Goals for Goal Statement

  1. Student will participate in Fine Motor task so that he/she can demonstrate age appropriate skills in the classroom.
  1. Student will participate in fine motor and visual motor tasks so that he/she can demonstrate age appropriate skills in the classroom.
  1. Student will participate in fine motor and visual motor tasks using sensory strategies/adaptations so that he/she can demonstrate age appropriate skills in the classroom.
  1. Student will participate in self-help skills so that he/she is more independent in the classroom.
  1. Student will use switches/adaptations so that he/she can demonstrate their highest level of independence in the classroom.
  1. Student will demonstrate age appropriate skills in fine motor, visual motor, and self-help skills in the classroom setting.
  1. Student will demonstrate age appropriate skills in fine motor, visual motor, and self-help skills using sensory strategies as needed in the classroom setting.

Early Childhood/Pre-K

OT Goals related to Math and ELA.

(For each goal add level of independence: independently, with verbal cues, prompts, minimal assistance, moderate assistance or maximum assistance.)


Student will participate in grasp/release classroom/therapy objects and transfer from one hand to the other, ____ out of ____ trials.

Student will be able to pick up objects from a desk top, ___ out of ____ trials, when completing classroom/therapy activities.

Student will be able to open/close containers that hold classroom/therapy supplies ___ out of ___ trials.

Student will cross midline, ____ out of ___ trials, to reach across the body for objects during therapy session and classroom activities.

Student will use a pincer grasp, _____ out of ___ trials, when manipulating classroom/therapy materials.

Student will use a 3 jaw chuck grasp, ____ out of ____ trials, when manipulating classroom/therapy materials.

Student will pre-position the scissors in dominant hand, ___ out of ___ trials, when completing classroom/therapy cutting activities.

Student will pre-position the scissors to snip paper, ___ out of ____ trials, when completing classroom/therapy cutting activities.

Student will pre-position the scissors to cut paper in half, ___ out of ____ trials, when completing classroom/therapy cutting activities.

Student will pre-position scissors to cut on a bold line within ____ inch deviation on ____ out of ___ trials, when completing classroom/therapy cutting activities.

Student will pre-position scissors to cut various lines (curved, jagged) within ____ inch deviation on ____ out of ___ trials, when completing classroom/therapy cutting activities.

Student will manipulate scissors to cut out a circle within ____ inch deviation on ___ out of ___ trials when completing classroom/therapy cutting activities.


Student will imitate pre-writing shapes (l,-,o,+, square) on paper in ____ out of ___ trials.

Student will trace lines or shapes within 1⁄4 of an inch deviation _____% of the time.

Student will draw the following shapes: ______, with ____% accuracy for size, orientation, and formation.

Student will draw a person with ____ number of body parts on ____ out of ____ trials.

Student will trace name within ___ inch deviation on ____ out of ____ trials.


Student will participate in classroom/therapy visual motor activities with ___assist to complete ___% of the time on ___ out of ___ trials.

Student will participate in visual motor activities (peg boards, block designs, dot to dot, etc) with ___ assist.

Student will participate in visual perception activities with ___ assist.


Student will use the following adaptive equipment: ______during classroom and therapy activities _____ % of the time.


Student will tolerate hands on physical prompts when needed for assistance during classroom/therapy activities ____% of the time.

Student will tolerate touching various textures, ______% of the time.

Student will complete classroom/therapy activities regardless external visual/external stimulation ____% of the time.

Student will complete classroom/therapy activities regardless of odors in the environment _____ % of the time.

Student will participate in classroom/therapy activities using sensory supports/ accommodations to increase attention to task to ____ mins.

Self- Help Skills:

Student will button ___ number of Large buttons with ___ assist in ___ out of ___ trials.

Student will button ___ number of medium sized buttons with ___ assist in ___ out of ___ trials.

Student will zip/unzip coat with ____ assist in ___ out of ___ trials.

Student will initiate ends of a zipper with ___ assist in ___ out of ___ trials.

Student will initiate ends of a zipper and zip/unzip coat with ____ assist in ___ out of ___ trials.

Student will donn/doff coat, backpack with ___ assist in ___ out of ___ trials.

Student will use utensils (spoon or fork) with ____ assist in ___ out of ___ trials.

Student will open containers with ____ assist in ____ out of ___ trials.


OT Goals for Kindergarten related to Math Common Core Standards(For each goal add level of independence: independently, with verbal cues, prompts, minimal assistance, moderate assistance or maximum assistance.)


CCSS.Math.Content.K.OA.A1-5, or CCSS.Math.Content.K.NBT.A.1, or CCSS.Math.Content.K.MD.A.1-2, CCSS.Math.Content.K.MD.B.3, or CCSS.Math.Content.K.G.A.1-3, or CCSS.Math.Content.K.G.B.4-6

Student will use a tripod grasp, ____ out of ___ trials, when manipulating classroom/therapy materials.

Student will use a pincer grasp, _____ out of ___ trials, when manipulating classroom/therapy materials.

Student will be able to open/close containers that hold classroom/therapy supplies ___ out of ___ trials.

Student will cross midline, ____ out of ___ trials, to reach across the body for objects during therapy session and classroom activities.

Student will use dominant hand, ____ out of ____ trials, when manipulating materials to complete classroom activities.


CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.A.3, or CCSS.Math.Content.K.OA.A.1-4, or CCSS.Math.Content.K.NBT.A.1, or CCSS.Math.Content.K.MD.A.1-3, or CCSS.Math.Content.K.G.A.1-3, or CCSS.Math.Content.K.G.B.4-6.

Student will hold a writing utensil using a ______grasp _____ % of the time when writing and drawing.

Student will be able to pick up and position writing utensil correctly, ____ % of the time when writing and drawing.

Student will stabilize the paper with one hand while writing and drawing with other hand _____% of the time.

Student will trace numbers 0-20 within 1⁄4 of an inch deviation ___ % of the time.

Student will copy/write numbers 0-20 with ______% accuracy for size, formation, and spacing. (up to 60% accuracy is what is appropriate for Kindergarten at end of the school year)

Student will apply appropriate pressure on a writing utensil ____% of the time when writing and drawing during classroom/therapy activities.

Student will draw the following shapes: ______, with ____% accuracy for size, orientation, and formation.


CCSS.Math.Content.K.MD.A.1-2, or CCSS.Math.Content.K.MD.B.3, or CCSS.Math.Content.K.G.A.1-3, or CCSS.Math.Content.K.G.B.4-6

Student will use the following adaptive equipment: ______during classroom and therapy activities _____ % of the time.

Student will be able to isolate a finger to push a button, keyboard, mouse, etc. to answer questions during classroom and therapy activities ______% of the time.

Student will be able to access a switch using ______to answer questions during classroom and therapy activities with _____ % accuracy.

Student will be able to use an adaptive keyboard to type numbers 0-20 with ____% accuracy.

Student will be able to use a keyboard to type numbers 0-20 with ____% accuracy.

Student will be able to use an adaptive keyboard to create drawings with _____% accuracy.

Student will be able to use a keyboard to create drawings with ____% accuracy.



Student will tolerate touching various textures, ______% of the time.

Student will complete classroom/therapy activities regardless external visual/external stimulation ____% of the time.

Student will complete classroom/therapy activities regardless of odors in the environment _____ % of the time.

Student will complete suggested sensory diet activities for ____minutes prior to classroom/therapy activity ____% of the time.

Student will maintain a proper level of sensory arousal for ____minutes in order to remain seated during classroom/therapy tasks, ____% of the time.

Student will tolerate hands on physical prompts when needed for assistance during classroom/therapy activities ____% of the time.

Student will use relaxation techniques to regulate arousal level, when frustrated during classroom/therapy activities, ____% of the time.



Student will maintain an upright posture when seated ___ % of the time during classroom/therapy activities.

Student will remain seated in the classroom chair for ____ minutes while completing classroom/therapy activities.


(For each goal add level of independence: independently, with verbal cues, prompts, minimal assistance, moderate assistance or maximum assistance.)


CCSS.ELA-Literacy.R.I.K7, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.K.9

Student will visually recognize and name ____ out of 26 lowercase letters of the alphabet.

Student will visually recognize and name _____ out of the 26 uppercase letters of the alphabet.

Student will participate in visual motor/visual perception activities with _____ assistance in ___ out of ____ trials.



Student will be able to use a tripod grasp, ___ out of ____ trials, when manipulating materials to complete written assignments.

Student will stabilize the paper with one hand while drawing and writing ____% of the time.

Student will use a pincer grasp, ___ out of ___ trials, when completing classroom/therapy activities.

Student will use dominant hand, ___ out of ___ trials, to complete classroom/therapy activities.

Student will pick up objects from a desktop or any flat surface, ____ out of ___ trials, when completing classroom/therapy activities.

Student will be able to open/close containers that hold classroom/therapy supplies ___ out of ___ trials, to complete classroom/therapy activities.

Student will cross midline, ___ out of ___ trials, to reach across the body for objects when completing classroom/therapy activities.

When completing classroom/therapy activities, student will use scissors correctly by holding in thumbs up position and cutting within ___” deviation of a border of ______(shape/design) ___ % of the time.

When completing classroom/therapy activities, student will be able to squeeze an appropriate amount of glue on materials ___ % of the time.



Student will draw a person with ____ number of body parts on ____ out of ____ trials.

Student will legibly write text on ____ inch wide spaced lined paper with _____ % accuracy.

Student will correctly write letters/words with proper size, formation, line adherence, and/or spacing with ______% accuracy.

Student will be able to pick up and position writing utensil correctly, ____% of the time when drawing and writing.

Student will use dominant hand, ___ out of ___trials, when drawing and writing.

Student will hold a writing utensil with a ____ grasp ______% of the time when completing written tasks.

Student will apply appropriate pressure on a writing utensil ____% of the time when completing written tasks.

Student will write/color/draw for ___ minutes without complaints of fatigue ___% of the time.

Student will trace ___ out of 26 uppercase/lowercase letters ___ % of the time.

Student will copy/print ___ out of 26 uppercase/lowercase letters with ____% accuracy for size and formation.

Student will copy/write name with ____% accuracy for formation, size, and line adherence.


CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.K.1-3, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.K.6

Student will be able to isolate a finger to push a button, keyboard, mouse, etc. to create drawings ____% of the time.

Student will be able to access a switch using _____to create drawings or text with accuracy ____% of the time.

With guidance from adults, student will explore a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing ____% of the time.



Student will follow the classroom rules, regardless of external auditory or visual stimulation ____ % of the time.

Student will follow the classroom rules regardless of odors in the environment ___ % of the time.

Student will maintain a proper level of sensory arousal for ___minutes in order to follow the classroom rules, ___% of the time.

Student will follow the classroom rules by using relaxation techniques to regulate arousal level, when frustrated, ___% of the time.

Student will exhibit age appropriate body awareness (i.e. maintaining personal space, keeping hands to self, etc.) when actively engaged in group discussions ___% of the time.

Student will follow a number of steps: ____visual schedule to help self-regulate when following classroom rules % of the time.


CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.K.1-3, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.K.5-8

Student will be able to follow the proper sequence of ____ number of steps in order to complete written assignments ____% of the time.

Student will be able to locate materials needed (i.e. notebook, paper, pencil, etc) to complete written assignments ____ % of the time.

Student will use the following strategies: ______to maintain school supplies in an organized manner ____% of the time.

1st Grade

OT Goals for First Grade related to Math Common Core Standards

(For each goal add level of independence: independently, with verbal cues, prompts, minimal assistance, moderate assistance or maximum assistance.)


CCSS.Math.Content.1.OA.A.1 or Math.Content.1.OA.A.2 or CCSS.Math.content.1.NBT.A.1, Math.Content.1.NBT.B.3, Math Content.1.NBT.C.4-C.6

Student will draw or write equations from left to right and top to bottom ___% of the time.

Student will write equations with ___ accuracy for number/letter size and line adherence.

Student will copy/write numbers 1-20 with ____% accuracy for number size and line adherence.

Student will write addition and subtraction equations with ___% accuracy for line adherence, spacing, and sizing.

Student will write numbers in the proper place value with correct orientation to the line ___% of the time.

Student will copy/write numbers 1-20 with ___ no reversal errors in ___ out of __ trials.

Adaptive Equipment/Technology:

CC.SS.Math.Content.1.OA.A or Math.Content.1.OA.A.2 or CCSS.Math.content.1.NBT.C.4-C.6

Student will use the following adaptive equipment:______for numbers/math _____% of the time.

Student will use an adaptive keyboard to create drawings or equations for Math work ____% of the time.

Student will be able to access a switch using ______to type numbers 0-120, create drawings or equations representing place value, addition and subtraction with accuracy ___% of the time.

Student will be able to use the following functions in a program to represent addition and subtraction; operate math symbol keys, operate space bar, delete keys, enter keys, shift keys, use cut//copy/paste features, select items with mouse, etc ___% of the time.

OT Goals for First Grade related to ELA Common Core Standards

(For each goal add level of independence: independently, with verbal cues, prompts, minimal assistance, moderate assistance or maximum assistance.)


CCSS.ELA-Literacy W.1.1-W.1.3 and W1.5 or CCSS ELA literacy L.1.5a, L.1.5b, or L.1.5c

**Math Common core related to grasp/midline: CCSS Math.COntent1.OA.A.1 or Math.Content.1.OA.A.2

Student will be able to use a tripod grasp, ___ out of 10 trials when manipulating materials in the classroom environment.

Student will be able to use a pincer grasp, ___ out of 10 trials, when manipulating materials in the classroom environment.

Student will be able to open/close containers that hold supplies ___ out of 10 trials when manipulating classroom or lunchroom materials.

Student will cross midline, ___ out of 10 trials, to reach across the body when manipulating classroom materials.


CCSS ELA-Literacy W.1.1-1.3 and W1.5, CCSS ELA Literacy L.1.1, L.1.1a, L.1.2,orL.1.2s

Student will apply appropriate pressure on a pencil ___% of the time when writing to compose text.

Student will stabilize paper with one hand while writing to compose text __% of the time.

Student will copy ___ (put number)UC/LC letters with ___% of accuracy for letter size and line adherence.

Student will write with ___ accuracy of line adherence, spacing, or letter size (or all) on __ inch wide spaced line paper.

Student will write ___ number of words within ___ timed duration __% of the time.

Student will copy ______sentences or word list with ___% accuracy for letter size, line adherence, and spacing from near point copying.

Student will copy _____ sentences or word list with __ accuracy for letter size, line adherence, and spacing for Far point copying.

Student will write with ___ accuracy for letter size, line adherence, and spacing.

Student will write the following letters: ______with no reversals ____% of time.


CCSS ELA-Literacy W.1.1-1.3 and W.1.5-W.1.8

Student will use the following adaptive equipment: ______during ______% of the time.

Student will be able to isolate a finger to push a button, keyboard, mouse, etc to produce written material ____% of the time.

Student will be able to access a switch using ______to produce classroom work with accuracy _____% of the time.

Student will be able to access a touch screen device using ______to produce classwork material with accuracy ____% of the time.

Student will be able to use an adaptive keyboard to produce written material with accuracy ____% of the time.

With guidance from adults, student will explore a variety of digital tools in the classroom _____% of the time.


CCSS ELA-Literacy W.1.1-W.1.3 and W.1.5-W.1.8

Student will be able to locate necessary materials needed within the classroom to complete written assignments ___% of the time.

Student will use the following strategies: ______to maintain school supplies in an organized manner ___% of the time.


CCSS ELA Literacy SL.1.5

Student will use scissors correctly by holding in a thumb up position and cutting within ____” deviation of a border ___% of the time.


CCSS ELA Literacy SL.1.1a

Student will follow the classroom rules using sensory adaptations as needed to decrease sensory sensitivity in the classroom ___% of the time.