Name: ______/ Date: ______

BOH 4M Unit 1 Assignment: Foundations of Management


You are to select two leaders, and analyze their philosophies and style of leadership. You will be expected to highlight their achievements, compare and contrast the similarities and differences between them, and make connections between the content you have learned in Unit 1 (i.e., management skills and approaches) and the leadership style of your respective leaders.

Essays can be submitted in class on Wednesday, May 21, or via e-mail before 11:59 p.m.

Due: Wednesday, May 21 @ 11:59 p.m.


The following information could be included in your report:

  • Name, position, & organization of both leaders
  • Achievements of both leaders
  • Functions of management
  • Managerial Roles
  • Managerial Skills
  • Management Theory Approach
  • Anecdotal stories that demonstrate your leaders’ philosophy/outlook
  • The role of Ethics
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Environment & Competitive Advantage
  • Customers
  • Quality
  • Role of technology

Written requirements

You will hand in all the above work as a portfolioas follows:

  • Title page (Title of Task, Course Title, Course Code, Submitted to: Mr. Morrison, Due Date, Submitted by: provide your first and last name)
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Body – see preparation list
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

Ensure that your report is typed and that your written work has been edited and is free from spelling and grammar errors.

Foundations of Management Assignment: EvaluationName: ______

Criteria / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1 / R
K & U
  • Facts/Terms
  • Understanding of management concepts & theory
/ Demonstrates considerable knowledge & understanding / Demonstrates knowledge & understanding / Demonstrates some knowledge & understanding / Demonstrates limited knowledge & understanding / Demonstrates inadequate knowledge & understanding
  • Application of management concepts & theory in familiar contexts
  • Transfer of management concepts & theory to new contexts
  • Making within & between various management concepts
/ Demonstrates effective application, connections, & transfer of management concepts & theory / Demonstrates application, connections, & transfer of management concepts & theory / Demonstrates some application, connections, & transfer of management concepts & theory / Demonstrates limited application, connections, & transfer of management concepts & theory / Demonstrates inadequate application, connections, & transfer of management concepts & theory
  • Planning skills (research, problem solving)
  • Use of processing skills (completing the assignment, reflections)
  • Use of critical thinking processes
/ Demonstrates effective planning, processing, & critical thinking skills / Demonstrates planning, processing, & critical thinking skills / Demonstrates some planning, processing, & critical thinking skills / Demonstrates limited planning, processing, & critical thinking skills / Demonstrates inadequate planning, processing, & critical thinking skills
  • Expression & organization of ideas
  • Written communication & presentation
  • Use of vocabulary & terminology
/ Demonstrates effective communication sills / Demonstrates good communication skills / Demonstrates some communication skills / Demonstrates limited communication skills / Demonstrates inadequate communication skills