Erasmus Policy Statement 2014-20
The University of Northampton’s model of internationalisation reflects its commitment to contribute through its learning, teaching and research to improvements in the quality of life for people, wherever they may be in the world, but also recognises that internationalisation and international institutional linkages and partnerships lead to other positive benefits, including quality research outputs, the diversification of the student experience, a broader cultural approach to teaching and learning, and an international ethos.
The University has an overarching Internationalisation Strategy with a number of strands focusing on staff and student mobility, curriculum and programme development, social enterprise and entrepreneurship, research and partnership working. Partners are chosen to ensure mission-match and mutuality and great efforts are made to work towards reciprocity.
Geographical segmentation is based on 5 regions; Far East, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe & Central Asia and The Americas. Within these regions, target countries are identified on the basis of existing links to the University and/or economic or development areas allied to the University's specialisms.
In terms of mobility, whilst the University may be modest in its programme numbers, it recognises the great benefits of mobility and has a stated objective within its Strategic Plan to increase mobility, whilst retaining quality. Particular efforts are therefore being made to support these activities; for example, staff mobility has been prioritised over the last year to ensure that staff engage or re-engage with existing partners or set up new partnerships that can deliver the outcomes needed to increase mobility and develop research and training links. By identifying real, deliverable opportunities with partners, and by developing curricula to create mobility windows, we can realistically encourage students to take up the opportunity to study or work in another country. Particular emphasis is placed on offering different lengths of mobility, ranging from 2 weeks to 1 year, to ensure that students and staff (teaching and training) can build their experience from an initial short period of time overseas if necessary; scholarships are made available by the University's philanthropic funds in addition to EU and other funding to support this activity in a targeted effort to ensure widening participation and to prevent economic barriers from impacting upon the opportunity to participate; students from all academic cycles and staff from all Schools and Departments are encouraged to take part, the opportunities are offered to part-time as well as full-time staff and students and the University has resources in place to advise and support those with special needs. The University encourages Internationalisation by welcoming incoming students and staff from overseas partners to participate in and promote the opportunities provided by mobility. The University has invested in technological resources to develop links with staff and students from overseas partners, for example, the Dialogue Cafe. Increased staff mobility has led to the development of some joint awards and the University's academic regulations have been amended to allow for such developments.
The University has worked to develop curriculum to allow mobility windows for students where none previously existed. Study and work placements overseas are promoted via internal communications; this is to ensure motivation to consider mobility is disseminated and the benefits celebrated. It is particularly important that partnerships are nurtured by good communication and relationship-building visits, ensuring that staff from across the institution can take part, including support staff with particular specialisms such as international student support, information services, academic administration, and human resources. The University is currently reviewing its portfolio and framework structures to offer more flexibility for students, particularly at Postgraduate level, to have the opportunity to take part in mobility or work placements integrated into their programme. The University will also explore and develop opportunities for student placement mobility through its existing links with enterprises and partner institutions to increase the opportunities for mobility in this category.
The University of Northampton has committed to international co-operation and increasing mobility at the highest level. It is therefore accepted that the appropriate resources would be made available for any international co-operation projects that had been identified as meeting the strategic objectives of the institution. International co-operation projects are identified at both institutional and School/Department level and are examined to determine if they are likely to offer mutually beneficial, tangible outcomes and/or opportunities for future development. Staff and students are encouraged to participate in international opportunities and given the support measures, including additional resources where necessary, to ensure that the maximum benefit is gained in terms of teaching and training opportunities. By encouraging participation in international activity at all levels, we seek to develop and motivate our staff and students, encouraging them to achieve the best they possibly can, both professionally and personally, and, by bringing back their experience and outcomes, contribute to the internationalisation and modernisation of HE and the social and economic development of the future.
For the University of Northampton, participation in the Programme will broaden and enhance the opportunities it offers to its students and staff, and impact positively and significantly on its stated objectives to internationalise and modernise and its contribution to local, regional, national and international development: for us, to internationalise and modernise means offering new opportunities to build long-term strategic partnerships with overseas institutions and enterprises, defined by increased student and staff mobility, transnational education and in-country delivery. It offers our staff and students the opportunity to embrace new cultures and develop a global perspective, the benefits of increased levels of personal and professional motivation and increased graduate employability. For staff, it opens up new territories for the delivery of research, consultancy and personal and professional development. The current programme has seen a number of highly encouraging results from the staff and student mobility, including significant curriculum development to create mobility windows within degree courses, curriculum refinements and restructure to improve the offer for incoming students, identification of major research bids, partnership in an Erasmus IP programme, excellent academic results achieved by incoming and outgoing students, successful pilot programme in Denmark for public health delivery model, research on International student support and Buddy systems through staff training mobility and students returning to Northampton for further study as a direct result of their Erasmus mobility. Erasmus+ with its broader remit, will offer exciting opportunities to expand and build on the progress made with our current partners, and to broaden our horizons for staff and students with new partner institutions and enterprises in Europe and further afield. As the UK's number 1 University for Social Enterprise, we will actively seek to link existing activity with the Programme to develop and create collaboration between HE, research and business for excellence and regional development. Participation in the programme will enable us to offer life-changing opportunities to those involved in the Programme through the University of Northampton, and will be a key tool in helping us to deliver a relevant, modern, inclusive institution which can contribute to the broader agenda for the economic and social success of the EU.