Welcome to the

2014 St. Anthony All Star Baseball Tournament


2014 St. Anthony Invitational All-Star Tournament

June 19th,20th, and 21st
St. Anthony, Idaho

Our tournament will be a 14 -team tournament for 9-10 year old players and a 13-team tournament for 11-12 year old players.

Entry Fee is$300 per team to cover the cost of trophies, umpires, etc. First, Second and Third in both divisions will receive trophies and 4th will receive an award. We guarantee every team 4 games. Should something come up that prevents you from coming, contact the tournament directors below. Your entry fee must be received by us to assure you a place in our tournament. Fees are non-refundable. Checks should be made out to: UVYA Baseball.


Tournament Coordinator: Jeremy Dixon, St. Anthony, ID 83445, 208-624-4807 (H), 208-390-6807 (C)
Tournament Cordinator: Jace Yancey, St.Anthony, ID 83445, 208-624-3789 (H)
Tournament Cordinator: Kade Yancey, St.Anthony, ID 83445, 208-624-1069 (H)
Tournament Cordinator: Bruce Kerbs, St.Anthony, ID 83445, 208-313-5155 (C)

Our tournament will be designed so that all teams will be guaranteed at least four games. Our games will be played in our UVYA Park complex (located next to the National Guard Armory on West Main, turn west at our only stop light in town). Games will also be played at South Fremont High School on the north side of the high school. Field five and six will be at the high school. With field five being the west diamond and field six being the east diamond.

The UVYA Park features four baseball diamonds and a snack shack.

The High School complex consists of two fields.


  1. The home plate ump is only 60 feet away from most bases in little league and they can generally do a fine job calling all the bases. Home plate umpires will be adults with plenty of baseball experience. We will, at our discretion, place base umps on a game but if your team can't live without base umps you need to find a tournament that guarantees base umps. (Championship games will most likely have base umps)
  2. The Fremont County Fairgrounds in St. Anthony will be available for RV parking (no hook ups). This will be available free of charge.
  3. This year we will have a portable pitching mound. (Please have your pitchers bring their turf shoes).
  4. Seeding for Saturday will be done after the final game on Friday and posted at the snack shack at 7:30 pm. After we post the seeding for the second day of our tournament we are going to allow 15 minutes for coaches and mangers to check our accuracy and give us feed back. Seeding will not be finalized until it is announced over the snack shack loud speaker that seeding is finalized. In case we have to change something we ask that each team give us a cell phone number so we can contact the coach or manager to get clarification or let them know of changes. That number can be brought to the announcer's booth or handed to one of the tournament director prior to the seeding. In case of inclement weather, seeding will be determined by a coin flip for the canceled games.

TOURNAMENT BY-LAWS (For those teams that have played at Bear Lake these should look very familiar)

The St. Anthony Tournament will be run according to conventional little league baseball rules as interpreted by the tournament committee. Below are some specifics on our tournament.

1. Rosters: 11-12 year old division (Majors) and 9-10 year old division (Minors). No more than 15 players on a team.

2. Pitchers will be limited to 3 innings per game. One pitch thrown in an inning constitutes an inning pitched. Once a pitcher is removed from the mound, he may not re-enter that game as a pitcher.

3. A second trip to the same pitcher by the coach in the same inning will cause the pitcher's automatic removal. The coach is prohibited from making a second visit while the same batter is at bat.

4. The age cut-off date will beMay 1st. Whatever age the ball player is on May 1stwill be considered his playing age.

5. Pool games will be scheduled 6 innings or 1 hour 30 minutes. No new inning shall begin after 1 hour 30 min. Tournament games will be scheduled 6 innings or 1 hour 30 minutes, with no new inning beginning after 1 hour 30 minutes. If an inning is started, it will be completed. When the last out is made in the bottom of an inning, the new inning will have been considered started. Game time limit begins at the scheduled time or when the umpire directs the scorekeeper. Championship round games will be the full six innings.

6. Players may not leave the base until the pitched ball has passed home plate. A violation of this rule shall result in the runner being called out. However, one team warning will be issued one warning per game. To speed up play, base runners that are leading off, have an obligation to run or return to the base, if the opposing team recognizes the runner's threat (no cat and mouse acts.) In the opinion of the umpire, once the runner has been recognized by the opposing team and the runner does not advance, the runner cannot advance and the ball may be thrown back to the pitcher. Once a player returns to the base, he may not leave again until after the next pitch crosses the plate.

7. Game time is forfeit time. No grace period will be allowed.

8. All players must remain in the dugouts. Only 2 offensive base coaches, on deck batter and the batter may remain outside the dugout. Defensive coaches are strongly encouraged to remain in the dugout, unless a timeout is called or there is need for discussion with the umpire.

9. Protective headgear must be worn by all batters, base runners, on deck batters and player base coaches. Violators will be called out.

10. Any of the nine starting players may withdraw and re-enter once, provided such player's replacement has batted at least once before the original player may again enter the game. However, he must bat in the original order upon re-entry.

11. If an ineligible player is discovered on any team in the tournament, that team will forfeit all games in which the ineligible player participated.

12. Stealing 2nd , 3rdor home base will be allowed after the ball crosses home plate. ONLY IN THE MAJORS DIVISION ARE BASERUNNERS ALLOWED TO STEAL HOME ONCE THE BALL CROSSES HOME PLATE. Stealing of home will also be allowed in the following cases (MINORS AND MAJORS):

  1. Catcher throws to any player besides the pitcher.
  2. Catcher plays on the runner by creating a pickle situation. This includes running him back to 3rd base.
  3. Catcher throws to the pitcher and the pitcher mishandles the ball. (drops, over-throws, bobble drop, one hoppers, etc.) A clean throw to the pitcher on the mound must be made to eliminate the possibility of stealinghome. A throw to a pitcher that is off the mound does not eliminate the steal. Pitcher must be within 10 feet of the rubber to eliminate the steal, usually considered on the dirt of the mound. Calls are of the opinion of the umpire.
  4. Pitcher makes a play or engages the base runner occupying 3rd base. If the arm is raised to throw, or fake a throw, the base runner may steal at their own risk. Once the pitcher engages the rubber again batter must return to the base. Remember no cat and mouse. If base runner is off the base when a pitch is thrown, the runner is out.

13. All games will be played on 60-foot bases. Pitching distance is 46 feet.

14. We will go on the coaches' word as to the age of each ball player (birth certificates are not necessary.)

15. Use of illegal bats (larger than 2 ¼ inch barrels) or longer than 32 inches, or other illegal equipment will result in forfeit of any game in which the equipment is used. Check your bats! Take off the steel cleats!

16. Because of neck and back injuries, no headfirst slides are allowed unless the player is returning to the base (runners are allowed to headfirst slide back to a base they have already reached, or if in a "hot box" play.) Headfirst slides will result in a warning to the team and on the second team offense; the runner will be called out.

17. If there is a close play at any base, especially at home, base runners must slide. Catchers cannot block the baseline more than 3 feet from the plate, and then only if a throw is incoming, or the ball is in the catcher's possession. Sliding is not required at home or any other base, if in the opinion of the umpire, the play was not close.

18. Official record of the game is kept by the Home Team. Official scorekeepers will sit behind the umpire in the designated chair.

19. Seeding Teams: Following pool play, teams will be seeded for our single elimination tournament day. Seeding will go as follows:
1st test - Teams with best records seeded highest (In the event that a team has played more games than the other teams in the pool then we will use winning percentage to determine higher seed. Number of wins divided by games played).
2nd test - Team with fewest runs scored against them will be seeded higher
(Best Defense Test.) If tie still exists:
3rd test - Teams with most runs scored (Strongest Offense Test)
4th test - Winner of coin toss (if all above tests fail to seed teams)

Coaches: We will be posting scores and win/loss records for all teams on the concession stand. This information will be used to seed your team so make sure the information is accurate.

20. The 12 teams will be seeded 1-12and will play each other in a singleelimination bracket tournament. The only exception to the single elimination is the two teams in each age bracket that lose in the semi-finals will play for 3rd and 4th. Seeding will be posted Friday afternoon (exact time to be announced) on the concession stand wall. We will allow 15 minutes for coaches to review the seeding for any errors. After the 15 minute review period elapses, seeding is official and will not be changed.

21. In the event a tied game goes beyond the designated time limit, teams will follow the Tie Breaker Rule document located in your tournament summary. Details will be explained to the coaches involved by a tournament director at the coaches meeting

22. In an effort to keep the game fun for everyone, we ask coaches to avoid running up the score on an opponent. A good coach can figure out ways to allow their opponents to maintain some dignity in what would otherwise be a blow out. A Tournament Director can/will help if needed. A "10-run mercy" rule will be used at the end of 4 innings of play.

23. Home team will be established by a coin toss for all games.

24. 3rd Strike Call Dropped Pitch with it associated rules will be active for the Majors only.

25. Batting out of turn.
(a) A batter shall be called out, on appeal, when failing to bat in proper turn, and another batter completes a time at bat in place of the proper batter. (1) The proper batter may take position in the batter's box at any time before the improper batter becomes a runner or is put out, and any balls and strikes shall be counted in the proper batter's time at bat.
(b) When an improper batter becomes a runner or is put out, and the defensive team appeals to the umpire before the first pitch to the next batter of either team, or before any play or attempted play, the umpire shall (1) declare the proper batter out and (2) nullify any advance or score made because of a ball batted by the improper batter or because of the improper batter's advance to first base on a hit, an error, a base on balls, a hit batter or otherwise. NOTE: If a runner advances, while the improper batter is at bat, on a stolen base, balk, wild pitch or passed ball, such advance is legal.
(c) When an improper batter becomes a runner or is put out, and a pitch is made to the next batter of either team before an appeal is made, the improper batter thereby becomes the proper batter, and the results of such time at bat become legal.
(d) (1) When the proper batter is called out for failing to bat in turn, the next batter shall be the batter whose name follows that of the proper batter thus called out; (2) When an improper batter becomes a proper batter because no appeal is made before the next pitch, the next batter shall be the batter whose name follows that of such legalized improper batter. The instant an improper batter's actions are legalized, the batting order picks up with the name following that of the legalized improper batter.

26. NO CHATTER RULE! In the spirit of good sportsmanship, each team (players and parents and coaches) are encouraged to cheer for their own team, (ex: No "hey, batter,batter . . . swing, etc.). If the opinion of the umpire is that cheering from a dugout is being used to “distract or fluster” an opposing pitcher your team will be given a warning. If the problem persists your team will be ask to not cheer at all.

27. OPTIONAL BATTING ORDER: At the beginning of each game, each team has the option of batting all players on their roster. If you opt to do this there shall be no changes allowed in the batting order during the game. In the event of injury or illness to a player, that player shall take an automatic out if he is unable to take his turn at bat. You may also bat nine players and freely substitute ALL players on defense.


Friday & Saturday / All Day / Foul Ball returned to Snack Shack free bubble gum
Friday & Saturday / All Day / Players win shakes, slushes and other treats for home runs, great hits and great plays (determined by coaches)

1. All through out the tournament any foul ball returned to the Snack Shack will be good for a free piece of bubble gum. Please encourage younger brothers and sisters to help with this.


9-10 Year Old – Minors

Fields: / #1 Chandler Insurance
#2 Dr. Toenjes, Brizzee, & Orme
#3 Chokecherry Ridge Northwest
#4 Trost Feed and Seed
#5 SFHS West Field
#6 SFHS East Field
Pool 1: Cougars10u, Jackson, Ammon Aces, Teton 9u,Rigby,Madison 9u
Pool 2: 10u Hawks, Madison 10u, Sugar, North Side, Riverbend, Teton 10u
Thursday / Teams / Field
7:00 PM / Cougars 10u / vs / Rigby / 1
Friday / Teams / Field / Game
8:30 AM / Ammon / vs / Teton 9u / 2
8:30 AM / River Bandits / vs / Teton 10u / 5
8:30 AM / Sugar / vs / Northside / 6
10:15 AM / Madison 10u / vs / Sugar / 2
10:15 AM / Rigby / vs / Madison 9u / 5
10:15 AM / Jackson / vs / Ammon / 6
12:00 PM / Madison 10u / vs / Teton 10u / 2
12:00 PM / Teton 9u / vs / Rigby / 5
12:00 PM / River Bandits / vs / 10u Hawks / 6
1:45 PM / Cougars 10u / vs / Ammon / 2
1:45 PM / 10u Hawks / vs / Sugar / 5
1:45 PM / Madison 9u / vs / Jackson / 6
3:30 PM / Cougars 10u / vs / Jackson / 2
3:30 PM / Teton 10u / vs / Norhside / 5
3:30 PM / vs / 6
5:15 PM / 10u Hawks / vs / Madison 10u / 2
5:15 PM / Teton 9u / vs / Madison 9u / 5
5:15 PM / River Bandits / vs / Northside / 6

See Tournament By-Laws for seeding criteria. All the above games are subject to change due to unforeseen difficulties. We have 10 teams in this division. Tournament play will be single elimination tournament. The only exception to the single elimination is the two team in each age bracket that lose in the semi-finals will play for 3rd and 4th.

11-12 Year Old - Majors

Fields: / #1 Chandler Insurance
#2 Dr. Toenjes, Brizzee, & Orme
#3 Chokecherry Ridge Northwest
#4 Trost Feed and Seed
Pool 1: Cougars, Sugar, Madison Allstar, Jackson, I.F Allstars, Hawks
Pool 2: Madison(Kostial), Teton, Crush, Madison(Telford), Tigers, Northside
Thursday / Teams / Field
7:00 PM / Madison(Kostial) / vs / Teton / 2
7:00 PM / Cougars / vs / Sugar / 3
Friday / Teams / Field
8:30 AM / Madison Allstars / vs / Jackson / 3
8:30 AM / Madison(Telford) / vs / Northside / 1
8:30 AM / vs / 4
10:15 AM / Sugar / vs / Hawks / 4
10:15 AM / Jackson / vs / I.F. Allstars / 1
10:15 AM / Madison(Kostial) / vs / Crush / 3
12:00 PM / Cougars / vs / I.F Allstars / 3
12:00 PM / Sugar / vs / Madison Allstars / 1
12:00 PM / Madison(Kostial) / vs / Tigers / 4
1:45 PM / Teton / vs / Northside / 4
1:45 PM / Crush / vs / Madison(Telford) / 1
1:45 PM / Jackson / vs / Hawks / 3
3:30 PM / Tigers / vs / Northside / 1
3:30 PM / Cougars / vs / Madison Allstars / 3
3:30 PM / vs / 4
5:15 PM / Madison(Telford) / vs / Tigers / 1
5:15 PM / I.F. Allstars / vs / Hawks / 3
5:15 PM / Teton / vs / Crush / 4
  • See Tournament By-Laws for seeding criteria. All the above games are subject to change due to unforeseen difficulties. Tournament play will be single elimination tournament. The only exception to the single elimination is the two team in each age bracket that lose in the semi-finals will play for 3rd and 4th.

Tie Breaker Rules Sheet

Extra-Inning/Tie Breaker Rule)

If the game remains tied after the completion of six (6) innings, or the time limit for the game has expired the following procedures will be implemented to determine a winner:

• Each team will begin the inning (and any subsequent necessary extra innings) with a player

on first and second, no outs.

• To begin the extra/tie breaker representatives from each team will meet at home plate and will indicate (at the same time) to the home plate umpire where the team wishes to begin the batting order.

That is, the teams have the option of beginning the extrainning or tie breaker inning; anywhere in the existing batting order that was in effect when the lastinning ended. Note that this is not a new lineup (just potentially a different order), and it may very well be the same lineup that ended the game. Therationale for doing so is to ensure that both teams have an equal chance at having what theyconsider to be their best hitters and base runners in a position to score in the extra/tie breakerinning.

• For example, if the team decides to have the #1 hitter in the lineup hit first, then the #8 hitter will

be placed at 2B and the #9 hitter will be placed at 1B. Furthermore, if the team decides to have

the #3 hitter in the lineup hit first, then the #1 hitter would be at 2B and the #2 hitter would be at