Plantation Pickleball Association
Meeting of February 2, 2010
The meeting started at 6:00 PM at The Pub in The Manor.
Board Members in Attendance: Gary, Seri, Dan, Jack, Ed, Tim, Joanne, Skip, John.
Members in Attendance: Janis LoDato, Sigrid LaFrance, Jim Spurlock, Stan Moss, Pete Patterson.
Gary’s Report: He confirmed that our meetings will be on the first Tuesday of the month at the Pub. Gary also put together an e- mail listing of members so we can better communicate with members. He requested that we all contribute to the list of addresses. Gary made a motion that league rules be amended as follows: Promotions – Managers who believe that mitigating circumstances exist will be able to address the Board on behalf of a player who does not meet the 56 games requirement for promotion. The Board will decide if the mitigating circumstances presented are sufficient to waive the requirement. The motion was approved. Gary, as the manager of Div. 9, made a case to approve the promotion of a Div. 9 player who did not meet the 56 game requirements, the motion was approved without the player being declared the winner of the league even though he had the highest winning percentage.
Gary briefly introduced Relay for Life, an American Cancer Society program being sponsored in part by The Plantation and being held at the South Point Baptist Church in Leesburg. Gary asked that we support the program as our 2010 charitable effort, the Directors agreed. Pete Patterson spoke next; he is leading the effort for the Pickleball Association and is our designated captain and will solicit team members. The program on April 23 and 24 will consist of volunteers who walk around a track for one hour and have sponsors who contribute money to the cause. He asked for volunteers to make up our 8 person team. To date those members are Pete and Joanne Patterson, Gary and Cori Grieco. The Board approved a $100. registration fee for the Pickleball Association.
Jack’s Report: The minutes from the December 5, 2010 meeting were approved.
Seri’s Report: Our balance as of January 31, 2010 is $4804.08. The report was accepted as presented. Copy of the Treasurer’s report is attached.
Dan’s Report: Dan has redesigned the league winner certificates and will present it to the Board at the next meeting for approval.
Ed’ Report: Spring league managers, court assignments and times were revised and approved by the Board. Joanne will have them posted to the web site. Ed asked for clarification of rankings when two players have identical percentages of wins at the end of a season – the tie breaker will be the start of season ranking.
A long discussion was held on what to do with the women’s leagues for the spring. We have players who will only play at night and those that will only play during the day. This has led to an insufficient number of players, both during the day and during the night to field the 7 game round robin leagues and keep good competitive levels in each league. After considerable discussion it was decided to change the league format to the ladder league approach which does not require a large fixed number of players at each skill level as does the 7 game round robin format. After some discussion it was decided that this league will not count toward a player’s ranking or have recognized division winners. Skip and Sigrid (women league managers) were asked to set up the leagues. Ed will review the format for the ladder league with Sigrid, Skip and Gini Curcia at a meeting at Sigrid’s house. The Board then at Ed’s request ranked a number of unranked players for the women’s and mixed spring leagues.
Tim’s Report: He reported that the End of League social has approximately 20 members signed up to attend to date and that all the planning is underway. It was requested that future social events be advertised earlier and that the announcement be review by the director’s prior to being posted.
Joanne’s Report: Reported that the Smile Box photos prepared by John have been posted to the web site. In the future end of season results will be posted on the site as well.
Skip and John’s Report: Skip reported the status of the resurfacing at the Manor courts. Skip will discuss screen clips and net washers, as suggested by a member, with Dennis as they are maintenance items. Skip reported the HOA will be adjusting the lighting at Ashley.
He reported that the Mixed Doubles Tournament will be held on March 12 and 13 with a social to follow on the 13th. The mixed team member’s average ranking will be used to decide their competitive placement for the tournament. Members can sign up as a team or as an individual; in this case a partner will be assigned to them. Tim will manage this social to be held at the Manor. A draft of an announcement of this Tournament is attached to these minutes. He also announced with Seri that the Scott Greene Tournament will be held on April 3rd. This will be a traditional 7 game round robin format – details to be decided by Scott and Seri - Tim will manage the social that will follow at the Manor. Seri will continue to be our contact with Scott. More information to follow.
Skip and John presented the Levels of Sponsorship program that could be used when soliciting sponsors for tournaments. All directors are requested to provide written feedback to them within a week’s time. They also reviewed with the board sample t-shirts and cost of the same that can be used for our tournaments. No decisions were made at this time other than that we should have our logo on the front and the sponsor’s advertisement on the back of the shirts. They will be drafting a solicitation letter for review by the board at the next meeting.
Skip presented the 2010 and 2011 list of dates and times reserved for the Pickleball Association at the Manor. Copy attached.
New Business: Clinics will be addressed at a future meeting. Sr. Manager will also be discussed in the future. Jim Wahl’s e-mail suggesting a new league format will be addressed at a future time.
The next meeting is on March 2, 2010.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40PM.