MINUTES of the Parish Council Meeting held on Mon 14th Jan 2008 at 8pm in the Village Hall.
PRESENT Cllrs R Smith (Chair), K Gamble, M Thompson, W Liquorish. No public or press.
APOLOGIES Cllrs P Fuchs, I Cartlidge, P Jones.
931. DECLARATIONS of Interest. None.
932. PREVIOUS MINUTES of Mon 12 Nov 07 circulated to all by e; Tu 27 Nov. No corrections, chair to sign & date as correct.
933. MATTERS ARISING not being dealt with later.
Parish precept has been submitted as agreed by Fri 14 December. Nothing heard from HDC.
Clerk to enquire when the first half would be paid.
Also, Clerk to check files for the cheque for about £1700 grant succesfully awarded.
Invoices as presented;
BTCV £270.25 Inv no 5011918 receipted invoice to be requested.
ABB £39.76 " 984973
LCC £229.94 "6509673
" £343.16 "6510227
" £343.16" 6510544
" £74.29 " 6510806
Clerk £125.00half-yearly
Total£1425.56 cheques were signed to be posted next day. Done 15.1.08 1st class.
Current NatWest statement to 28.12.07 £3587.65
Next statement should therefore show £2162.09+award when located & banked.
934. MATTERS RAISED by parishioners or public.
Cllrs reported that the mud wall of the Church Farm barn on Gilmorton Road had collapsed after the weekend heavy rain and fallen across the public footway into the road.
The Clerk inspected this after the meeting and has notified HDC if further collapse occurs it will endanger passers by.Head of Building Control Jack Taylor to arrange inspectionam Wed 16th.
Contact name given to HDC is Stuart Johnson of The Cottage, Hall Lane.
A Dangerous Structure Notice could be seved to repair/make safe immediately.
Clive Howe of LCC Highways and Rosalind Willats of HDC Conservation also notified.
Cllr Thompson reported that he had met the "International Tree" person mid December and agreed a planting programme in AMOS starting in February.
Also BTCV would be back for1 day on AMOS in January, 1 in February, 1 in March.
Cllrs hadnoted a fresh hole ina wall of Old Forge Rd opposite Peveril Road. Previous unauthorised hole had been bricked up again and a restriction on any other. Clerk to check with HDC and further action as required.
26.11.07 Clerk to Gilmorton PC confirmed recent phone call ref "dogs from Flat House Farm".
Cllr Thompson spoke to Clk to GPC and suggested they contact HDC dog warden but need to be specific. The owner of this farm lives onethe other sideof Gilmorton.
Clerk reported he walked the length of Flat Lane pm Sunday 13th, saw 3 persons walking 2 dogs at FP Y93 and no sight or sound of dogs from the Farm. Clk to reply to GPC.
Clk to GPC also noted increase in lorries, Clk to suggest they log them and notify LCC Highways ref breach of restrictions.
1.12.07 HDC sent 07-8 Full Electoral Roll. Noted there were 26 new names which almost equates with 10 new houses at Hubbards Close and other infills. Total on roll now 288.
12.12.07 HDC invite ALL cllrs to ANNUAL PARISH LIAISON MEETING at HDC 6.30-8.30pm Mon 4 Feb. Meet Cllrs, officers presentations, Q&A etc. Agenda awaited. Names please to Clerk for RSVP.
Clerk toforwardfor agenda ENFORCEMENT...lack of.
Dec CPRE "Fieldwork" quarterly newsletter, nothing specifically local but mentions eco-towns of which Great Glen is the nearest to date.
2.1.08 Leics Police, offer by Henry Whatley of Harborough Unit to advise/present etc.
Clk to enquire about an identified car speeding in the village and possible use of the Community Speedwatch Camera as used in Lubenham, Theddingworth, Newton Harcourt etc.
Cllrs asked if a flashing 30 sign could be installed. Cllr Liquorish advised they were about £15,000 as he knew of one just going in.
Cllrs asked if Gates or Flower boxes could be installed at the (4) village signs.
Clk to enquire at HDC/LCC Highways.
1023 Gilmorton Lodge Fm, PENDING after sent to County Hall. Cllr Liquorish advised it was going to a committee on Thurs 17th with 1 lorry, 7 skips(= 14 journeys/day) limit of 20 (skips or journeys?) and other conditions.
1478 3 Hall Lane (pool cover) PC replied no comment, APPROVED 17.12.07.
1606 43 Peveril Rd (rebuild 2 on site of bungalow) PC replied no comment, APPROVED 18.12.07.
1766 r/o 11 Peveril Rd (barn conv) PC replied no comment, PENDING, due by 24.1.08.
1826 Low Spinney Fm (reduced extension) PC given copies, no comment, PENDING, due by 24.1.08.
Pavements & Roadsweeping The Decembervisit had been asked to attend to the slurried paths in Old Forge Road. A 2008 rota has been requested from John Kemp.
John has since replied that it will be sent "as soon as contractor has passed them"
Lorries Understood that a Bardon Stone lorry had been seen by a parishioner but none noticed recently.
Cllr Liquorish said there had been a mid Dec Highways meeting and it it could be that words had been exchanged and lorriesstopped from using our village (and others-note Gilmorton) to reach the Kibworth site.
30 limit/Footway extension to AMOS Nothing heard from Cllr Fuchs. Unlikely to get a 20 limit as there is no school or other high risk building. The number of children starting to use the new field for football etc means there is 100mwalk on the roadwith no footway on Willoughby Road.
Clk to enquire of Clive Howe at LCC Highways how torequest a path. Min width 1.5m recommended under Dept of Transport guidance.
Dogs from Flat House Farm. On private land are not our concern. Flat Lane is a public green lane but without description of dogs, time, place, named witnesses there is little can be done.
Clk to reply to GPC as under Correspondence.
Street Light not working, outside 41 Peveril Road, reported by parishioner R Dutton.
Clerk has spoken to Clive Howe LCC Highways and reported to
with comment about this being one of the last two old style etc.
Dragons teeth Willoughby Road, noted they have worn off, can they be re-painted.
Clk to contact Highways, about these and look at any others.
Enforcement Cllrs asked if any further replies ref dogs off Thrones Lane etc. Nothing heard.
Clk to re-visit letters and include HDC CEO Sue Smith.
Parishioner Mr Ward had made an approach to Cllrs about accessing a landlocked area behind 4 Hubbards Close via AMOS.
Clk to write with map asking for details of type of vehicles or plant, purpose, etc.and remind of Planning Restrictions to prevent domestic use extending into the countryside, clearly limited on Proposals Map Inset 2 of HDC Local Plan Adopted April 2001.
Next meeting Monday 10th March 2008 at 8pm.
Cllr Thompson Apologies for Absence in advance.