Minutes for Digital Measures Steering Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 15, 2014 from 2:00 to 4:00, Zuhl Library Conference Room #225


ACES – Steve Loring, Associate Director, Agricultural Experiment Station

Arts & Sciences – Ken Van Winkle, Associate Dean, Development

Business – Chris Erickson, Professor, Economics and International Business
Education – Alfred Valdez, Assistant Professor, Special Education and Communication Disorders

HSS – Donna Wagner, Associate Dean

Library – Larry Creider, Department Head

OAP – Natalie Kellner, Director, Academic Planning

OAP – Moana Jarvis, System Administrator

International & Border Programs - Cornell Menking, Associate Provost

Research - Sudha Murthy, Director, Research Development & Strategic Initiatives

Research - Bill Harty, Director, Research Administrative Systems


·  Executive Vice President and Provost Dan Howard will likely attend our next meeting.

·  Presentations screen enhancements completed.

·  Moana will be working with a team from the Library to complete the merge of the Library Instrument with the University Instrument by the end of the summer.

·  Moana has been working with A & S to complete changes on the Workload Information screen needed because of the College’s move to an academic year evaluation period.


·  Members discussed Faculty Specialty keywords at great length. Concluded a controlled list at the same granularity is valuable at this time. Group seeks Provost feedback.

·  Members favor a comprehensive list of Countries for a drop-down list selection with the name only.

·  Number of Participants discussed as addition for some faculty work. Existing example in DM was provided in handouts.

·  Members discussed potential for faculty to extract Number of Citations from Google Scholar and add to DM to support Vision 2020 KPIs.

To Do’s

·  Natalie to update Faculty Specialty keywords and forward to steering committee for additional suggestions.

·  Natalie to solicit Provost feedback.

·  Natalie to determine available dates for Provost for next meeting.

Next Meeting – TBD, likely in July