Setting up a Fractions Keeping Clever Box
/ How to PlayI Have… Who Has…? / Deal out the set of cards. Choose one person to begin. They read out their card. For example, “I have 14, who has ¼ of 28?”. Then they place their card in the middle.
The person holding the answer to that question then reads out their card. i.e. “I have 7, who has ½ of 12” and places their card in the middle.
Play continues until all cards are used.
Snakes and Chances / Played on a snakes and ladders board which has ‘chance’ written on a few squares. If you land on a square that has a “chance” on it you have to answer a question on the card read by someone else. – The question card also shows the answer.
If you get the answer correct you can throw again.
/ Draw a 3 x 3 grid for your bingo board and place in the numbers 1 – 30,Take turns to read out a question.
If you have the answer, cover the number on your board.
For a simpler version – Make some bingo boards showing fraction symbols and match to fraction pictures
Memory or
Snap! / Spread a set of fraction pairs face down.
Take turns to turn over 2 cards and see if they match.
If they do – collect the pair, if not turn them back face down.
Go Fish
/ Use the same cards as for memory. The aim is to collect a fraction family. For example one family of 4 cards might consist of : ½; one half (written in words); a picture of half of a shape; a picture of half of a set.Deal out 4 cards to each person (A pack of cards should include at least 1 family set per player)
The aim is to collect the whole set. Take turns to ask someone for a card. For example: If I had a ½, I might ask someone “Do you have a ½?.
If they have it, they must give it to me and then pick up a card to replace it. If not I have to pick one up from the pile.
The winner is the first person to collect the whole set of four cards.
Marie Hirst, Numeracy Facilitator, TEAM Solutions, University of Auckland