Wilton Water Works Minutes
July 30, 2008
COMMISSIONERS: Chairperson Jim Tuttle; Charles McGettigan and Stanley Schultz.
Jim Tuttle called the meeting to order at 8:20 p.m.
Minutes – June 25, 2008
MOTION: McGettigan/Schultz to approve 6/25/08 minutes as printed. All were in favor.
1. Asbestos Removal from Old Chlorinator Building – Tuttle contacted Darryl Markaverich who removed the trash from the building. McGettigan was not able to contact the contractor. Schultz
will contact him before the next meeting.
2. Interior Tank Painting – Five bids were received. Merithew is analyzing the bids and will
present them to the commissioners.
3. Pennichuck – Tuttle said that he spoke to Bernie about the need to have a meeting to discuss how
the pumps will deliver water during the time that the water tank will not be available.
McGettigan will take the chemical feed pump to Chem Air Systems to be checked out.
4. Intervale Road Water Line Extension – Tuttle reported the project is about half finished.
5. Capital Reserve Accounts – There was discussion about whether or not to continue funding a
wells and pumps capital reserve acct. There will be votes to close out and/or move funds to other
accounts on August 27 at 7:30 p.m.
6. Water Rate Increase Study – McGettigan will contact Rural Water and set up a meeting to
discuss water rate increases for August 7th or 8th. (This has been on the agenda since March,
7. Water Shut-Off For Non Payment of Bill – There are nine addresses that are not known.
McGettigan will look into these names.
8. Water Source Protection Project – Tuttle reported that DES is happy with the report from Emery & Garrett Groundwater, Inc. and they are willing to do a joint inspection – with WWW – of
Blanchard’s Salvage Yard. Brandon Curnan heads up the hydrology and conservation program
at DES and he would be working on this project.. Tuttle will contact Dan Tinkham at E&GG
before moving ahead with DES.
9. Backflow Device Installations - Tuttle made a list of five businesses without testable backflow
devices and a list of business that do have the device but it has not been tested. He will contact
Bob Bragdon about installing the five new devices, and he will give the list of businesses with
devices that have not been tested to Pennichuck.
MOTION: McGettigan/Schultz To adjourn the meeting. All were in favor. The meeting was
adjourned at 10:35 p.m.
Submitted by Diane Nilsson, Clerk