Minnesota Section of the American Chemical Society

Application for Graduate Student Travel Grant

Statement of Purpose: $500 travel grants are provided for senior graduate students to present their research at an ACS national meeting.


1. Recipients must be members of the American Chemical Society and attending a school in the region served by the MN Section.

2. Recipients must have already registered to present a poster or give an oral presentation at the national meeting.


Submit application materials in person, by mail, or email to:

Letitia Yao

207 Pleasant St. SE

Department of Chemistry

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN 55455

If selected:

Reimbursement for expenses only is provided.

Payment will be made upon completion of the event and receipt of the following:

--Copies of the expense receipts up to $500. These can include registration fees, travel, hotel, and meals.

--A brief report or evaluation of the event.

--Digital photos are also welcome for publication on our website.


Minnesota Section ACS

Grant Reimbursement Form


Phone Number ______

Email Address ______

Address ______


Return form and receipts to:

Letitia Yao

207 Pleasant St. SE

Department of Chemistry

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN 55455

Application Part I: Student Portion

Name ______

Name of Research Advisor ______


Complete Mailing Address______

Telephone (____)______

E-mail Address ______

Are you an ACS member?** Yes No

Year entered graduate school ______

Currently on RA or TA or fellowship

Have you attended a national ACS meeting before? Yes No

If so, when? ______

Did you present your research at this meeting? Yes No

Please submit your resume along with this application.

Research abstract

Attach additional sheets if necessary.

Additional information that may help the selection committee:

Signature of student ______Date ______

** Checking this box attests to the accuracy of this application. Your signature also gives express permission to the Minnesota Section of the ACS to share any or all of the information/data you have provided in support of this application with members of the Minnesota Section of the ACS, the Grants and Activities Funding Committee, and the Executive Board of the Minnesota Section of the ACS. If submitting this application via email, the originating email address must match that of the student as listed in the application.

Application Part II: Advisor Portion

Name ______

Name of Student ______

Complete Mailing Address______

Telephone (____)______

E-mail Address ______

Are you an ACS member?** Yes No

Number of grad students in group ______

Number of postdocs in group ______

Recommendation letter

Attach additional sheets if necessary.

Signature of advisor ______Date ______

** Checking this box attests to the accuracy of this application. Your signature also gives express permission to the Minnesota Section of the ACS to share any or all of the information/data you have provided in support of this application with members of the Minnesota Section of the ACS, the Grants and Activities Funding Committee, and the Executive Board of the Minnesota Section of the ACS. If submitting this application via email, the originating email address must match that of the advisor as listed in the application.