Freedom of the Media in the EU and Neighbouring Countries
24-25 November, Cracow (Poland)
An event within the Polish Presidency of the EU Council in 2011
With the support of the European Commission Representation in Poland
Organised by the European Economic and Social Committee
Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel - Straszewskiego Str. 17 - 31-000 Cracow, Poland
Opening session – 14:15 – 15:15Welcome by Anna Maria DARMANIN – EESC vice-president responsible for communications
- Konrad NIKLEWICZ -Spokespersonfor the Polish Presidency
- Jacek KRAWCZYK, EESC Vice-President
- Sixtine BOUYGUES - Director a.i. of Communication Actions, Directorate-General Communication, European Commission
15:15–15:30 – Coffee break
Panel discussion I – 15:30 – 18:00Patterns of political and business clientelism in the media
Keynote speaker: Jean-François JULLIARD, Secretary-General of Reporters without Borders
- Agnieszka ROMASZEWSKA-GUZY, editor-in-chief of Belsat TV
- Vitaliy PORTNIKOV, journalist, editor-in-chief of TVi; Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Ukraine
- Nune SARGSYAN,Executive director ofInternews Armenia, member of the Media sub-working group of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, a contributor to a recent report "Media Landscape of the Eastern Partnership Countries"
20:00 – Dinner, hosted by the Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU
Restaurant Szara
Main Market Square, 6
Panel discussion II – 09:00 – 11:00Social media – a tool for democracy?
- Luis Melgar VALERO, Public Diplomacy Communication Department of the Middle East and North Africa Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Spain
- Elizabeth LINDER, director, Facebook, London
- Dr Joachim KOOPS - Vesalius College (VUB) and the Global Governance Institute (GGI), researcher on cyber-security and cyber-governance
11:00 – 11:15 – coffee break
Panel discussion III – 11:15 – 13:00Public service broadcasting in the digital era
Keynote speaker:Claudio CAPPON, Vice-President of the European Broadcasting Union
- Eileen DUNNE, president of the Association of European Journalists, Newscaster with RTE, Ireland's national radio and television station
- Dr Lucyna SŁUPEK, Jagiellonian University, Polish Political Science Association, author of the book "Television – A Cultural Good or an Element of the Market. The Transformation of Television in the Countries of the EU"
13:00 Closing remarks
Anna Maria DARMANIN – EESC vice-president