Instructor: Kevin Miura
Course Title: ESOL
Office Number: 305-6465
Room: B-7
Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s),
Welcome to start of the 2015-16 school year at Aiea High School. Please review the syllabus with your child and return it to me with your signature.
Course Objectives:
1.Enhance critical reading skills by analyzing passages and reading for understandingAsian Myths, Challenger 8, and Building Vocabulary series
2. Improve and develop note-taking skills
3. Improve cooperative learning skills and oral reading abilities
4. Develop listening and speaking skills through various forms of presentations
5.Increase vocabulary development using Wordly Wise series
Course Description:
This course is designed to develop your child’s language skills in order for them to become lifelong learners.
Classroom Rules
- Come to class on time and be sitting in your seats before the tardy bell rings.
- Bring necessary supplies to class such as pen/pencil, notebook, folder paper, student planner, and textbooks.
- Have a positive attitude in class and be willing to work.
- Be polite and respectful to everyone in the class (teacher included). Treat others the way that you would like to be treated.
- Make sure to follow all school rules.
- Raise your hand before speaking or answering a question. Allow your fellow classmates to express their ideas without being interrupted.
- Any forms of technological device such as IPOD’s, CD players, cell phones are prohibited.
- 1st warning-Teacher takes device away for the remainder of the day.
- 2nd warning- Teacher takes device away for 2 days and calls home.
- 3rd warning-Teacher takes device away and gives it to the office. Parent-teacher conference to follow.
- Teacher will take attendance and input into eSIS system after the tardy bell has rung.
- Students take out homework/class work from previous class meeting and review the information covered.
- Teacher will write assignment on the board and commence with direct instruction on the topic for the period. The teacher will explain the information and students will follow along.
- Teacher will continue with guided practice where the teacher will model the information presented and have students participate with the instruction.
- Finally, students will participate in independent use where they will work on their own and the teacher will provide support by walking around the class and answer questions.
- Grading will be determined by effort and performance for these tasks: written assignments, tests, quizzes, oral presentations.
F=below a 59.4%
* Any student caught cheating will receive a zero for that particular assignment.
Office Hours
Monday: 1:35-2:45
Friday: 1:35-2:45
Parent signature: