
Head Teacher: Mrs A. Goetzee

Friday 19th May 2017

Dear parents and carers,

It is with some sadness that I am issuing to all parents the attached code of conduct. I feel the need to make explicit the expectations that I and the whole school staff have in terms of our relationship with you.

As it states on the code of conduct we value the positive relationship we have with the vast majority of families. We actively encourage visits and dialogue that will promote the learning and development of the children at our school.

Unfortunately, this openness is sometimes abused and a very small minority of parents use it to try and influence the outcomes of school operational decisions. They can go further if their wishes are not fulfilled. These negative behaviours are damaging both to the staff involved and also to the school as a whole as it results in a handful of families absorbing massive amounts of staff time and potentially losing sight of the greater majority.

I know you will be surprised by the content of the code and by my feeling the need to produce it, but I have to tell you that I and the wider school staff have been subject to all of these forms of behaviour, sometimes multiple times. These incidents are on the increase at the present time and so I feel the need to state clearly to everyone what I feel is reasonable. I understand that the education of your children is important to you, as it is to us, this sometimes makes people particularly emotional. When that emotion leads to threats, veiled or otherwise, or emotional blackmail to gain advantage for a child, then enough is enough.

I have consulted with all staff and governors in the production of this code and urge you to read it carefully.

I still believe that the best way for us to secure great outcomes for the children is for school and home to work together, this must be done within the remit of mutual respect

Yours sincerely

Mrs Goetzee Ian Craik

Headteacher Chair of Governors
