City of Seattle Request for Proposal #3599

Bike Share and Equipment Operations Program


Updated on July12, 2016

The following is additional information regarding Request for Proposal #3599, titled Bike Share and Equipment Operations Programreleased onThursday, May 19, 2016. The due date and time forresponses remainsas Friday, July 15, 2016; 3:00 PM(Pacific). This addendum includes both questions from prospective proposers and the City’s answers, and revisions to the RFP. This addendum is hereby made part of the RFP and therefore, the information contained herein shall be taken into consideration when preparing and submitting a proposal.

Item # / Date Received / Date Answered / Vendor’s Question / City’s Answer / RFP Revisions
1 / 5/20/16 / Contact information for individuals interested in participating via Conference Call in the Optional Preproposal Conference scheduled for Wednesday,June 1, 2016 at 10:00AM (Pacific) is as follows:
Join Skype Meeting
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and communications app formerly known as Lync.
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Conference ID: 135761
Forgot your dial-in PIN? |Help / Section 9.3 Instructions and Information, Pre-Proposal Conference
2 / 6/1/16 / 6/6/16 / Does the City anticipate that the helmet law will still be in effect or might be relaxed for BikeShare? / No. There is no discussion of repealing the helmet law or relaxing it for bike share.
3 / 6/1/16 / 6/6/16 / Is it a safe assumption that the $5M will be appropriated? / Yes. The City anticipates about $5 million dollars. The Financial template for Equipment asks you to tell us how many pieces of equipment will be provided for that $5 million dollars.
4 / 6/1/16 / 6/6/16 / Is the $5M all City money? / Most of the $5 million dollars is City money.
5 / 6/1/16 / 6/6/16 / Are there additional potential grant funds? / The $5 million dollars does include some grant funding, including funding from CMAQ. The City does intend to apply for other grant funding at some future time.
6 / 6/1/16 / 6/6/16 / Is the expectation that the sponsorships will continue? / The sponsors’ intentions are unknown. From a City perspective, we are prepared to renew the sponsorships if they can provide market value for an expanded system.
7 / 6/1/16 / 6/6/16 / Can this contract be broken without penalty without the existing sponsors? / Yes, the contract can be broken by the City
8 / 6/1/16 / 6/6/16 / Does the financial information need to be proposed in a separate envelope? / Yes, all financial information needs to be submitted separately from the Technical proposal.
9 / 6/1/16 / 6/6/16 / If the capital funds for equipment is intended to be $5M, is there an appropriation for operations? / The City believes the majority of the turn key operationscan be covered through sponsorship and rider fees. The City may consider an appropriations for operations after proposal review.
10 / 6/1/16 / 6/6/16 / Does the $5 million dollars include services like marketing and station siting? / The $5 million dollars includes all costs to get to launch, including siting. Please see the updated Financial templates which includes siting and planning as part of the launch costs.
11 / 6/1/16 / 6/6/16 / Can we mark our information that we believe is proprietary and confidential as such and the City will protect that information? / Proposers should not assume that the City can determine what is deemed confidential and proprietary. The determination is strictly governed by the State of Washington statute RCW 42.56 and not delegated to the City of Seattle.
12 / 6/1/16 / 7/08/16 / Can you speak to the Evaluation Criteria and how the incumbent will be evaluated in regard to having the preexisting stations already in place? / The City will evaluate based on the actual system size that will be realized, which is dependent on the amount of money out of the City’s $5 million investment that can be directed to the purchase of new stations.
Contact information for individuals interested in participating via Conference Call in the Optional Question and Answer session scheduled for Friday,June 10, 2016 at 10:00AM (Pacific) is as follows:
Join Skype Meeting
This is an online meeting for Skype for Business, the professional meetings and communications app formerly known as Lync.
Join by phone
206-386-1200 (US) English (United States)
844-386-1200 (US) English (United States)
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Conference ID: 2091017
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14 / 6/6/16 / N/A /


Replace item 7 in its entirety with the following new paragraph
7. Proposal Response: This is a mandatory submittal.
Elements of this response will be scored or ranked by the Evaluation Committee. Questions that must be answered are provided in the following sections titled, “Proposal Response – Required Questions”. Put all financial and pricing information in your responses to the Financial questions only and submit separately from your Technical proposal. Links to the Financial Proposal templates are provided following the first paragraph in Sections 10.4 and 10.5. If you are proposing two financial models, please submit two clearly labelled financial proposals, identifying one as “Financial Model A” and one as “Financial Model B” to match your Technical Proposal.
15 / 6/6/16 / N/A /


NOTE: Do not include any financial or pricing information in your responses to the Technical Questions. Please put all such financial or pricing information in your responses to the Financial Questions only and submit the Financial and pricing information separately from the Technical portion of your proposal.
16 / 6/6/16 / N/A /


Replace the first lead introductory paragraph in its entirety with the new paragraph
In this Section, the Respondent must provide answers to all of the following questions. If you are proposing two financial models and your response to any of these questions depends on the financial model, please provide two responses to the question, with only the associated financial model clearly labelled. For instance, “response for Financial Model A” or “response for Financial Model B” NOTE: With the exception of labelling a response for a specific financial model A or B, do not include any financial or pricing information in your responses to the Technical Questions. Please put all such financial or pricing information in your responses to the Financial Questions only and submit the Financial and pricing information separately from the Technical portion of your proposal.
Replace the first paragraph in its entirety with the following new paragraph.
In this Section, the Respondent must provide answers to the following required financial questions. Put all financial and pricing information in your responses to the Financial questions only and submit separately from your Technical proposal. A template is provided for submission of pricing information. Please use the template as a guide for your response, as possible. If you are proposing two financial models, please submit two clearly labelled financial proposals, identifying one as “Financial Model A” and one as “Financial Model B” to match your Technical Proposal.
Replace the first paragraph in its entirety with the following new paragraph.
In this Section, the Respondent must provide answers to the following required financial questions. Put all financial and pricing information in your responses to the Financial questions only and submit separately from your Technical proposal. A template is provided for submission of pricing information. Please use the template as a guide for your response, as possible. If you are proposing two financial models, please submit two clearly labelled financial proposals, identifying one as “Financial Model A” and one as “Financial Model B” to match your Technical Proposal.
19 / 6/6/16 / N/A / Section 10.4 FINANCIAL QUESTIONS-EQUIPMENT
Replace the template in its entirety

Replace the template in its entirety

21 / 6/9/16 / 6/27/16 / Who is responsible for disposition (sale or transfer) of the existing equipment if City decides to choose different equipment? Since the City owns the equipment and has the relationships with the original grant funders, it seems to make sense for the City to handle the disposition. / The City will be responsible for the sale or transfer of the existing equipment if the Contracted Vendor uses incompatible equipment. The City will retain ownership of the stations throughout the process. The City will be responsible for any obligations, financial or otherwise, to the grantors.
The Contracted Vendor will be responsible for removing stations and preparing stations for shipping, as needed, including costs. All third party shipping costs will be the responsibility of the City.
The City will be responsible for finding a buyer for the equipment. The Contracted Vendor may provide suggestions or support.
22 / 6/9/16 / 6/27/16 / Who will be responsible (bear the costs) for removal of the existing equipment and shipping it to a new location? / As noted in item 21, the Contracted Vendor will be responsible for removing stations and preparing stations for shipping, as needed, including costs if different equipment is chosen. All third party shipping costs will be the responsibility of the City.
23 / 6/9/16 / 7/08/16 / How will the City value the existing equipment for purposes of comparing bids that do not utilize the existing equipment? / The City will evaluate based on the actual system size that will be realized, which is dependent on the amount of money out of the City’s $5 million investment that can be directed to the purchase of new stations.
24 / 6/9/16 / The RFP states that “grant agreementsmayrequire the Contracted Vendor to pay grantors back if equipment is removed.” If the successful bidder is to assume this risk, we need to understand what would likely trigger this obligation.
A. What are the circumstances that would trigger an obligation to repay the grantors?
  • B. What is the total amount of the original state and federal grants?
C. Can the existing equipment potentially be transferred to another municipality in the Seattle area? Can it be transferred to a jurisdiction outside the state of Washington?
D. Must the existing equipment be transferred to another jurisdiction intact, or can it be transferred in parts?
E. The City has stated that the grant-funded stations cannot be sold for compensation, but that is presumably not the case if the grant amounts are repaid? Do the stations become freely transferable if the original grants are repaid? / The Contracted Vendor, per this Addendum, does not need to assume the risk of paying back grantors. The City will maintain this responsibility.
For purposes of transparency, and to provide further clarity for question 23, we have been in communication with the FTA and believe that selling the equipment is the best option financially, as revenue from selling the equipment can offset any liability.
  1. N/A given the City is now responsible for the sale.
  2. Total grant amount FTA - $1M
Total grant amount WSDOT - $550,000
  1. Yes, the existing equipment can be sold to another municipality in Seattle or outside of the state of Washington.
  1. It is not clear as of now whether the existing equipment can be sold in parts.
  1. N/A given the City is now responsible for the sale.

25 / 6/9/16 / 6/27/16 / My firm is not a US owned firm so I do not have a US federal tax identifier required to register in the City of Seattle’s On-Line Business Directory (OBD). This is a required field. What do I insert in this number in order to complete my firm’s registration? / The City assumes your firm has its own unique tax or similar identifier that you can insert in the required federal tax id field in OBD. NOTE: If this number is less than nine (9) digits, add zeros (“0”) to the end until you reach the 9 digits. If it is more than 9 digits, only enter the first 9 digits.
26 / 6/27/16 / Consistent with the response provided to questions answered in addenda items 21 through 24 above, every reference within the RFP to the removal and disposition of existing equipment, consistent with grant requirements is supplemented with the following language:
The City will be responsible for the sale or transfer of the existing equipment if the Contracted Vendor uses incompatible equipment. The City will retain ownership of the stations throughout the process. The City will be responsible for any obligations, financial or otherwise, to the grantors.
References in the RFP include but are not limited to Section 2.1 Overview, 4.2 Transition, 6.1 General Equipment Requirements, 7.2 Transition, and10.3 item 27 (d).
Add the following sentence to the end of paragraph A.
The Certification Regarding Lobbying form can be found in Section 9.5 of this RFP.
Replace Section 9.5 in its entirety with the following:

Please be advised that this replacement revises the requirements for your proposal submittal. Additional certifications are required to be submitted with your proposal. Please review this new Section carefully. The new forms have been highlighted for easier reference.
Items 18 (d) and 19 both reference Question 18. Revise these references to Question 17.
Revise Item 29 (c) to read Section 7.6 instead of 7.1
Revise the reference to Question 18 in item 4 to read Question 17.
Revise the first paragraph of Round 2: Evaluation to read as follows:
The evaluation team will score the remaining proposals based on the criteria below. Those proposals that cluster within a competitive range in the opinion of the evaluation team shall continue to Round 3.
Revise the first paragraph of Round 3: City Council Review to read as follows:
The evaluation team will submit the highest ranked proposals from Round 2 to City Council for review and consideration.
34 / 6/28/16 / 7/08/16 / Is a crane truck needed to remove the stations or could a normal lift gate truck with dollies be used? / A crane truck is not required to move the current bike share stations on the street in Seattle. Stations can be moved using pallet jacks and a lift gate truck.
35 / 6/28/16 / 7/08/16 / Is there a company who is currently subcontracted for the helmet cleaning and redistribution services? If so, what is their name and how much do they charge? / No. There is not a subcontractor. The City has a single operations contract with Motivate, and their staff perform the helmet cleaning and redistribution.
36 / 6/28/16 / 7/08/16 / Can you please clarify if the current Helmet Dispensing Units will be usable if a different operator other than Motivate is chosen? / Yes. The helmet dispensing units could be used by a different operator other than Motivate. The paint/stickers on the exterior would likely need to be changed to match a new system. The lock boxes as well would likely need to be removed.
37 / 7/01/16 / 7/08/16 / It is our understanding that the FTA does not have the authority to fund bicycles (as opposed to station infrastructure) and, as a result, that bicycles would be considered outside of the scope of any FTA-funded project. Please clarify and/or confirm that i) the bicycles will not be funded by the FTA ii) the bicycles will not be considered part of scope the FTA-funded project and iii) the Buy America certification will not apply to bicycles. / Existing bikes were not purchased using FTA funds. Of the $5million to be invested as part of this project about $500,000 is FTA funded. Regardless of FTA Rules we do not have to apply the funds to the bicycles. It is up to the Proposers to determine applicability of the Buy America requirements.
38 / 7/01/16 / 7/08/16 / Are vendors able to include additional sections if it enhances their proposal? Or will vendors be discounted for going beyond the requested format? / Yes so long as all the questions are addressed as well.
39 / 7/01/16 / 7/08/16 / What assumptions should bidders make regarding the shutdown of the existing system if proposers are bidding with a replacement technology? Does the City wish to maintain the existing system in service as long as possible prior to switchover to the expanded system, in order to avoid disruption to existing members/users? Does the City wish to minimize any out-of-service period as much as possible? / Minimizing the disruption to the system is preferable. If the system shutdowns this means:
a) minimizing the length of time
b) limiting the time period to low-demand months and/or
c) compensating pre-paid members for their memberships.
Please also see section 4.2 in the RFP which reads “Transition – Contracted Vendor will provide an efficient transition for equipment and operations. That could include an option to shut the system down, as needed, for up to roughly six months during the transition, with some way to accommodate members who pre-paid in full for the year.”
40 / 7/07/16 / 7/08/16 / Can service vehicles for the program be purchased using funds from the 5 million / Yes. In the financial templates we have put vehicles as operations. You are free to make this change. The templates are intended as guidelines.
Revise the second paragraph under Federal Funding Requirements header to read as follows:
Construction (e.g., electrical hard wiring, trenching), as defined within FTA Circular 4220.1F, shall not be performed under this contract and shall be separately and competitively bid by the City, in conformance with City of Seattle and Federal procurement regulations and the 2014 City of Seattle Standard Specifications (Standard Specifications), which include but are not limited to legal requirements for contract bonding, DBE requirements, and state and federal prevailing wage requirements. These Standard Specifications, which can be accessed at the following link, also include technical specifications:

Note: Vendors must still provide pricing for station construction as part of the proposal.
42 / 7/08/16 / SECTION 3 BACKGROUND
Add the following sentences to the end of subparagraph 3.5 SPONSORS
The City reserves the right to execute a contract with the Successful Vendor to initiate the sponsorship services in advance of, or while the contract for remaining services is still under negotiation, if the City determines it is in its best interests. If a contract is executed for the sponsorship services, the remaining services will be added to that contract following completion of negotiations.