Advisory Board Focus Group Meeting

July 20, 2001

The State Regents’ Training Center Advisory Board met in the Regents’ Room at Rose State College, Midwest City, OK commencing at 11:00 a.m. Mr. Dudley Freeman, the Board Chairman, opened the meeting for discussion, distributed the Regents’ Training Center Advisory Board meeting minutes for April 27, 2001, draft Bylaws for consideration, a copy of the draft agreement between OSRHE and the University Oklahoma, concerning Safety and Health Needs, and a copy of the draft agenda for the meeting.

Those attending were: Mr. Tim Stiger, University of Science & Arts, member and Chairman of the Budget Committee; Mr. Donald McDaniel, Redlands Community College, member; Mr. Don Powers, University of Central Oklahoma, member; Mr. Laird Hughes, Director, Environmental Technology, Rose State College; Don Groff, SSU, member; Ms. Cheri Marcham, OUHSC, member; Mr. Allen Moore, University of Oklahoma, member; Mr. Mike Howarth, East Central University, and Ms. Cennet Ladwig, Rose State College, Secretary; James Echols, Rose State College; Cindy Stoker, AAEC Ardmore, member; Peter A. Koening, Medtronic Corporation.

Dudley Freeman asked the members what other things they would like to add to the agenda. Allen Moore informed the members that Training Coordinator Larry Warner had resigned. He also presented the Fiscal Year Report in a new format. Tim Stiger asked why the total budget doubled. Allen Moore said it was probably a printing error and that he would check it. Members approved the report.

Allen Moore stated he had the final changes for the Host Institution Agreement (University of Oklahoma Fiscal Agent as administrator for the State Institutions). Don Powers and Allen Moore will be working on the Agreement and will present them to the members via e-mail. The members approved.

Allen Moore distributed the new State Travel Form to the members so they could use the form for claiming their travel to attend these meetings. It is the same as used by all institutions. We need to get an Agency Special Account for our other expenses before we can claim meals.

Cheri Marcham asked if we could reserve a budget item for travel in the next years’ budget. She also asked if it would be a problem to process past travel claims. Allen Moore said he would find this out for us.

Members approved the last meeting minutes. Dudley Freeman reminded the members that the Annual Report for the Training Center, which will be presented to the State Regents for Higher Education Council of Business Officers, is due in September.

Regarding payment of awarded grants, Don Powers suggested that we not issue any money until we process the Purchase Request. He also said that the Council should approve professional development conferences for the members, which will benefit the State institutions.

Member institutions will be contacted by E-mail informing them that $1,000.00 will be available for them, if they choose to purchase equipment they need. If there are unforeseen problems of any kind, we will address them when the time comes.

Allen Moore presented the outstanding invoices for supplies and equipment. One of the pieces of equipment is a Dosimeter, a device to test sound levels. Dudley Freeman said that he would like to use the equipment in one of the buildings that is under construction. C. Marcham suggested that we contact the supplier and set up a training session for the member institutions to practice how to use the equipment.

T. Stiger introduced the draft copy of By-Laws. Since the Bylaws were introduced and discussed at the last meeting, they were approved as presented.

Cheri Marcham introduced the Web based training software from the Iowa State Training Center. Cheri suggested the members purchase this system. Then, they can choose the training assessment, the available classes and whatever they want from a list of safety and environmental topics. Each institution can set up its own training based on individual needs by accessing the program on the Web page for the single cost of $200.00. A new, up-to-date program will be out in November. It will be helpful to have all the information on our Web site. Our future coordinator will be able to set up the Front-Page and Access for the training program.

Dudley Freeman discussed the survey on how we could address the goals we have set for the coming year, who will be responsible for what, when it should be completed and how it will be evaluated.

Cheri Marcham discussed the qualifications we desire for the Training Coordinator. The person who fills the position should be very interesting, able to motivate and involve personnel in safety issues. Tim Stiger stated that we can use sub-contracting companies to do the training, and, if we are not happy with that company, we can get some other company.

Allen Moore suggested that we needed to develop a program and hire someone to administer this program. Each institution is different and their needs are different. We need to find out what each institution wants and implement those requests. Tim Stiger stated that we needed someone to go to each institution and determine what they need, what their problems are, and what to do about them to meet the safety requirements. That person should give a report detailing these matters to the institution and to the Board on a regular basis.

Don Powers stated we needed someone to administer and manage this program. That person should have experience, understand the requirements and have the management ability to find the resources and put it all together. He added that we needed to increase the salary.

Dudley Freeman stated we needed someone who will go and inspect the institutions, who is a self-starter, who will assume the responsibility of the position and go and do it. The coordinator should give training, be a good listener and communicator, and understand EPA, DEQ, OSHA, and SHRTC Safety Training Requirements. Furthermore, the person who fills the position should give on-the-job training and seminars.

Tim Stiger suggested we put a subcommittee together to outline what we expect from a Training Coordinator. Allen Moore asked who would terminate the person if he or she were not successful. Tim Stiger said the board should take care of that because the Coordinator answers to the Board. Cheri stated we needed to hire a consultant. The consultant would analyze the needs of the institution and present a report to the board.

Dudley Freeman asked the members to form a sub committee that would work on a job description for the Coordinator position. Don Powers, Dudley Freeman, Al Moore, Laird Hughes, Donald McDaniel and Don Groff agreed to work on this sub-committee and report to the members at the next board meeting.

Tim Stiger stated we needed to be very careful this time, so our objectives for the Training Center would be met. Dudley Freeman read the survey results to the members. The survey results were accepted as objectives for the Training Center. These were the items that the members wanted to see accomplished, and the assistance they wished to receive from the Training Center as member institutions.

Don Powers suggested that we needed to work on a plan based on the survey results and follow that plan. After all, that is what the members asked from this board. Don Powers will chair a Focus Group to develop an Action Plan and present it to the Board at the next meeting.

Dudley Freeman again reminded the members that the Annual Report for the Training Center, which will be presented to the State Higher Regents, is due in September; if they have anything to add to the report please e-mail it to him. He thanked the members for a good meeting and scheduled the next Regents’ Training Center Board meeting for Friday, October 19, 2001, at Rose State College, at 11:00 a.m. at the Health and Environmental Building, Midwest City, OK.

The meeting was concluded at approximately 3:30 p.m.

Cennet Ladwig, Secretary
