MBTA Fiscal & Management Control Board - January 25, 2016

Chief Administrator Remarks - Screen Reader Supplement

Slide 1:Title Slide

In the left top corner is the MassDOT logo (mass is green and in lower case, DOT is in capital letters and in blue. Part of this logo includes the phrase "Massachusetts Department of Transportation" in green. In the top right corner is the MBTA logo (black T in a black circle) to the left of the phrase "Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority" in black. There is a thin green straight line beneath these logos stretching across the top of the slide below the logos.

The term "Operations Budget Stability Committee Report to FMCB" is in black text in the center of the slide beneath the green line.

Under this is a second phrase, also centered on the slide and in black reading "Overtime, Absenteeism and Dropped Trips YTD Update"

Under this is the date "1/25/2016 in gray.

At the bottom of the slide is a note stating "Draft for discussion and Policy Purposes Only" in the center of the slide. In the right corner is the slide number "1." These are in gray.

Slide 2:Average daily overtime expense has dropped 23% in Jan 2016, compared to January last year.

In the top left is the slide title " Average daily overtime expense has dropped 23% in Jan 2016, compared to January last year " in blue.

In the top right corner is the MBTA logo (black T in a black circle) to the left of the phrase "Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority" in black. There is a thin green straight line beneath the logo stretching across the top of the slide below the logo and slide title.

There is one chart on the slide. The Y axis is in thousands and ranges from zero to $150K. There is no label for the X axis. Above the Y axis is the phrase "Average Actual Overtime Expense per Day (Operating)". There are two bars on the chart.

The bar closest to the Y axis is labeled "Jan 2015 YTD" on the bottom and "$145K" on the top. The bar is greenish and has the phrase "Last Year (first 16 days)": in the middle.

The next bar is labeled "Jan 2016 YTD" on the bottom and "112K" on the top. The bar is light green and has the term "This year (first 15 days)" in the middle.

Above this bar is a box with the phrase "Change: -23%" in black text. The box is blue.

Below the chart is a note: "Source: MBTA Internal Data. Operating budget overtime in first three pay cycles of 2016 (16 days) versus 2015 (15 days). Total overtime expense (operating) for Jan 16 YTD is $1.68M; total overtime for Jan15 YTD is $2.33M

Next to the bars is a box with a note in the form of three bullet points.

The first bullet states "FY16 full-year operating overtime budget is $36.5M ($100K per day).

The second bullet states "FY16 November 5 month YTD operating overtime was $4.5M over budget ($19.5M actual versus $15M budget)"

The third bullet states "Our goal for rest of is to reduce average daily overtime expense to $100k, consistent with budget target."

In the bottom right corner of the slide is the number 2.

Slide 3:Engineering and Maintenance Overtime Strategy

In the top left is the slide title "Engineering and Maintenance Overtime Strategy" in blue.

In the top right corner is the MBTA logo (black T in a black circle) to the left of the phrase "Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority" in black. There is a thin green straight line beneath the logo stretching across the top of the slide below the logo and slide title.

There are three bullets on this slide:

Bullet 1: Employee shift scheduling to balance resources to cover business needs

Sub bullet: MOW track inspection pick completed 12/15

Bullet 2: Enhanced maintenance planning and scheduling to reduce costs and improve effectiveness

Bullet 3: Direct management approvals of OT

Sub bullet: Increase accountability and oversight

In the bottom right corner of the slide is the number 3.

Slide 4:Engineering and Maintenance Overtime Strategy

In the top left is the slide title "Engineering and Maintenance Overtime Strategy" in blue.

In the top right corner is the MBTA logo (black T in a black circle) to the left of the phrase "Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority" in black. There is a thin green straight line beneath the logo stretching across the top of the slide below thelogo and slide title.

There are three bullets on this slide:

Bullet 1: Filling critical staffing vacancies

Sub-bullet: Supervisors are key to overseeing and planning maintenance

Bullet 2: Use and enforcement of employee hand scanners

Sub-bullet: Tied to Time Keeping System (TKS) for payroll adherence

Bullet 3: Elimination of overtime staffing for late night service

Sub-bullet: Example MOW Emergency Truck on Sat and Sun AM

In the bottom right corner of the slide is the number 4.

Slide 5:MBTA implemented new attendance policy effective 1/1/2016, incorporating 21 LMC recommendations

In the top left is the slide title "MBTA implemented new attendance policy effective 1/1/2016, incorporating 21 LMC recommendations" in blue.

The slide consists of a table made up of two columns and five rows.

The first row has cells that are headers to the others. The first cell is labeled "Focus Area" and the second "Recommendations"

The second is labeled "training". There are 5 items:

  1. Require employees to adhere to MBTA call-in procedures
  2. Use a “call-taker” script when taking calls from employees for unscheduled absences to: a) Gather more accurate information about the basis for the unscheduled employee absence (sick, FMLA-self, FMLA-family), b) Improve the accuracy of coding absences, c) Ensure compliance with leave laws and CBA terms
  3. Code unscheduled absences correctly, with multiple codes to ensure leaves run concurrently
  4. Identify Pattern Absenteeism and FMLA absences in excess of approved frequency and duration
  5. Apply new Attendance Policy

The third row is labeled "Process (now)". There are 4 items:

  1. Run leaves concurrently, where appropriate
  2. Recertify FMLA, where appropriate
  3. Initiate FMLA process where a possible “serious health condition” is evident from contractual sick pay medical documentation
  4. Commence ADA process promptly

The fourth row is labeled "Process (2016)". There are 9 items:

  1. Move from a minimally-resourced FMLA administrative process to a fully-resourced, compliant, fair, and consistent FMLA process
  2. Use DOL Forms for FMLA Administration
  3. Implement FMLA tracking system
  4. Delay or deny FMLA designations where employee, despite notice, fails to timely provide complete medical certification
  5. Fully review medical certifications for validity, and seek second opinions, where appropriate
  6. Ensure chiropractic certifications meet FMLA standards
  7. Require FMLA recertification every 6 months; more often for pattern absenteeism, and for use beyond approved frequency and duration
  8. Require employees to use accrued sick pay when taking FMLA or other statutory leave under new Attendance Policy
  9. Shift from the current, fixed year to a true “rolling year,” after 60 day notice period, under revised FMLA policy

The fifth row is labeled "Contract/Policy/Procurement". There are 3 items:

  1. Expand the purposes for which contractual sick time may be used to match up with EST purposes, to care for an injury, illness, or medical condition of the employee and his or her child, spouse, parent, or parent of spouse
  2. Pay contractual sick time for all “sick” absences before requiring documentation for: Excused and unexcused absences and for the employee or for his or her child, spouse, parent, or parent of spouse
  3. Issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Third Party Administrator (TPA) to operate a call center and provide case management support of unscheduled employee absences

In the bottom right corner of the slide is the number 5.

Slide 6:Attendance Policy requires concurrent usage of leave, consistent with state and federal law

In the top left is the slide title "Attendance Policy requires concurrent usage of leave, consistent with state and federal law" in blue.

In the top right corner is the MBTA logo (black T in a black circle) to the left of the phrase "Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority" in black. There is a thin green straight line beneath the logo stretching across the top of the slide below thelogo and slide title.

The slide consists of black text and is a quotation from the MBTA attendance policy.

The title of the phrase in bold italics states "Concurrent Usage of leave"

Below this in italics is the statement:

The Authority requires Concurrent Usage of Leave, meaning employees must "substitute" or run concurrently their accrued paid leave, including Massachusetts Earned Sick Time (EST), Contractual Sick Leave (including Sick Paid Protected or SPP where available), personal, and vacation leave, during any otherwise unpaid leave, including but not limited to leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA); Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); the Massachusetts Parental Leave Act (MPLA); Domestic Violence Leave Act (DVLA); and/or the Small Necessities Leave Act (SNLA), to the extent applicable, until (1) the exhaustion of the employees’ accrued paid leave, or (2) the exhaustion or termination of the approved unpaid leave, whichever comes first.

In the bottom left corner of the slide is the phrase "Source: MBTA 2016 Attendance Policy".

In the bottom right corner of the slide is the number 6.

Slide 7:Unscheduled absence % for MBTA operators (all drivers) dropped in January

In the top left is the slide title "Unscheduled absence % for MBTA operators (all drivers) dropped in January " in blue.

In the top right corner is the MBTA logo (black T in a black circle) to the left of the phrase "Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority" in black. There is a thin green straight line beneath the logo stretching across the top of the slide below thelogo and slide title.

The slide consists of a graph and a box with bullets.

There is one chart on the slide. The Y axis is percentages and ranges from zero to 15.0%. There is no label for the X axis. Above the Y axis is the phrase "MBTA unscheduled Absence % All Transportation Operators". There are two bars on the chart.

The bar closest to the Y axis is labeled "FY2015" on the bottom and "12.72%" on the top. The bar is greenish and has the phrase "FY2015 Full Year": in the middle.

The next bar is labeled "Jan 16 YTD" on the bottom and "10.73%" on the top. The bar is light green and has the term "January 2016 YTD (first 15 days)" in the middle.

Above this bar is a box with the phrase "Change: -16%" in black text. The box is blue.

Next to the bars is a box with a note in the form of three points.

The title of the box is "Unscheduled absenteeism % calculation methodology"

The first phrase: "In a 4 week month, there are 20 available work days"

The second phrase:"Example: If an operator missed 3 work days for unscheduled absence (does not include vacation/ holiday), that would be a 15% rate (3/20 = 15%)"

The third phrase: "See slide 16 for further discussion of methodology"

In the bottom left corner of the slide is the phrase "Internal MBTA Data".

In the bottom right corner of the slide is the number 7.

Slide 8:Unscheduled absence % for full-time bus operators dropped in January

In the top left is the slide title "Unscheduled absence % for full-time bus operators dropped in January" in blue.

In the top right corner is the MBTA logo (black T in a black circle) to the left of the phrase "Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority" in black. There is a thin green straight line beneath the logo stretching across the top of the slide below thelogo and slide title.

The slide consists of a graph and a box with bullets.

There is one chart on the slide. The Y axis is percentages and ranges from zero to 20.0%. There is no label for the X axis. Above the Y axis is the phrase "MBTA unscheduled Absence % Full Time Bus Operators". There are two bars on the chart.

The bar closest to the Y axis is labeled "FY2015" on the bottom and "15.24%" on the top. The bar is greenish and has the phrase "FY2015 Full Year" in the middle.

The next bar is labeled "Jan 16 YTD" on the bottom and "13.10%" on the top. The bar is light green and has the term "January 2016 YTD (first 15 days)" in the middle.

Above this bar is a box with the phrase "Change: -14%" in black text. The box is blue.

Next to the bars is a box with a note in the form of two points.

The title of the box is "Operational Impact Description:"

The first phrase: "In a 4 week month, there are 20 available work days"

The second phrase:"A 13.1% unscheduled absence rate means that an operator was absent unscheduled for 2.6 days out of 20 total available work days in a month (20 x 13.1%)."

In the bottom left corner of the slide is the phrase "Internal MBTA Data".

In the bottom right corner of the slide is the number 8.

Slide 9:Unscheduled absence % for part-time bus operators dropped in January

In the top left is the slide title "Unscheduled absence % for part-time bus operators dropped in January" in blue.

In the top right corner is the MBTA logo (black T in a black circle) to the left of the phrase "Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority" in black. There is a thin green straight line beneath the logo stretching across the top of the slide below thelogo and slide title.

The slide consists of a graph. The Y axis is percentages and ranges from zero to 8.0%. There is no label for the X axis. Above the Y axis is the phrase "MBTA unscheduled Absence % part time Bus Operators". There are two bars on the chart.

The bar closest to the Y axis is labeled "FY2015" on the bottom and "7.40%" on the top. The bar is greenish and has the phrase "FY2015 Full Year" in the middle.

The next bar is labeled "Jan 16 YTD" on the bottom and "5.31%" on the top. The bar is light green and has the term "January 2016 YTD (first 15 days)" in the middle.

Above this bar is a box with the phrase "Change: -28%" in black text. The box is blue.

In the bottom left corner of the slide is the phrase "Internal MBTA Data".

In the bottom right corner of the slide is the number 9.

Slide 10:Unscheduled absence % for machinists (all types) increased 30% in January, compared with FY15

In the top left is the slide title " Unscheduled absence % for machinists (all types) increased 30% in January, compared with FY15" in blue.

In the top right corner is the MBTA logo (black T in a black circle) to the left of the phrase "Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority" in black. There is a thin green straight line beneath the logo stretching across the top of the slide below thelogo and slide title.

The slide consists of a graph.

The Y axis is percentages and ranges from zero to 15.0%. There is no label for the X axis. Above the Y axis is the phrase "MBTA unscheduled Absence % machinists (all types)". There are two bars on the chart.

The bar closest to the Y axis is labeled "FY2015" on the bottom and "9.42%" on the top. The bar is greenish and has the phrase "FY2015 Full Year" in the middle.

The next bar is labeled "Jan 16 YTD" on the bottom and "12.20%" on the top. The bar is light green and has the term "January 2016 YTD (first 15 days)" in the middle.

Above this bar is a box with the phrase "Change: +30%" in black text. The box is blue.

In the bottom left corner of the slide is the phrase "Internal MBTA Data".

In the bottom right corner of the slide is the number 10.

Slide 11:Unscheduled absence % for fuelers decreased in January

In the top left is the slide title "Unscheduled absence % for fuelers decreased in January" in blue.

In the top right corner is the MBTA logo (black T in a black circle) to the left of the phrase "Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority" in black. There is a thin green straight line beneath the logo stretching across the top of the slide below the logo and slide title.

There is one chart on the slide. The Y axis is percentages and ranges from zero to 12.5%. There is no label for the X axis. Above the Y axis is the phrase "MBTA unscheduled Absence % fuelers decreased in January". There are two bars on the chart.

The bar closest to the Y axis is labeled "FY2015" on the bottom and "10.65%" on the top. The bar is greenish and has the phrase "FY2015 Full Year" in the middle.

The next bar is labeled "Jan 16 YTD" on the bottom and "9.50%" on the top. The bar is light green and has the term "January 2016 YTD (first 15 days)" in the middle.

Above this bar is a box with the phrase "Change: -11%" in black text. The box is blue.

In the bottom left corner of the slide is the phrase "Internal MBTA Data".

In the bottom right corner of the slide is the number 11.