Can we contact you from time to time by email to send you updates about the library, new publications and online resources, training, and the biannual user survey? / YES [ ] NO [ ]

Would you like targeted updates on your professional interests?

List your interests below to sign up to receive KnowledgeShare evidence updates by email:

Conditions /
Risk Factors
E.g.psychosis, drug misuse,… / Professional Interests
E.g. Patient safety, service design, education, management, research….
Age Groups / Settings
E.g.community, inpatient, prison…

KnowledgeShare is a system used in many health and social care libraries in England. In order to promote knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer networking, you can opt to allow other users to see your interests and contact details.

[ ]Yes, please make my interests and contact details visible toothercolleagues in the NHS

[ ]Yes, please make my interests and contact details visible only to other colleagues in my organisation

You may change these settings at any time at (Using your OpenAthens account).

Current awareness bulletins

New journals and grey literature are checked to produce Current Awareness Bulletins, in which details of relevant new articles, guidelines and reports, etc, are listed by subject area. Reay House Library has carefully selected the following bulletins for local distribution. Please tick if you are interested in receiving:
[ ] Mental health bulletin
[ ] Nursing bulletin
[ ] Health management bulletin
[ ] Frail and Older Peoples Bulletin / [ ] Knowledge alerts for commissioners
[ ] Public health bulletin
[ ] Multidisciplinary education horizon scanning bulletin

Terms and conditions of library membership

  1. I understand that the information I have given will be used to provide me with library services. The information will be shared across member libraries in the South London Healthcare Libraries Catalogue Consortium. This enables me to request items from other libraries in the consortium. The database is managed by a third-party supplier which holds membership data on behalf of the consortium. My data will not be available beyond the consortium and third-party supplier and will not be used for any purpose other than the management of library services within the consortium. My data will be held for the duration of my membership and for 18 months after my membership ceases.
  2. I will keep the library informed of any changes to my personal or work details.
  3. I understand that I am registered with the library as an individual and will not re-loan items to colleagues.
  4. I understand that items I borrow are Trust property and will return all loaned resources before my employment or placement ends.
  5. I agree to pay all fines owed to Reay House Library for any items that are not returned or renewed by their due date, according to the fine and charge rates on the library website. I will pay for repair or replacement of any damaged or lost items and I understand that replacement costs will include an administration fee.
  6. I will abide by current copyright legislation and the terms of the NHS England Copyright Licence.
  7. I will abide by the terms of any manufacturer restrictions or publisher licenses that apply.
  8. I will abide by the SLaM ICT policies when using any ICT equipment in Reay House Library. I understand that viewing, transmitting or downloading unauthorised, pornographic or illegal images is prohibited.
  9. Reay House Library reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of membership when required.

Privacy/Data Protection Notice

Using your personal information

We are committed to safeguarding your information. The information you supply will be used to contact you about services or resources you have requested from the Library and knowledge Service (LKS).

Sharing your personal information

We will share your information with the organisation that supply and manage our library management systems. We may share your information with other LKS team if you move organisations (you will receive an e-mail notification if this happens).

Accessing your personal information

You may log in to our library management systems at (using your PIN) or at (using your NHS OpenAthens account) to see the data we hold about you. You can request changes by emailing

Deleting your personal information

We will delete the data we hold on you after a maximum 5-year period of inactivity (in case you return to use NHS library and Knowledge Services again within this time).

Further information

For further information on how your information is used, how we maintain its security, and your rights to access it, read the full KnowledgeShare privacy policy online at

Your declaration

I apply for membership of Reay House Library and agree to abide by its terms and conditions as above. I agree to my data being held as stated above.

Signature / Date