various functions, including Dodge ball day. Minute to win it games and other activities may be available on Dodge Ball Day as well.

Mr. Thornton and Mr. Davidson have picked up new things for the dog pound.

Teacher Representative (Teacher leader)

No teacher representative was present

SCAC Representative (Stacey Caragher)

Connie let us know that SCAC has not met since the December meeting. They are scheduled to meet next week.

Feeder School Fun Night

We need to find a date that works for all of the schools (sometime in April – 7th, 21st or 28th). Discussed possible activities. Discussed the waiver that would need to be filled out.

Spring Huskies Hangout

March 10th right from 3:45 to 5:45 pm. The PTA will sell concessions. The DJ has been booked. We will need volunteers and possibly student ambassadors. We will need to decide what games and activities we want to have. Possibly have 8th graders take groups of kids on tours of the school.

Eighth Grade Dance

May 19th

Student council is in charge of professional photos and decorations.

PTA is in charge of food, DJ and photo booth. The DJ and 2 photo booths have been booked. We are looking into what type of food to have. Most 8th grade teachers and administrators are there so we probably do not need volunteers.

President’s Report – (Melissa Bedwell, PTA President)

Unfinished Business-

There is no unfinished business

New Business-

A date is needed for the Feeder School Fun Night.

Volunteers are needed for the audit committee.

A thank you from Ms. Acker for the money for the headphones was shared.

Announcements / Important Dates

*Membership forms available on the PTA website - Thank you to the many faculty, staff and parents who have joined!

*PBIS fundraiser at Chipotle– Jan. 19th

*Spring Huskies Hangout – March 10th 3:35 – 5:45 pm

*8th grade dance – May 19th

PTA Meeting Dates –

February 7, 2017

March 7, 2017

April 4, 2017

May 2, 2017

The meeting was adjourned 7:45atp.m.

Minutes taken by Kim Carson

Next Meeting February 7, 2017 (6:45 pm)