TN# 2015-00xxx

Emergency adoption 12/4/15, eff. 12/4/15


(9 CCR 2503-1)

[Instructions: insert at the end of the Statement of Basis and Purpose.]

Revisions to Section 3.905 were adopted on an emergency basis at the 12/4/2015 State Board meeting (Rule-making# 15-11-18-1), with an effective date of 12/4/2015. Statement of Basis and Purpose and specific statutory authority for these revisions were incorporated by reference into the rule. These materials are available for review by the public during normal working hours at the Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Strategic Communications and Legislative Relations, State Board Administration.


(9 CCR 2503-9)

[Instructions: replace the following.]


A.Adult Caretaker or Teen Parent Resources

Counties shall provide adult caretakers or teen parents with information on all available types of providers in the community: centers, family child care homes, qualified providers and in-home child care. This information can be provided through child care resource and referral agencies. In addition, counties shall provide adult caretakers with information as required by the state including, but not limited to, information regarding voter registration. In order to support families, counties may offer families referrals for health care coverage for their children, applications for food assistance benefits, housing information, and/or Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) information.

B.Parental Fees


[Instructions: replace the following.]

12.Current Monthly Federal Poverty Guidelines and State Median Income for State Fiscal Year 2016 is as follows:

Family Size / 100% Federal Poverty Guideline (FPG) 2015 / 165% Federal Poverty Guideline (FPG) 2015 (State Minimum Income Limit) / 85% State Median Income (SMI) FFY 2016 (State and Federal Maximum Income Limit)
2 / $1,328 / $2,190 / $4,139
3 / $1,674 / $2,762 / $5,112
4 / $2,021 / $3,334 / $6,086
5 / $2,368 / $3,906 / $7,059
6 / $2,714 / $4,478 / $8,033
7 / $3,061 / $5,050 / $8,215
8 / $3,408 / $5,622 / $8,398
9 / $3,754 / $6,194 / $8,581
Each Additional person / $ 347 / $ 572 / See Below*

* To adjust for different sizes of households, multiply the state’s estimated median income for a four-person family by the following percentages:

●Sixty-eight percent (68%) for a two-person household;

●Eighty-four percent (84%) for a three-person household;

●One hundred percent (100%) for a four-person household;

●One hundred sixteen percent (116%) for a five-person household; and,

●One hundred thirty two percent (132%) for a six-person household.

●For each additional household member above six people, add three (3) percentage points.

13.When all children in a family are in part-time care, the parental fee shall be assessed at fifty-five percent (55%) of the above-calculated fee. Part-time care is defined as an average of less than thirteen (13) full-time equivalent units of care per month.

