15 OCTOBER 2008

Sense Making Faith: observing Lent through the senses

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) will again partner BBC Radio 4 and BBC Local Radio to provide a rich worship and prayer resource for Lent 2009.
This time, the CTBI/BBC Sense Making Faith Lent project will enable people to make their Lenten journey accompanied and inspired by worship, prayer and reflections prompted by the senses.
Sense Making Faith by Anne Richards and published by CTBI provides a starting point and theme for Lent 2009, and is itself a resource for spiritual exploration.
"In meeting Jesus through the senses we will find that we are drawn to the feast with him, to respond to him, to become involved in acts of love, to worship." (Anne Richards)
Supporting materials will be available for those who wish to study and pray during the six weeks of this important Christian season.
Each week begins with Sunday Worship on BBC Radio 4 (0810-0850), complemented by additional programmes on the Daily Service (0945-1000 BBC R4 LW), and Sunday morning BBC local radio programmes will also carry special items based on the themes of the course. The radio programmes will have downloadable resources for groups and individuals ( - to go live 1st January 2009). These will also be available through the BBC Religion and Ethics ( ) and the BBC Local websites ( ), and will be usable with, or independent from, the radio programmes. Sunday Worship and the Daily Service are available on the BBC iPlayer.
The first Sunday Worship will be on 1 March (St David's Day and the first Sunday in Lent). Each week, an invited preacher will reflect on a story of Jesus in which a sense, or the lack of it, plays a key role.
Sense Making Faith will be appropriate for those who wish to make sense of a paradoxical period in which one man died so that the whole world might live.

CTBI contact: The Rev. Peter Colwell, Secretary for Church Life and Inter Faith Relations, tel: 020 7654 7216.
Note for editors
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland helps the Churches to think, work and pray together. It is the official ecumenical body that brings together Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Protestant and Pentecostal traditions, and is the direct successor to the British Council of Churches. Its work includes racial justice, inter faith relations, international affairs, global mission, faith, unity and spirituality. Churches Together in Britain and Ireland works closely with the "Churches Together" bodies that focus separately on England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. See
This press release is distributed on behalf of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland by The Newburys Communications Consultants, Hirbrysg Llangurig Powys, SY18 6SL,

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