iTREES Reference Manual
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
iTREES User Manual
A User Manual for the iTREES Web Application.
iTREES Reference Manual
Table of Contents.
3Logging into iTREES
6Functional Roles for iTREES
7My Account Information & how to change your password
9iTREES Home Page
10Downloading Forestry Reports
21Downloading Mass Volume Ratio Reports
22Downloading Stumpage Matrix Reports
23Logging Out
24User Management (Feature Available to MNR Administrators Only)
37Query Email Status (Feature Available to MNR Administrators Only)
Log on to the internet:
Enter the following address
This will bring you to the MNR iTREES Home page. Click on the Login button in either location to display the login screen.
Enter User Name – use surname first with first to initials as ID
Enter Password – Remember the password is case sensitive.
Click on the Login button.
This will log you into the iTREES system.
Verify that your user name is visible in the right hand side of the window. As well, the iTREES user roles that you have been granted will be displayed below. Click on the My Account button to view of your user and contact information.
/ All roles are assigned to the user implicitly. No roles will be displayed on the various screens. / All iTREES reports and functionality such as user management and email status. / iTREES MNR administrators will have the ability to perform all possible functionality. For example, only MNR Administrators will be able to perform user management.MNR
/ All roles are assigned to the user implicitly. No roles will be displayed on the various screens. / All iTREES reports. / iTREES MNR users will have the ability to view all reports. However, the user will not be able to perform any user management and will not be able to view the email status.INDUSTRY / Roles must be explicitly assigned along with the associated privilege for each role. Currently, INDUSTRY users can have the following user roles:
EDT Viewer
Facility ViewerLicensee Viewer
Mill as Agent Viewer
SFL Viewer / ITREES reports based on assigned roles and privileges. / iTREES INDUSTRY users will have the ability to view reports for which they have been assigned the appropriate user role and privileges.
A description of User and privileges will appear. For INDUSTRY users, there will be a section of the screen that will display all the privileges the user has. For MNR Administrator and MNR users, this section is not needed since the user will have access to all reports implicitly.
Note: Only the MNR Administrator will be permitted to add and remove user privileges (this function is found under the User Management menu item).
My Account screen for an MNR Administrator user type.
Click on Home to return to the Home page.
My Account screen for an MNR user type.
Click on Home to return to the Home page.
My Account screen for an INDUSTRY user type.
Click on Home to return to the Home page.
Downloading Forestry Reports
Click on Reports to display all the Forestry Reports Type the user has access to.
Downloading Forestry Reports:
Click on the desired Forestry Report Type to list all available reports of that type.
This will display all the reports available for the selected Forestry Report Type. Click on the desired report file name to display the report on the web browser. If the type of file is not known to your computer, you will be asked to download the file. Otherwise, the file will be displayed in your web browser. You will need to press the “Back” button on the web browser to go back to the previous iTREES screen
The following dialog may be displayed to prompt you to save the selected report file if your computer does not understand the type of file being accessed. In this case, simply select “OK” and save the file to your computer hard disk. You can then use the appropriate program to open the file.
Displaying CSV file with Microsoft Excel
If you have Micrsoft Excel installed, you can simply double-click on the CSV file or open the file from within MS Excel.
Displaying CSV file with Notepad
You can also view the CSV file with a simple text editor. As you can see, the file consists of lines of text with each field separated by a comma.
Navigate Back to the Forestry Report Types Screen
Click on the “Report Types” link on the Location path to go back to the Forestry Report Types screen.
We will select a different report to download.
Downloading Forestry Reports:
Click on “Harvest Approval Factors – Facility” list all available reports of that type.
This will display all the available “Harvest Approval Factors – Facility” reports. Click on the desired report file name to display the report on the web browser. This will display the text file in your web browser. You will need to use the “Back” button on your web browser to navigate back to the previous iTREES screen. If you want to simply save the file to your computer computer, “right-click” on the desired file and select “Save Target As…“.
Displaying a Text Forestry Report in web Browser
Press the “Back” button to return to the previous iTREES screen.
Downloading a Forest Report file via the “right-click”, “Save Target As…” Approach
Select the desired folder and file name and press “Save”.
Downloading Mass Volume Ratio Reports
Click on Mass Volume Ratio to display all the available reports. The user can simply download or view the report as described in the previous section on how to access Forestry Reports.
Downloading Stumpage Matrix Reports
Click on Stumpage Matrix to display all the available reports. The user can simply download or view the report as described in the previous section on how to access Forestry Reports.
Logging Out of iTREES
Once you are finish using the iTREES system, it is important to logout of the system. To logout, simply click on the “logout” link available at the top right corner of the screen. You will be directed back to the iTREES main page from which you can login again.
User Management (MNR Administrators Only)
Click on User Management to create new iTREES user, add existing external users to iTREES, or management user roles and privileges.
Creating New iTREES Users
Enter the desired User Id and select the appropriate User Type. You will be able to change the User Type later. However, once selected, the User Id cannot be changed. Click on the “Create” button to create the specified account.
Note: if the specified User Id is already taken by another user, an error will be displayed and another User Id must be chosen.
An initial password must be chosen for the new user. The user will be able to change this temporary password later. Click the “Save” button to continue.
Change the User Contact Information
Click on the “Change” button to specify additional information for the newly created user account.
Change User’s Contact Information
Enter the user’s name, email address, and phone number. The required fields are marked with the red asterisk (*). Click on the “Save” button to commit the changes.
Assign User Roles and Privileges
Click on the “New” button to assign the users the appropriate roles and privileges.
Specify the New User Role
Select “Authority to Haul Viewer” and press the “Next” button.
Specify the User Role Privilege
Select the “Licensee” the user will have access to and press the “Save” button.
Deleting User Privileges
If an user privilege is no longer required. Simply press the “Del” button next to the desired user privilege to delete it. To add additional privileges, simply repeat the above steps.
Adding Existing External Users to iTREES (MNR Administrators Only)
If a user already have an account for another MNR system such as eFAR, FOIP, or FI Portal. The “Add to iTREES” feature can be used to assign the user the necessary privileges to access iTREES. The user existing user account name and password will be used.
Adding Other Applications User to iTREES
Enter the desired username and press the “Add User” button. If the specified user is valid, it will be given access to the iTREES system. However, only the same steps as creating a New iTREES user will need to be followed to collect the required contact information and user privileges.
Note: The “Check User” button provides a means to validate the specified user id without actually creating an iTREES user. If an error message is displayed if the specified user name does not or the user is already an iTREES user.
Search iTREES User (MNR Administrators Only)
To view or update an existing iTREES user, specify the desired user search parameters and press the “Search” button. Click on the desired user id link in the search result to view the user account information.
Query Email Status (MNR Administrators Only)
Click on Email Status to query the status of reports to be delivered via email.
Specify the desired email status search parameters and press the “Search” button. All matching email records will be displayed. The email status with be either “Sent” or “Not Sent”. If the status is “Not Sent”, the error message will be shown in the “Status Message” column.
Ministry of Natural Resources