TSIP Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary School 2014-2015
Tennessee School Improvement Plan
Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary School
2605 Sam Cooper Blvd.
Memphis, TN 38112
(901) 416-7150
Dr. Angela Askew, Principal
Dorsey E. Hopson, II, ESQ, Superintendent
Tennessee Department of Education
Commissioner Kevin S. Huffman
Tennessee School Improvement Planning Process
with Signature of Principal
I certify thatDr. William H. Brewster ElementarySchool has utilizedthe data and other requirementsrequested for each component. The school will operate its programs in accordance with all of the required assurances and certifications for each program area.
I CERTIFY that the assurances referenced above have been satisfied to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of PrincipalDate Signed
School Name: / Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary SchoolAccountability status: / N/A
Analysis of last year’s final results: / Areas of Greatest Progress: / Areas of Greatest Challenge:
3rd Grade Mathstudents: 7.5% gain from 2012-13 to 2013-2014
Math: All Students: 10.8% gain from 2012-13 to 2013-2014
Science: All Students: 8.8% gain from 2012-2013 to2013-2014
Economically Disadvantaged
Reading/Language Arts: All Students: 28.1% gain from 2012-2013 to 2013-2014
Math: All Students: 22.4% gain from 2012-2013 to 2013-2014 / Reading/Language Arts Third Grade students: 11.1% loss from 25.2% in 2012-2013 to 14.1% in 2013-2014
Reading/Language Arts: All Students: 4.9% loss from 2012-2013 to 2013-2014.
Reading/Language Arts Gap
- Black/Hisp/Nat Am (BHA) and
1.3 to 1.2 in 2014-2015.
Math Gap
- Black/Hisp/Nat Am (BHA) and
0.8 to 0.7 in 2014-2015.
Underlying Reasons for Progress: / Underlying Reasons for Challenge:
Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary students made tremendous progress in math and science. Gains may be attributed to the following: 1.) The departmentalization of grades 4-5. This allowed teachers to have common planning times to drive instructional and planning needs. Teachers have five common planning times, weekly. These planning times were inclusive of the ESL teacher and Exceptional Ed. Teacher. 2.) Inclusive practices with exceptional children. This helped to establish enhanced expectations within the grade level inclusive of both teachers and students. 3.) Grade level subject teachers were enlisted as tutoring teachers for the grade they taught 2-3 days a week. 4.) All teachers used assessment data and teacher created common assessments to establish target groups after each assessmentfor intervention, good first teaching and enrichment. 5.) All students grades K-5 were taught how to monitor their own data and kept personal data folders. / Students at all grade levels faced many challenges. 1.) The implementation of small groups continues to be a challenge in many classrooms. Many teachers were still teaching whole group. Teachers need additional training in small group instruction. 2.) The balancing of Common Core standards and tested State Performance Indicators proved to be a challenge in preparing students for state mandated testing. 3.) District Initiatives with 3 week common assessments, 3 formative assessments along with state mandating and pilot testing took excessive amounts of time from instruction and presented itself to be overwhelming for both students and teachers.4.) Students with disabilities will continue to be an area for concern due to a pivotal change in accommodations for SWD. Special Education teachers need time for collaborative planning with regular education teachers. 5.) Teachers are concerned with the lack of parental involvement and support.
Goals 2014-15 school year: / Overall Achievement Goals:
- Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary will move the proficient and advanced percentage levels in Reading/Language Arts for all students from 23.2%in 2013-2014 to 28% in 2014 to 2015 to meet the guidelines set by the ESEA Waiver.
- Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary will move the proficient and advanced percentage levels in Mathematics for all students from 29.3%in 2013-2014 to 33.7% in 2014-2015 to meet the guidelines set by the ESEA Waiver.
- Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary will reduce the gap target in grades 3-5 RLA for the Black/Hispanic/Native American subgroup from 1.3% in 2013-2014 to 1.2% in 2014-2015.
- Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary will reduce the gap target in grades 3-5 Math for the Black/Hispanic/Native American vs. All Students subgroup from 0.8% in 2013-2014 to 0.7% in 2014-2015.
Plan for this school year: / Key strategies to achieve goals:
- Strategy: Departmentalize grades 3-5 (90 min block for RLA, ESL, SPED, Math and Science, taught by one HQ teacher at each grade level).
Desired outcomes: Student achievement will increase and group gaps will close. Projected costs IDEA funds (Approx. $120,000) for 2 Exceptional Ed Teachers, District Funds for Teaching Staff and Title I funds (Approx. $87,000)for PLC Coach and Title I Assistant.
The strategy will promote growth in student achievement and the decrease in gaps since teacher focus will be on one content area. Additionally, each grade level will have one ESL and Exceptional Children’s teacher to support students within that grade level. This also allows for team building and planning
- Strategy: Grade and Team PLCs for the implementation ofselected grade level targets (standards) and Common Assessments every 4.5 weeks.
Desired outcomes: Teachers and Administrators will have meaningful real time data concerning students’ needs and plan instruction relative to the needs.
Projected costs and funding sources: Approximately $2000 Title I funds for Assessment Materials (Approx. $1000) and Data Link 1200 Test Scanner(Approx. $1000)for scoring and analyzing data.
This strategy will guarantee teachers are reviewing pacing and curriculum guides while refining skills that are essential to the growth of WHBES students. This strategy will also help to ensure that grade level teams are working together, and all students are receiving the vital skills they need to be successful. Additionally, teachers will be able to collaborate regularly to share teaching strategies and instructional practices to better serve all students. Challenges from previous years including individual teacher assessments and understanding of instructional needs for all students will decrease.
- Strategy: On-Going Data Meetings
Desired outcomes: Teachers and Administrators will use real time data to drive instruction, address student interventions/enrichment to increase student growth and achievement.
Projected costs and funding sources: Same materials used in strategy 2
This strategy will allow time for teachers to analyze meaningful data from assessments in order to identify the needs of all learners as well as monitor and adjust instruction as needed. Moreover, teachers will be able to identify students’ needs by each student’s name and need. Because teachers are working as teams, students will benefit from the input each professional brings to the table thus opening up more opportunities for student growth and achievement.This strategy will address the challenge of the need for real time data in order to remediate and enrich immediately.
- Strategy: Quarterly Parent Academic Meetings
Desired outcomes: Parents will be more knowledgeable and supportive of their child’s academic process. Parents will be able to assist students with homework and be more visible and active their education, everyone benefits.
Projected costs and funding sources:Approximately $3,500 Title I funds to provide light snacks for parents.
This strategy will help increase parental awareness. Quarterly parent meetings will help parents understand and help meet the needs of students. In addition, this will help increase parental involvement within the school.
Key benchmarks for progress on strategies: / Benchmark: / Timeline:
- Grade level (inclusive of HQESL and Exceptional teachers assigned to grade level) PLC meetings will be held with data from Common Assessments and planning focus in order to achieve a 28% proficiency rate in RLA and 33.7% proficiency rate in math.
- Students in grades 3-5 scoring below proficiency will attend before and after school tutoring for additional support in order to achieve a 28% proficiency rate in RLA and 33.7% proficiency rate in math.
- Teachers in grades K-5 Lesson Plans will reflect differentiation of skills being taught to improve knowledge in core academics of RLA and math in order to achieve a 28% proficiency rate in RLA and 33.7% proficiency rate in math.
- I-Station and I-Ready benchmarking for RLA and math will be administered 3 times per year to track student progress in grades K-5 in reading. Progress monitoring is used for Tier II and Tier III students monthly in order to achieve a 28% proficiency rate in RLA and 33.7% proficiency rate in math.
BM 2 - January 2015
BM 3 - May 2015
PM - Tier 2 and Tier 3 weekly Sept. 2014-May 2015
- Content Area Action Planning meetings, after each 9 week common assessment, to deeply dive into data and develop content, whole class, and student specific action plan in order to achieve a 28% proficiency rate in RLA and 33.7% proficiency rate in math.
January 14, 2015
March 25, 2015
- Report cards, progress reports and attendance reports will be used to assist in monitoring students’ progress and assigning interventions in order to achieve a 31.8% proficiency rate in RLA and 48.5% proficiency rate in math.
November 12, 2014 January 14, 2015
February 4, 2015 March 25, 2015
April 15, 2015
- Discovery Education Formative Assessment will be administered in grade 2-5 three times per year to track student progress and mastery of TCAP skills in order to achieve a 31.8% proficiency rate in RLA and 48.5% proficiency rate in math. .
December 2014
February 2015
Title I Addendum
Assurance Page
I,______, principal of Dr. William H. Brewster ElementarySchool, give assurance that this Title I School-wide Plan was developed during a one-year period with parents and other members of the community. This plan is available to the local educational agency, parents, and the public. The intent and purpose of each federal categorical program is included. When appropriate there is coordination with programs under Reading First, Early Reading First, Evan Start, Carl D. Perkins Vocational Act, and Head Start.
Principal SignatureDate
1 | Page
TSIP Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary School 2014-2015
SCS Literacy Framework
Section A: Describe your goal and identify which need(s) it addresses. (Remember that your TSIP identified the strengths and challenges/needs.)
Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary will move the proficient and advanced percentage levels in Reading/Language Arts for all students from 14.1%in 2013-2014 to 31.8% in 2014 to 2015 to meet the guidelines set by the ESEA Waiver.
- Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary will move the proficient and advanced percentage levels in Reading/Language Arts for the 3rd grade students from 15.9%in 2013-2014 to 21.2 % in 2014-2015 to meet the guidelines set by the ESEA Waiver.
- Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary will reduce the gap target in grades 3-5 RLA for the English Language Learners subgroup to 14.7% in 2014-2015.
- Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary will reduce the gap target in grades 3-5 RLA for the Black/Hispanic/Native American subgroup to 3.7% in 2014-2015.
Which need(s) does this Goal address? / There is currently a gap between our subgroups proficiency levels and the level required by ESEA. These goals address the need to accelerate achievement in Reading/LA and Writing for all learners.
How is this Goal linked to the District’s Strategic Plan? / This goal is linked to the District’s strategic 80-90-100 plan to prepare students in elementary school to be college and career ready by 2025.
Section B – Descriptively list the action you plan to take to ensure you will be able to progress toward your goal. Action steps are strategies and interventions which should be scientifically based where possible and include professional development, technology, communication, and parent and community involvement initiatives within the action steps of each goal. / Section C – For each of the action steps you list, give timeline, person(s) responsible, projected cost(s)/required resources, funding sources, evaluation strategy and performance results/outcomes. (For Evaluation Strategy, define how you will evaluate the action step.)
Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Required Resources / Projected Cost(s) & Funding Sources / Evaluation Strategy / Performance Results/Outcomes
Action Step
1 / All K-5 Teachers will implement the Journeys program as addresses in the curriculum and pacing guides.
PD - Teaching staff will attend Journeys initial training on various dates established by district.
PD – All WHBES K-3 teachers will participate in 7 the TN Department of Ed CCSS for ELA Year Long Course on district designated days.
September 19, 2014
January 5, 2015
February 16, 2015 / August 2014- May 2015 / Principal
PLC Coach
Highly Qualified Classroom Teachers
Paraprofessionals / Journeys Reading Program / District Funds / Curriculum and Pacing Guides
Lesson Plans
Common and Formative Assessments
Weekly PLC meetings / Student RLA achievement will increase using the curriculum guides with fidelity.
Action Step
2 / Identify students needing Tier II and III RLA intervention through use of iStation Benchmarks.
PD - Teaching staff will attend IStation Training as needed. / Sept 2014
Jan 2015
April 2015 / Principal
PLC Coach
Highly Qualified Classroom Teachers
Paraprofessionals / IStation Diagnostic Assessment / District Funds / IStation Diagnostic Tier Reports / Students needing tier II and III math intervention will be identified.
Action Step
3 / Scheduling and Progress Monitoring of Tier II and III intervention students for computer times and small groups. / Weekly 2014-2015 / Principal
PLC Coach / IStation Program, Lessons and Reports
PLC Meetings / Supplies – paper and ink to print reports and lesson for instruction
Title I Funds approx. $600 / Weekly and Bi-Weekly progress monitoring / Students’ literacy achievement will increase due to strategically targeting areas of need.
Action Step
4 / The school will provide tutoring intervention programs for RLA in grades 3-5 beginning in January 3 times a week to enrich student performance for students that fall below proficient on TCAP. / January 2015-April 2015 / Principal
PLC Coach / Extended LearningProposal 2014- 2015 funds
Tutoring Materials
Tutoring Teacher / Extended Learning approx. $5000
Title I for materials and light snacks approx. $830 / TCAP Achievement / Students scoring below proficiency on the 2014 RLA TCAP will be proficient on 2015 TCAP.
Action Step
5 / The school will provide daily after- school intervention tutoring program in addition to in-school intervention to support students identified as needing Tiers II and III IStation interventions. / April 2015 / PLC Coach
Tutoring Teachers / Title I Extended Contract
Tutoring Teachers
IStation Computers
TCAP Prep Books / Title I funds approx. $3197.60 for salaries
Title I funds approx. $150 for TCAP Prep Books for 30 students / Weekly and Bi-Weekly progress monitoring / Students’ literacy achievement will increase due to strategically targeting areas of need.
Action Step
6 / Students in grades K-3 will work in literacy learning stations (Daily 5) weekly demonstrating skills learned in differentiated small-guided reading groups that extends and aligns with CCSS.
Community Volunteers Peer Power Tutoring, Treadwell Nursing Home, Midtown Rotary Club, and the Hilliard Family will provide tutoring intervention programs for grades K-2 beginning in September 2014to enrich student performance for students that fall within Tiers 2 and 3 using strategies from Teach Like a Champion. / Aug 2014-May 2015
Daily / Principal
PLC Coach
Highly Qualified Teachers / Envisions Curriculum
Curriculum and Pacing Guides / Title I School Wide Budget Approximately $5000.00 …Materials to support the making of and continued use of stations. / Observations
Lesson Plans
Assessment Data / Students’ literacy performance will increase as a result of differentiated small group reading instruction for targeted skills.
Action Step
7 / Parents and Community members will be invited monthly to participate in activities to integrate home and school learning as well as yearly participation in Literacy Night. / Quarterly (3 times)
September 2014
January 2015
April 2015 / Principal
PLC Coach
Highly Qualified Teachers
Adopters / Sign-In Sheets / Title I Parental Involvement Funds Approx. $3500 / Parent’s participation will be monitored by sign in sheets / Parent’s participation in family based activities will increase and students’ literacy achievement will increase due to parental involvement.
SCS Mathematics Framework
MATHEMATICS ACTION PLAN DEVELOPMENTSchool: Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary
Section A: Describe your goal and identify which need(s) it addresses. (Remember that your TSIP identified the strengths and challenges/needs.)
Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary will move the proficient and advanced percentage levels in Mathematics for all students from 29.3%in 2013-2014 to 33.7% in 2014-2015 to meet the guidelines set by the ESEA Waiver.
- Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary will move the proficient and advanced percentage levels in Mathematics for the 3rd grade students from 23.1%in 2013-2014 to 27.9% in 2014-2015 to meet the guidelines set by the ESEA Waiver.
- Dr. William H. Brewster Elementary will reduce the gap target in grades 3-5 Math for the Black/Hispanic/Native American vs. All Students subgroup to 2.2% in 2014-2015.
Which need(s) does this Goal address? / There is currently a gap between our subgroups proficiency levels and the level required by NCLB. This goal addresses the need to accelerate achievement in Mathematics for all learners.
How is this Goal linked to the District’s Strategic Plan? / This goal is linked to the District’s strategic 80-90-100 plan to prepare students in elementary school to be college and career ready by 2025.
Section B – Descriptively list the action you plan to take to ensure you will be able to progress toward your goal. Action steps are strategies and interventions which should be scientifically based where possible and include professional development, technology, communication, and parent and community involvement initiatives within the action steps of each goal. / Section C – For each of the action steps you list, give timeline, person(s) responsible, projected cost(s)/required resources, funding sources, evaluation strategy and performance results/outcomes. (For Evaluation Strategy, define how you will evaluate the action step.)
Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Required Resources / Projected Cost(s) & Funding Sources / Evaluation Strategy / Performance Results/Outcomes
Action Step
1 / All K-5 Teachers will implement the Envisions program and Calendar MathDaily addressing curriculum guides and CCSS utilizing results of student data.
PD - Teaching staff will attend weekly grade level/PLC meetings inclusive of general education teachers, special education teachers, ESL teachers, and paraprofessionals (as time permits) to address math strategies and interventions as needed. / August 2014- May 2015 / Principal
PLC Coach
Highly Qualified Classroom Teachers
Paraprofessionals / Envisions Program
Calendar Math Program / Calendar Math
Approx. $400.00 / Curriculum and Pacing Guides
Lesson Plans
Common Assessments
Weekly PLC meetings / Student math achievement will increase using the curriculum guides with fidelity.
Student’s math fluency will be increased.
Action Step
2 / Identify students needing Tier II and III math intervention through use of iReady Benchmarks.
PD - Teaching staff will attend iReady Training.
September, 2014
November, 2014 / Oct. 2014
Jan 2015
April 2015 / Principal
PLC Coach
Highly Qualified Classroom Teachers
Paraprofessionals / iReady Diagnostic Assessment / District Funds / iReady Diagnostic Tier Reports / Students needing tier II and III math intervention will be identified.
Action Step
3 / Scheduling and Progress Monitoring of Tier II and III intervention students for computer times and small groups. / Weekly 2014-2015 / Principal
PLC Coach / iReady Program, Lessons and Reports
PLC meetings / Weekly and Bi-Weekly progress monitoring / Students’ math achievement will increase due to strategically targeting areas of need.
Action Step
4 / The school will provide tutoring intervention programs for math in grades 3-5 beginning in April3-4 times a week to enrich student performance for students that fall below proficient on TCAP. / April 2015 / Principal
PLC Coach / Extended Contract 2014- 2015 funds
Tutoring Materials
Tutoring Teachers / Extended Contract approx. $3,197.60 / TCAP Achievement / Students scoring below proficiency on the 2014 Math TCAP will be proficient on 2015 TCAP.
Action Step
5 / The school will provide a weekly after- school intervention tutoring program to support students identified as needing Tiers II and III iReady interventions. / January 2015
April 2015 / PLC Coach
Tutoring Teachers / Title I Extended Day Proposal
Tutoring Teachers
iReady -Computers / Title I funds approx. $4.950 for salaries
Title I
Approx. $300 for supplies / Weekly and Bi-Weekly progress monitoring / Students’ math achievement will increase due to strategically targeting areas of need.
Action Step
6 / Parents and Community members will be invited monthly to participate in activities to integrate home and school learning as well as yearly participation in Math/Science Night. / Every first Wed of each month January 2015-May 2015
Mar 12, 2015 / Principal
PLC Coach
Highly Qualified Teachers
Adopters / Sign-In Sheets / Title I Parental Involvement Approx. $3500 / Parent’s participation will be monitored by sign in sheets / Parent’s participation in family based activities will increase and students’ math achievement will increase due to parental involvement.